✔ Skim through Chapter 3 if you’ve already done a little computer programming.
✔ Start concentrating at Chapter 4, even if you have experience with other languages such as BASIC.
✔ You can stop reading after Chapter 20 if you’re starting to feel saturated. Chapter 21 opens up the new topic of object-oriented programming – you don’t want to take that on until you feel really comfortable with what you’ve learned so far.
✔ You can skip any of the TechnicalStuff icons.
Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies is split into seven parts. You don’t have to read it sequentially, and you don’t even have to read all the sections in any particular chapter. You can use the Table of Contents and the Index to find the information you need and quickly get your answer. In this section, I briefly describe what you’ll find in each part.
Part I: Getting Started with C++ Programming
This part describes what programs are and how they work. Using a fictitious tire-changing computer, I take you through several algorithms for removing a tire from a car to give you a feel for how programs work. You also get Code::Blocks up and running on your computer before leaving this part.
Part II: Writing a Program: Decisions, Decisions
This part introduces you to the basics of programming with C++. You find out how to declare integer variables and how to write simple expressions. You’ll even discover how to make decisions within a program – a small step closer to expertise – by the time you finish this part.
Part III: Becoming a Procedural Programmer
Here you learn how to direct the flow of control within your programs. You’ll find out how to loop, how to break your code into modules (and why), and how to build these separate modules back into a single program. At the end of this part, you’ll be able to write real programs that actually solve problems.
Part IV: Data Structures
This part expands your knowledge of data types. Earlier sections of the book are limited to integers; in this part, you work with characters, decimals, and arrays; and you even get to define your own types. Finally, this is the part where you master the most-dreaded topic, the C++ pointer.
Part V: Object-Oriented Programming
This is where you expand your knowledge into object-oriented techniques, the stuff that differentiates C++ from its predecessors, most notably C. (Don’t worry if you don’t know what object-oriented programming is – you’ll get there.) You’ll want to be comfortable with the material in Parts I through IV before jumping into this part, but you’ll be a much stronger programmer by the time you finish it.
Part VI: Advanced Strokes
This is a collection of topics that are important but didn’t fit in the earlier parts. For example, here’s where I discuss how to create, read to, and write from files.
Part VII: The Part of Tens
This part includes lists of what to do (and what not to do) when programming to avoid creating bugs needlessly. In addition, this part includes some advice about what topics to study next, should you decide to expand your knowledge of C++.
What’s a For Dummies book without icons pointing you in the direction of really great information that’s sure to help you along your way? In this section, I briefly describe each icon I use in this book.
Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies, Second Edition includes the following goodies online for easy download:
✔ The source code for all of the examples in the book can be downloaded from www.dummies.com/extras/beginningprogrammingcplusplus. The programs are organized by chapter number. I’ve included a project file for Code::Blocks (more about Code::Blocks in the next bullet point, and I explain project files in Chapter 2).
✔ This book uses the free, open source Code::Blocks environment and GCC C++ compiler. The version of Code::Blocks used in writing this book (Version13.12) is available for download at www.dummies.com/extras/beginningprogrammingcplusplus. I have included versions for Windows (2000 and later) and for Macintosh (10.6 and later). Chapter 2 includes instructions for how to download and install Code::Blocks. You can find newer versions of Code::Blocks and versions for different versions of Linux at www.codeblocks.org/downloads/binaries.
✔ Updates to this book, if I have any, are also available at www.dummies.com/extras/beginningprogrammingcplusplus.
✔ A cheat sheet that provides some useful programming aids is available at www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/beginningprogrammingcplusplus.
You can find a set of errata and Frequently Asked Questions for this and all my books at www.stephendavis.com. You will also find a link to my email address there. Feel free to send me your questions and comments (that’s how I learn). It’s through reader input that these books can improve.
Now you’ve stalled long enough, it’s time to turn to Chapter 1 and start discovering how to program!
Part I
Getting Started with C++ Programming
In this part …