Money Mindset. Gold Jacob. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gold Jacob
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119136064
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information aimed at us (some of it is actually incomplete or wrong); most of it becomes noise. Ultimately, some of the noise works: it gets eyeballs on TV screens, clicks on websites, and sales at the newsstands – but, in reality, the deluge of information just confuses and frightens people. I hope to introduce you to a financial mindset that takes into consideration many of the risks and rewards that exist in the 21st century.

      This book contains many concepts that can help you take full ownership of your own financial situation. I will show you how to create and stick with a plan so you can grow, protect, and transfer your wealth to future generations.

      I don’t want to perpetuate misconceptions about investing or financial planning, that is, the delusion that a successful plan can be created overnight through market timing and hot stock tips. Instead, I want to help you to take a step back, looking toward the long term and recognizing what you need, want, and wish for from money. After such a reflection, designing a financial plan that accurately portrays what you want from life, and abiding by that plan long term, can be far easier to accomplish. Throughout the process, you will also learn ways to diversify your portfolio to help protect it from exposure to the forces of the markets.

      My overall goal for this book is to positively influence you to take more control over your financial life and move forward financially.. armed with a new Money Mindset.

      Who This Book Is For

      My intention was to write a book that benefits the general public. People of all ages, income levels, and financial experience can enjoy this quick, easy read. With that being said, the demographics that can benefit the most from Money Mindset are Gen-Xers and Millennials, some of whom are students of mine at Arizona State University. They have time on their side to be able to incorporate these concepts and have them work to their advantage.

      Our society lacks the proper financial education and urgency to plan and save to be able to utilize money as a tool and focus on long-term financial wellness. Here, I lay out the framework that can help get you started on the right path.


      Writing a book has many layers with the hope that each layer adds clarification and depth to the project. No layer can be rushed; it takes time to write meaningful and easy-to-read content.

      Money Mindset is what it is today because of countless people who committed their time and energy to bring this book into reality. I could not have done it alone. I have great appreciation to all those who contributed to this enormous project. Thank you so very much to everyone who listened to my early vision of Money Mindset and believed in the project.

      Of all the people in the world, no one has believed in me or supported me more than my high school sweetheart, and now wife, Sara Gold. Her neverending source of joy, love, and happiness is the fountain from which I get strength. Sara has given me countless gifts, but none greater than our three healthy children.

      I dedicate this book to my children Kelvin, Savanna, and Bella so they can take the wisdom contained in the book and apply it to their lives. Money does not bring happiness; you must find it within yourselves. Having financial wisdom, though, will help provide a financial game plan that can create financial stability so you can focus your attention on aspects of your life that are most important to you. I once heard that all we are to our children are memories. My hope is that your memories of me are filled with love, devotion, and valuable life lessons.

      To my parents, Bill and Sharon Gold, thank you for giving me life and for supporting me unconditionally. I often tell people that my mother taught me to love and my father taught me how to work and manage money. Thank you for giving me all the tools I have needed to reach my dreams. I am proud of our heritage and grateful to be your son. I love you both very much.

      Life has thrown my family many unexpected challenges, none greater than the loss of my big brother, Kelvin William Gold II. He will forever be remembered in my heart and I will forever look after and love his wife, Jill, and son, Wyatt.

      To Jill Gold: Your strength, devotion and love for Wyatt has inspired me to become a better person. I admire everything about you and cherish our relationship. I love you JMOG.

      To Wyatt Gold: Words can’t express how proud I am of you. Everytime I see you, you remind me more and more of your father. Your father always has and always will be my personal hero. You possess all of his outstanding qualities, and then some. I’ve enjoyed watching you grow up and can’t wait to be a continued part of your life. You can always count on me. I love you buddy.

      To Dr. Lisa Gold: Thank you for helping me understand the psychological aspects of decision making and how it can impact one’s life. You are the best big sister I could have ever asked for and I will always cherish the memories of our youth, especially “baby bird.” I love you.

      To Mike Gold, founder of Gold Law Partners, LLP: Thank you for counseling me on the best ways to communicate the importance of estate planning. Taking a complicated topic and breaking it down in an easy-to-follow format is a testament to your knowledge of your field. Thank you also for being my big brother and always looking out for me. Even though we live on opposite ends of the country, I cherish every opportunity to see you. Our moments together always take me back to the wonderful adventures we had as boys. Love you, big bro.

      Thanks, love, and gratitude go to my in-laws, John and Sandy Whaley. Thank you for creating and raising your dear daughter, Sara. I never take her for granted and will always devote my life to her happiness.

      To my team at Jacob Gold & Associates, Inc., that supports me in providing investment strategies and financial guidance to all of my clients: Thank you to Sherry Kowitz, who has been with me since 2003, for devoting your professional life to my well-being. Your willingness to support the firm in any way needed has helped build the firm to what it is today. To Ida Chaidez, I could not imagine a sweeter person to greet all my clients as they call or visit the office. To Michael Cochell, it’s remarkable how similar we are. I have enjoyed working together and enjoy our deep philosophical discussions early in the morning before the rest of the team arrives. Your insights and opinions were carefully crafted into the message of Money Mindset. To Dave Scheur, you are a valuable business partner and a wonderful single father. Thank you for believing in me and the vision I have for the firm. Together we will accomplish great things. Your talent for breaking down processes to improve efficiencies has benefited this book and the firm.

      To my clients: Thank you for entrusting me to be your financial planner; it is a responsibility that I take very seriously. My hope is that you feel special and cared for every time we communicate. It is an honor getting to know your story and helping you accomplish your financial goals. Please know that my team and I will always put our best foot forward to help you in any way we can.

      To Maggie Dietrich at Voya Financial: Several years ago, I was approached to join a team of four independent financial planners who would be later named Voya Retirement Coaches. The team would be the voice of the independent financial planner for the Voya Financial Advisors broker dealer. I am proud to be associated with that team, with you as our leader. Thank you for believing in Money Mindset and for helping me find my inner voice. As editor of Money Mindset, you have polished my writing and have helped appropriately frame my ideology. Your insights, creativity, loyalty, and devotion are extremely inspiring.

      To Sydney LeBlanc, my writing coach and collaborator: Without you this project would have never gotten to paper, it would still be floating around in my head. Thank you for your patience with me as I was figuring out my message. When we first met, I felt that you were a special soul and that we would work well together. Fast-forward to present day, and I am glad that I trusted my intuition: You are everything I hoped and more. Thank you, Syd!

      To Doug Coté, Chief Market Strategist at Voya Investment Management: Thank you for agreeing to write such an impactful foreword to Money Mindset. I have found your economic forecasts to be accurate and very insightful. Your perspective on tectonic shifts within the energy field was extremely helpful as I was researching the economic impact of North America becoming energy independent. Thank you showing interest in my literary works and wanting to contribute your insights.

      To Neal Thompson, President of Thompson