A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. H Bohni. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: H Bohni
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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himself befouls himself.

      Chi si marita in fretta, stenta adagio. Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

      Chi si scusa, s’accusa. Who excuses himself accuses himself.

      Chi si scusa senz’esser accusato, fa chiaro il suo peccato. Who excuses himself without being accused makes his fault manifest.

      Chi soffia nella polvere, se ne empie gli occhi. He who blows upon dust fills his eyes with it.

      Chi sta a vedere, ha due terzi del gioco. He who looks on has two-thirds of the game.

      Chi sta bene, non si muova. Let him who is well off stay where he is.

      Chi tace, acconsente. Silence gives consent.

      Chi tardi arriva, mal alloggia. The late comer is ill lodged.

      Chi tocca la pece, s’imbratta. He who touches pitch defiles himself.

      Chi troppo abbraccia, nulla stringe. He who grasps too much holds nothing fast.

      Chi tutto nega, tutto confessa. He who denies all confesses all.

      Chi tutto vuole, tutto perde. All covet, all lose.

      Chi un ne castiga, cento ne minaccia. He who chastises one threatens a hundred.

      Chi va al mulino, s’infarina. He who goes to the mill gets befloured.

      Chi va, lecca, e chi sta, secca. Who moves picks up, who stands still dries up.

      Chi va piano, va sano, e chi va sano, va lontano. Who goes softly goes safely, and he that goes safely goes far.

      Chi va, vuole; chi manda, non se ne cura. Who goes himself is in earnest, who sends is indifferent.

      Chi vien dietro, serra l’uscio. The last comer shuts the door.

      Chi vive a minuto, fà le spese a’ suoi ed agli altri. He who buys by the pennyworth keeps his own house and other men’s too.

      Chi vive tra lupi, impara a urlare. He who lives among wolves learns to howl.

      Chi vuol amici assai, ne pruovi pochi. Who would have many friends let him test but few.

      Chi vuol ammazzar il suo cane, basta che dica ch’è arrabbiato. He who wants his dog killed has only to say he’s mad.

      Chi vuol andar salvo per lo mondo, bisogna aver occhio di falcone, orecchio d’asino, viso di scimia, bocca di porcello, spalle di camello, e gambe di cervo. To go safely through the world you must have the eye of a falcon, the ear of an ass, the face of an ape, the mouth of a pig, the shoulders of a camel, and the legs of a deer.

      Chi vuol arricchire in un anno, è impiccato in sei mesi. He who would be rich in a year gets hanged in six months.

      Chi vuol assai, non dimandi poco. He who wants a good deal must not ask for a little.

      Chi vuol con piacer mangiare, non veda cucinare. He who would relish his food must not see it cooked.

      Chi vuol dar al cane, trova facilmente il bastone. He that would beat his dog can easily find a stick.

      Chi vuol dell’acqua chiara, vada alla fonte. He who would have clear water should go to the fountain head.

      Chi vuol esser lungo tempo vecchio, bisogna cominciar a buon’ora. He who would be long an old man must begin betimes.

      Chi vuol esser mal servito tenga assai famiglia. He that would be ill served should keep plenty of servants.

      Chi vuol goder la festa, digiuni la vigilia. He who would enjoy the feast should fast on the eve.

      Chi vuol il lavoro mal fatto, paghi innanzi tratto. If you would have your work ill done, pay beforehand.

      Chi vuol molti amici, non n’ha nessuno. He that seeks to have many friends never has any.

      Chi vuol presto e ben, faccia da se. He that would have a thing done quickly and well must do it himself.

      Chi vuol Quaresima corta, faccia debiti da pagar a Pasqua. Who wishes for a short Lent let him contract debts to be paid at Easter.

      Chi vuol riposare, convien travagliare. He who would rest must work.

      Chi vuol saldar piaga, non la maneggi. He that would heal a wound must not handle it.

      Chi vuol turar la bocca a tutti, bisogna che abbia assai farina. He who would stop every man’s mouth must have a great deal of meal.

      Ciascuno ha un matto nella manica. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.

      Ci è chi vede male, e vorrebbe veder peggio. There are some who see ill, and would like to see worse.

      Cieco è l’occhio, se l’animo è distratto. The eye is blind if the mind is absent.

      Ciò che si usa, non ha scusa. That which is customary requires no excuse.

      Città affamata tosto è espugnata. A starved town is soon forced to surrender.

      Coda d’asino non fa crivello. An ass’s tail will not make a sieve.

      Cogli la rosa, e lascia star le spine. Pluck the rose and leave the thorns.

      Colle chiavi d’oro s’apre ogni porta. The golden key opens every door.

      Col tempo e con la paglia, si maturan le nespole. With time and straw medlars ripen.

      Col Vangelo si può diventare eretici. With the Gospel men may become heretics.

      Come l’arbore è caduto, ognun vi corre colla scure a far legna. When the tree is down every one runs to it with a hatchet to cut wood.

      Comincia a diventar cattivo chi si tien buono. He begins to grow bad who believes himself good.

      Compra il letto d’un gran debitore. Buy the bed of a great debtor.

      Con arte e con inganno si vive mezzo l’anno; con inganno e con arte si vive l’altra parte. With art and knavery we live through half the year; with knavery and art we live through the other. Con la pelle del cane si sana la morditura. With the skin of the dog its bite is cured.

      Con la voglia cresce la doglia. With wishing comes grieving.

      Con la volpe convien volpeggiare. With the fox one must play the fox.

      Conoscon gl’infelici quali siano i veri amici. The unfortunate know who are their real friends.

      Con poco cervello si governa il mondo. The world is governed with little brains.

      Contento io, contento il mondo. I being satisfied, the world is satisfied.

      Contesa vecchia tosto si fa nuova. An old quarrel is easily renewed.

      Contro amore non è consiglio. Counsel is nothing against love.

      Corpo satollo non crede al digiuno. The full belly does not believe in hunger.

      Corre lontano chi non torna mai. He runs far who never turns.

      Corta coda non para mosche. A short tail won’t keep off flies.

      Corte Romana non vuol pecora senza lana. The court of Rome likes not sheep without wool.

      Corvi con corvi non si cavan gli occhi. Ravens do not peck out ravens’ eyes.

      Cosa fatta capo ha. A thing done has a head. (The exultation of an ancient sculptor on his satisfactorily completing the head of his statue.)

      Costa men del don quel che si compra. What is bought is cheaper than a gift.

      Credenza è morta, il mal pagar l’uccise. Credit is dead, bad pay killed it.

      Credi al vantatore come al mentitore. Believe a boaster as you would a liar.

      Cuor forte rompe cattiva sorte. A stout heart overcomes ill fortune.

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