Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 2, July, 1850.. Various. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Various
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
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eldest sister had so engaged my attention that the younger one appeared to think I had neglected her, and she timidly requested that, as I had seen all Zuleica's beautiful things, I would look at some of hers also. Accordingly, she began showing me her dolls, meanwhile relating to me in her lingua franca the history of each. These dolls were attired in the costumes of Moorish ladies, and little Gumara assured me that the dresses were all her own making. After I had admired them, and complimented Gumara on her taste, she told me with an air of mystery that she had yet one thing more to show. So saying, she produced a doll with a huge black beard and fierce countenance, and dressed completely in imitation of the Sultan. While I was engaged in admiring it, Sidi Mahmoud entered. He had heard that I could speak Italian, and he came to have a little conversation with me about Italy, a country with which he is acquainted, and in which he has himself traveled much. The father's unexpected appearance dismayed the young ladies, who colored deeply while they endeavored to hide the miniature effigy of the Sultan. I afterward learned that Zuleica and her sister are brought up under such rigorous restraint, that even the possession of a doll in male attire is a thing prohibited. —Leaves from a Lady's Diary.

      The works of men of genius alone, where great faults are united with great beauties, afford proper matter for criticism. Genius is always executive, bold, and daring; which at the same time that it commands attention, is sure to provoke criticism. It is the regular, cold, and timid composer who escapes censure and deserves praise. —Sir Joshua Reynolds.

[From Household Words.]


      They judge not well, who deem that once among us

      A Spirit moved that now from earth has fled;

      Who say that at the busy sounds which throng us,

      Its shining wings forevermore have sped.

      Not all the turmoil of the Age of Iron

      Can scare that Spirit hence; like some sweet bird

      That loud harsh voices in its cage environ,

      It sings above them all, and will be heard!

      Not, for the noise of axes or of hammers,

      Will that sweet bird forsake her chosen nest;

      Her warblings pierce through all those deafening clamors

      But surer to their echoes in the breast.

      And not the Past alone, with all its guerdon

      Of twilight sounds and shadows, bids them rise;

      But soft, above the noontide heat and burden

      Of the stern present, float those melodies.

      Not with the baron bold, the minstrel tender,

      Not with the ringing sound of shield and lance,

      Not with the Field of Gold in all its splendor,

      Died out the generous flame of old Romance.

      Still, on a nobler strife than tilt or tourney,

      Rides forth the errant knight, with brow elate;

      Still patient pilgrims take, in hope, their journey;

      Still meek and cloistered spirits "stand and wait."

      Still hath the living, moving world around us,

      Its legends, fair with honor, bright with truth;

      Still, as in tales that in our childhood bound us,

      Love holds the fond traditions of its youth.

      We need not linger o'er the fading traces

      Of lost divinities; or seek to hold

      Their serious converse 'mid Earth's green waste-places,

      Or by her lonely fountains, as of old:

      For, far remote from Nature's fair creations,

      Within the busy mart, the crowded street,

      With sudden, sweet, unlooked-for revelations

      Of a bright presence we may chance to meet;

      E'en now, beside a restless tide's commotion,

      I stand and hear, in broken music, swell

      Above the ebb and flow of Life's great ocean,

      An under-song of greeting and farewell.

      For here are meetings: moments that inherit

      The hopes and wishes, that through months and years

      Have held such anxious converse with the spirit,

      That now its joy can only speak in tears;

      And here are partings: hands that soon must sever,

      Yet clasp the firmer; heart, that unto heart,

      Was ne'er so closely bound before, nor ever

      So near the other as when now they part;

      And here Time holds his steady pace unbroken,

      For all that crowds within his narrow scope;

      For all the language, uttered and unspoken,

      That will return when Memory comforts Hope!

      One short and hurried moment, and forever

      Flies, like a dream, its sweetness and its pain,

      And, for the hearts that love, the hands that sever,

      Who knows what meetings are in store again?

      They who are left, unto their homes returning,

      With musing step, trace o'er each by-gone scene;

      And they upon their journey – doth no yearning,

      No backward glance, revert to what hath been?

      Yes! for awhile, perchance, a tear-drop starting,

      Dims the bright scenes that greet the eye and mind;

      But here – as ever in life's cup of parting —

      Theirs is the bitterness who stay behind!

      So in life's sternest, last farewell, may waken

      A yearning thought, a backward glance be thrown

      By them who leave: but oh! how blest the token,

      To those who stay behind when THEY are gone!


      Come, soft sleep!

      Bid thy balm my hot eyes meet —

      Of the long night's heavy stillness,

      Of the loud clock's ceaseless beat,

      Of the weary thought of illness,

      Of the room's oppressive heat —

      Steep me in oblivion deep,

      That my weary, weary brain,

      May have rest from all its pain;

      Come, oh blessedness again, —

      Come, soft sleep!

      Come, soft sleep!

      Let this weary tossing end,

      Let my anguished watch be ceasing,

      Yet no dreams thy steps attend,

      When thou bring'st from pain releasing.

      Fancies wild to rest may lend

      Sense of waking misery deep,

      Calm as death, oh, on me sink,

      That my brain may quiet drink,

      And neither feel, nor know, nor think.

      Come, soft sleep!

W. C. Bennett.