A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. H Bohni. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: H Bohni
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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faire un bon ménage, il faut que l’homme soit sourd et la femme aveugle. To make a happy couple, the husband must be deaf and the wife blind.

      Pour l’amour du chevalier baise la dame l’écuyer. For sake of the knight the lady kisses the squire.

      Pour néant demande conseil qui ne le veut croire. He asks advice in vain who will not follow it.

      Pour un moine l’abbaye ne faut point. The abbey does not fail for want of one monk.

      Pour un plaisir mille douleurs. For one pleasure a thousand pains.

      Prendre l’occasion aux cheveux. To take opportunity by the forelock.

      Prends le premier conseil d’une femme et non le second. Take a woman’s first advice and not her second.

      Près de l’église et loin de Dieu. The nearer the church the farther from God.

      Près du moustier à messe le dernier. The nearer the minster the later to mass.

      Promettre et tenir sont deux. Promising and performing are two things.

      Promettre plus de beurre que de pain. To promise more butter than bread.

      Puisque le vin est tiré il faut le boire. Since the wine is drawn it must be drunk.


      Quand Dieu envoie la farine le diable enlève le sac. When God sends flour the devil carries off the sack.

      Quand il n’y a point de vent chacun sait naviguer. When there is no wind every man is a pilot.

      Quand la cage est faite l’oiseau s’envole. When the cage is ready the bird is flown.

      Quand la fille est mariée il arrive assez de gendres. After the daughter is married, then come sons-in-law in plenty.

      Quand la porte est basse il faut se baisser. When the door is low one must stoop.

      Quand l’arbre est tombé tout le monde court aux branches. When the tree is down everybody runs to the branches.

      Quand l’aveugle porte la bannière, mal pour ceux qui marchent derrière. When the blind man carries the banner, woe to those who follow.

      Quand le chien se noye chacun lui porte de l’eau. When the dog is drowning every one brings him water.

      Quand le diable devient vieux il se fait ermite. When the devil grows old he turns hermit.

      Quand le diable dit ses patenôtres il veut te tromper. When the devil says his paternosters he means to cheat you.

      Quand le Français dort le diable le berce. When the Frenchman sleeps the devil rocks him.

      Quand les biens viennent les corps faillent. When goods increase the body decreases.

      Quand les paroles sont dites l’eau bénite est faite. When the words are said, the holy water is made.

      Quand on a des filles on est toujours berger. He who has daughters is always a shepherd.

      Quand on est bien il faut s’y tenir. When you are well off keep as you are.

      Quand on est mort, c’est pour longtemps. When one is dead, it is for a long while.

      Quand on n’a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a. When one has not what one likes, one must like what one has.

      Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue. Talk of the wolf and you see his tail.

      Quand tous péchés sont vieux l’avarice est encore jeune. When all other sins are old avarice is still young.

      Quand vient la gloire s’en va la mémoire. When glory comes memory departs.

      Que ta chemise ne sache ta guise. Let not your shirt know your way of thinking.

      Qui a bonne tête ne manque pas de chapeaux. A good head does not want for hats.

      Qui a bu boira. He who has drunk will drink.

      Qui a compagnon a maître. He who has a companion has a master.

      Qui a de l’argent a des pirouettes. He who has money has capers.

      Qui a froid souffle le feu. Let him who is cold blow the fire.

      Qui a honte de manger a honte de vivre. He that is ashamed to eat is ashamed to live.

      Qui aime Bertrand aime son chien. Love Bertrand love his dog.

      Qui aime bien châtie bien. Who loves well chastises well.

      Qui aime bien tard oublie. Who loves well is slow to forget.

      Qui a la bourse pleine prêche au pauvre. He who has his purse full preaches to the poor man.

      Qui a tête de cire ne doit pas s’approcher du feu. He that hath a head of wax must not approach the fire.

      Qui attend les souliers d’un mort risque d’aller pieds nus. He who waits for a dead man’s shoes is in danger of going barefoot.

      Qui cache peut trouver. He that hides can find.

      Qui casse les verres les paye. He pays for the glasses who breaks them.

      Qui cesse d’être ami ne l’a jamais été. He never was a friend who has ceased to be one.

      Qui chapon mange chapon lui vient. Who eats capon, capon comes to him.

      Qui choisit, prend le pire. He who chooses takes the worst. (Pick and choose, and take the worst.)

      Qui commence et ne parfait, sa peine perd. He who begins and does not finish loses his labour.

      Qui compte sans son hôte, compte deux fois. He that reckons without his host must reckon again.

      Qui court deux lièvres, n’en prendra aucun. He that hunts two hares will catch neither.

      Qui crache contre le ciel, il lui tombe sur la tête. Who spits against heaven, it falls on his head.

      Qui craint de souffrir, souffre de crainte. He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear.

      Qui cuir voit tailler, courroye en demande. He who sees leather cut asks for a thong.

      Qui dit averti, dit muni. Forewarned, forearmed.

      Qui donner peut, il a maint bon voisin. He who can give has many a good neighbour.

      Qui doute ne se trompe point. Who doubts errs not.

      Qui écoute aux portes, entend plus qu’il ne désire. He who listens at doors hears more than he desires.

      Qui en dit du mal, veut l’acheter. He who dispraises a thing, wants to buy it.

      Qui épargne, gagne. Saving is getting.

      Qui épargne le vice, fait tort à la vertu. He who spares vice wrongs virtue.

      Qui est avec les loups, il lui faut hurler. He who kennels with wolves must howl.

      Qui est bien, qu’il s’y tienne. Whose is well let him keep so.

      Qui est sur la mer, il ne fait pas des vents ce qu’il veut. He who is at sea does not direct the winds.

      Qui femme a, noise a. He that hath a wife is sure of strife.

      Qui femme croit et âne mène, son corps ne sera jamais sans peine. He who trusts a woman and leads an ass will never be free from plague.

      Qui gagne, joue bien. He plays well that wins.

      Qui juge entre deux amis, perdra l’un ou l’autre. He who judges between two friends loses one of them.

      Qui mal cherche, mal trouve. Harm watch harm catch.

      Qui mange de l’oye du roi,