“How will it do?” inquired Zeph, at the conclusion of the performance.
“You have got the elements of the profession in mind,” said Ralph guardedly, “but there is the practical end of the business to learn.”
Then Ralph seriously and earnestly told his visitor the real facts of the case. He devoted a full hour to correcting Zeph’s wrong impressions of detective and railroad work. By the time he got through, Zeph’s face was glum.
“Why, if what you say is true,” he remarked dejectedly, “I’m next to being good for nothing.”
“Oh, no,” said Ralph, “don’t you be discouraged at all. You have the starting point of every ambition – an idea. I myself do not think much of the detective line for one as young as you are. As to railroading, I can tell you one fact.”
“What’s that?” interrogated Zeph dreamily.
“You must begin at the bottom of the ladder and take one step at a time – slow steps, sure steps, to reach the top.”
“You’re a fireman, aren’t you?” asked Zeph, admiringly.
Ralph answered that he was, and this led to his relating to the curious and interested Zeph the story of his career from roundhouse worker and switch tower man to the present position.
“It’s fascinating, ain’t it?” said Zeph, with a long-drawn breath, when Ralph concluded his recital. “I reckon I’ll give up the detective idea. Can you help me get a position in the roundhouse?”
“I am willing to try,” assented Ralph. “You are strong and used to hard work, and that means a good deal in the roundhouse service.”
Ralph suggested a stroll before bedtime. Zeph was glad for the exercise. Once they were outside, Ralph broached a subject he had been thinking over all the evening.
“Zeph,” he said, “I want to ask you a very important question.”
“What is that?”
“You remember the day I kept your team for you?”
“I’ll never forget it.”
“You missed a package that had been under the feed bags when you came to leave town?”
“Yes, and that’s why I am here,” said Zeph. “Old Ames was almost ready to discharge me for letting those men at the hotel give me drink I had never tasted before and getting in that fix you found me in, and for losing some of the apples, but when he found out that I had lost that package, he was nearly wild.”
“Was there something so valuable in it, then?”
“I dunno. I only know I was told to be sure I kept it hidden and safe till it was delivered to a fellow named Evans in town here.”
“Jim Evans?”
“Yes, that’s the full name.”
Ralph looked pretty serious.
“You see, old Ames himself didn’t send the package,” went on Zeph. “It was brought to the house by a fellow who had hired a team from Ames one day last week. Dunno who he is, dunno where he lives, but I can describe him, if you are interested.”
“I am interested, very much so,” assented Ralph.
Zeph went on to describe the person he had alluded to. By the time he had concluded, it was evident to Ralph that the sender of the package was Ike Slump.
The young fireman took Zeph back to the house but did not enter it himself.
“I will be back soon, Zeph,” he said, “I have some business down town.”
Ralph went at once to the home of Bob Adair.
“Want to see me, Fairbanks?” questioned the brisk, wide-awake railroad detective, as Ralph was shown into the room where he was busily engaged in packing a satchel.
“Yes, Mr. Adair, about the silk robbery.”
“Oh, that mystery,” nodded the detective. “I spent two days on it, and didn’t find a clew.”
“I had one, but failed to find you,” explained Ralph. “I’ll tell you all about it now.”
“Quick work, then, Fairbanks,” went on Adair, “for I’m due for a special to the city. Big case from the General Superintendent.”
Ralph rapidly related all he had learned. Adair listened intently. He reflected for a moment or two after the young fireman had finished his recital. Then he said:
“Fairbanks, this is of great importance, but I can’t neglect the city case. You helped me on another similar case once.”
“Yes,” said Ralph.
“Also aided me in running down those switch tower wreckers.”
Ralph nodded.
“Good work, and you did nobly in those affairs. Let me think. Yes, I’ll do it! Here, I want you to go straight to the Assistant Superintendent at Afton.”
“You mean to-night?”
“Right away. I will give you a letter. No, hold on, I’ve got a better plan.”
Again Adair consulted his watch. Bustlingly he hurried through with his preparations for departure. Then he left the house, swung down the street briskly, and, Ralph accompanying him, proceeded to the railroad depot.
He wrote out a long telegram and handed it to the night operator. Then he came back to Ralph.
“See here, Fairbanks,” he remarked. “I’ve fixed this thing as I want it, and you are one of the few persons I would trust in a matter like this.”
“Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Adair.”
“I know your ability from past experience. It won’t do to neglect following this clew to the silk robbers. I have wired the assistant superintendent for an official request that you be detailed on special duty in my department. Wait here for the reply. Then start out on the trail of those thieves, and report to me day after to-morrow, when I shall return to Stanley Junction.”
“All right,” said Ralph, “I may be able to accomplish something.”
“I think you will, judging from your present success in assisting me,” said Adair.
Ralph had to wait nearly an hour after Adair had left on a special. Then a reply came to the telegram. The operator, as instructed by Adair, handed the message to Ralph. It read:
“Fairbanks, freight fireman, detailed for special work in another department.”
“It’s all right,” said Ralph to himself, as he started homewards. “Now to trace down Ike Slump and the other train robbers.”
The young fireman reported at the roundhouse early in the morning, showing the telegram to Jim Forgan, but not until the foreman had got out of sight and hearing of the other men in the place.
“H’m!” commented Forgan laconically, “I don’t like this.”
“Indeed, Mr. Forgan?” smiled Ralph.
“I don’t, and that’s the truth of it – for two reasons.”
“What are they, Mr. Forgan?”
“First, it interrupts a regular run for you.”
“But I may not be away two days.”
“Next, it gives that Jim Evans a chance to take your place, and I don’t trust the man.”
“Neither do I,” said Ralph pointedly, “and I may have something important to tell you about him when I return.”
Ralph found Zeph industriously chopping