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Автор: Сборник статей
Издательство: Алетейя
Жанр произведения: Культурология
Год издания: 2017
isbn: 978-5-906860-98-9
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the influence of the Irish legends (De Moccaib Conaire and De Sil Chonairi Mór) on Senchus and lays special emphasis on their adaptation in the newly articulated foundation story of Dal Riata.

      Keywords: Dark Age Scotland, Dal Riata, Gaelic kindreds; foundation legend; ethnic scenario.


      1. Беда Достопочтенный. Церковная история народа англов / Пер. В. В. Эрлихмана. СПб: Алетейя, 2001. URL: http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/rus5/Beda/frametextl.htm (дата обращения – 01.06.2015)

      2. Федоров С. Я., Паламарчук А. А. Средневековая Шотландия. СПб.: Дмитрий Буланин, 2014. 352 с.

      3. Amra Choluim Grille // Vernam E. Arnra Choluim Grille // Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. 1961. Vol.28. P. 242–51.

      4. Amra Choluimb Grille // Stokes W. The Bodleian Amra Choluimb Grille // Revue Celtique. 1899. Vol. 20. P. 31–55.

      5. Bannerman J. Studies in the History of Dalriada. Edinburgh: Scottish Acedemic Press, 1974. 178 p.

      6. Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People / ed. by B. Colgrave & R. Mynors. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1969. 618 p.

      7. Cetri prímchenéla Dál Riata // Dumville D. Cetri prímchenéla Dál Riata // Scottish Gaelic Studies. 2000. Vol.20. P. 175–183.

      8. De Moccaib Conaire //Gwynn L. De Moccaib Conaire // Ériu. 1912. Vol. 6. P. 144–152;

      9. De SíL Chonairi Mór//Gwynn L. De SíL ChonairiMór//Ériu. 1912. Vol. 12. P. 130–142;

      10. Dumville D. Ireland and North Britain in the Earlier Middle Ages: Context for Miniugud Senchusa Fher nAlban 11 Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 2000: Papers Read at the Conference Scottish Gaelic Studies 2000 Held at the University of Aberdeen 2–4 August 2000 / ed. by C. Baoill & N. McGuire. Aberdeen: An Clo Gaidhealach, 2002. P. 185–212.

      11. Dumville D. Political Organization of Dal Riata // Tome. Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards/ ed. by F. Edmonds & P. Russell. Woodbridge, Rochester: Boydell Press, 2011. P. 41–52.

      12. Follet W. Céli Dé in Ireland. Monastic Writing and Identity in Early Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Rochester: Boydell Press, 2006. 253 p.

      13. Fraser J. From Caledonia to Pictland. Scotland to 795. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.436 p.

      14. Irish Liber Hymnorum / Ed. by J. Bernard. London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1898. In 2 vol.

      15. Life of St. Fechin of Fore // Strokes W. Life of St. Fechin of Fore // Revue Celtique. 1891. Vol. 12. P. 318–353.

      16. Nieke M., Duncan H. Dalriada: the Establishment and Maintenance of an Early Historic Kingdom in Northern Britain // Power and Politics in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland / ed. by S. Driscoll & M. Nieke. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1988. P. 6–21.

      17. Poem in Praise of Columb Cille // Fergus K. A Poem in Praise of Columb Cille // Ériu. 1973. Vol. 24. P. 1–34.

      18. Senchus Fer n-Alban // Bannerman J. Senchus Fer n-Alban // Celtica. 1966. Vol. 7. P. 154–159.

      19. Sharpe R. The Thriving of Dalriada / / Kings, Clerics and Chronicle in Scotland, 500-1297: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson on Occasion of Her Ninetieth Birthday / ed. by S. Taylor. Dublin: Four Court Press, 2000. P. 47–61

      20. The Annals of Innisfallen: (ms. Rawlinson B. 503) / ed. by S. Mac Airt. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1977. 596 p.

      21. The Yellow Book of Lecan: a collection of pieces (prose and verse) in the Irish language, in part compiled at the end of the fourteenth century / ed by R. Atkinson. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy House, 1896. 468 p.


      1. “Amra Choluim Chille” in Vernam Hull. “Amra Choluim Chille”, Zeitschrift fiir celtische Philologie 28 (1961). P. 242–51.

      2. “Amra Choluimb Chille” in Stokes Whitley. “The Bodleian Amra Choluimb Chille”, Revue Celtique 20 (1899). P. 31–55.

      3. Beda Dostopochtennij. Zerkovnaja istorija naroda anglov, transl. Vadim Erlikhman. Saint Petersburg: Aleteja Publ., 2001. http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/rus5/Beda/frametextl.htm (date of access: 01.06.2015) (in Russian)

      4. Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, ed. Bertram Colgrave, Roger Mynors. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1969. 618 p.

      5. Bannerman John. Studies in the History of Dalriada. Edinburgh: Scottish Acedemic Press, 1974.178 р.

      6. “Cetri prímchenéla Dál Riata” in Dumville David. “Cetri prímchenéla Dál Riata”, Scottish Gaelic Studies 20 (2000). P. 175–183.

      7. “De Moccaib Conaire” in Gwynn Lucius. “De Moccaib Conaire”, Eriu 6 (1912). P. 144–152.

      8. “De Síl Chonairi Mór” in Gwynn Lucius “De Sil Chonairi Mór”, Ériu 12 (1912). P. 130–142.

      9. Dumville David. “Ireland and North Britain in the Earlier Middle Ages: Context for Miniugud Senchusa Fher nAlban” in Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 2000: Papers Read at the Conference Scottish Gaelic Studies 2000 Held at the University of Aberdeen 2–4 August 2000, ed. Colm Ó Baoill and Nancy McGuire. Aberdeen: An Clo Gaidhealach, 2002. P. 185–212.

      10. Dumville David. “Political Organization of Dal Riata” in Tome. Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards, ed. Fiona Edmonds, Paul Russell. Woodbridge, Rochester: Boydell Press, 2011. P. 41–52.

      11. Fyodorov Sergej, Palamarchuk Anastasija. Srednevekovaya Shotlandia. Saint Petersburg: Dmitrij Bulanin, 2014. 352 p. (in Russian)

      12. Follet Westley. Cíli Dé in Ireland. Monastic Writing and Identity in Early Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Rochester: Boydell Press, 2006. 253 p.

      13. Fraser James. From Caledonia to Pictland. Scotland to 795. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.436 p.

      14. Irish Liber Hymnorum, ed. John Bernard. London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1898. In 2 vol.

      15. “Life of St. Fechin of Fore” in Strokes Whitley. “Life of St. Fechin of Fore”, Revue Celtique 12(1891). P. 318–353.

      16. Nieke Margaret, Duncan Holly. “Dalriada: the Establishment and Maintenance of an Early Historic Kingdom in Northern Britain” in Power and Politics in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland, ed. Stephen Driscoll and Margaret Nieke. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1988. P. 6–21.

      17. “Poem in Praise of Columb Cille” in Fergus Kelly. “A Poem in Praise of Columb Cille”, Ériu 24 (1973). P. 1–34.

      18. “Senchus Fer n-Alban” in Bannerman John. “Senchus Fer n-Alban”, Celtica 7 (1966). P. 154–159.

      19. Sharpe Richard. “The Thriving of Dalriada” in Kings, Clerics and Chronicle in Scotland, 500-1297: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson on Occasion of Her Ninetieth Birthday, ed. Simon Taylor. Dublin: Four Court Press, 2000. P. 47–61.

      20. The Annals of Innisfallen: (ms. Rawlinson B. 503), ed. Séan Mac Airt. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1977. 596 p.

      21. The Yellow Book of Lecan: a collection of pieces (prose and verse) in the Irish language, in part compiled at the end of the fourteenth century, ed. Robert Atkinson. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy House, 1896. 468 p.

      Сакрализация терминологии власти у тюрков раннего Средневековья