Akiva and Rachel. One of the greatest love stories of all time. Gertcel Davydov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gertcel Davydov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785448518966
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      * According to Jewish Chronology; 70 a.d.


      * In Hebrew there is no equivalent to the formal version of «you» when addressing a person in the singular.


      * Galilee is a historical region in the north of Israel.


      * Akiva Ben Yosef – lit. «Akiva son of Joseph’.


      * A Ger is a descendant of a non-Jew, converted to Judaism.


      * Am-aarets, lit. ’people of the earth’, the ignorant, common people.


      * Kalba Savua lit. ’the satiated dog’.


      * Month Av is the fifth month in the Hebrew calendar counting from the exodus from Egypt. It corresponds approximately to July-August.


      * 2 August year 70 A.D..


      * King Solomon (in Hebrew «Shlomo’) was the son of King David from Bat-Sheba, the third Jewish King. King Solomon is survived by his three books: «Shir a – shirim’ (Song of songs), «Mishlei’ (Proverbs of King Solomon) and «Kohelet’ (Ecclesiastes).


      * Yeshiva – literally ’a sitting’; a higher Jewish institution of religious learning.


      * The word «tzadik» is derived from the word «tzedek», which in Hebrew means «justice»; a person who strives to live by the laws of the Torah and help their neighbour.


      * Shabbat (Saturday) is the seventh day of the week in Judaism. According to the laws of the Torah, this is a day of rest. Shabbat begins on Friday evening and is considered the most important of all Jewish holidays.


      * the menorah, lit. «lamp’. A seven stemmed lamp (menorah) stood in the Jerusalem Temple; Since ancient times the menorah has been a symbol of Judaism; a Jewish religious attribute.


      * Rabbi Johanan ben Zakai was a prominent Rabbi and sage in the era of the destruction of the Second Temple, who headed the Sanhedrin in the city of Yavne.


      * Pesach is a Jewish spring festival celebrated to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt.


      * Beth-Lehem, literally «House of Bread’. In Russian «Vifleem’.


      * Hebron is one of the most ancient cities in the world and is situated not far from Jerusalem, 30 km to the south. The Jews consider Hebron a sacred city like Jerusalem, safed and Tiberias. On the edge of Hebron is Ma’arat HaMachpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs), where our forefathers and foremothers lie: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah.


      * Talmud, Yoma 9B.



* According to Jewish Chronology; 70 a.d.


* In Hebrew there is no equivalent to the formal version of «you» when addressing a person in the singular.


* Galilee is a historical region in the north of Israel.


* Akiva Ben Yosef – lit. «Akiva son of Joseph’.


* A Ger is a descendant of a non-Jew, converted to Judaism.


* Am-aarets, lit. ’people of the earth’, the ignorant, common people.


* Kalba Savua lit. ’the satiated dog’.


* Month Av is the fifth month in the Hebrew calendar counting from the exodus from Egypt. It corresponds approximately to July-August.


* 2 August year 70 A.D..


* King Solomon (in Hebrew «Shlomo’) was the son of King David from Bat-Sheba, the third Jewish King. King Solomon is survived by his three books: «Shir a – shirim’ (Song of songs), «Mishlei’ (Proverbs of King Solomon) and «Kohelet’ (Ecclesiastes).


* Yeshiva – literally ’a sitting’; a higher Jewish institution of religious learning.


* The word «tzadik» is derived from the word «tzedek», which in Hebrew means «justice»; a person who strives to live by the laws of the Torah and help their neighbour.


* Shabbat (Saturday) is the seventh day of the week in Judaism. According to the laws of the Torah, this is a day of rest. Shabbat begins on Friday evening and is considered the most important of all Jewish holidays.


* the menorah, lit. «lamp’. A seven stemmed lamp (menorah) stood in the Jerusalem Temple; Since ancient times the menorah has been a symbol of Judaism; a Jewish religious attribute.


* Rabbi Johanan ben Zakai was a prominent Rabbi and sage in the era of the destruction of the Second Temple, who headed the Sanhedrin in the city of Yavne.


* Pesach is a Jewish spring festival celebrated to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt.


* Beth-Lehem, literally «House of Bread’. In Russian «Vifleem’.


* Hebron is one of the most ancient cities in the world and is situated not far from Jerusalem, 30 km to the south. The Jews consider Hebron a sacred city like Jerusalem, safed and Tiberias. On the edge of Hebron is Ma’arat HaMachpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs), where our forefathers and foremothers lie: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah.


* Talmud, Yoma 9B.