Битва за Бога: История фундаментализма. Карен Армстронг. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Карен Армстронг
Издательство: Альпина Диджитал
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 978-5-9614-4568-8
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The Marrano of Reason, 17.


      Johnson, A History of the Jews, 217–225, в рус. переводе: Джонсон П. История евреев. – М.: Вече, 2007.


      Ibid., 217–225; Haim Maccoby, Judaism on Trial: Jewish Christian Debates in the Middle Ages (Princeton, N. J., 1982); Haim Beinart, Conversos on Trial: The Inquisition in Ciudad Real (Jerusalem, 1981), 3–6.


      Johnson, A History of the Jews, 225–229, в рус. переводе: Джонсон П. История евреев. – М.: Вече, 2007.


      Ibid., p. 230–231.


      Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (London, 1955), 246–249. В рус. переводе: Шолем Г. Основные течения в еврейской мистике. – М.; Иерусалим: Мосты культуры; Гешарим, 2004.


      Gershom Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi, The Mystical Messiah (London and Princeton, N. J., 1973), 118–119.


      Ibid., 19.


      Ibid., 30–45; Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 245–280, в рус. переводе: Шолем. Г. Основные течения в еврейской мистике. – М.; Иерусалим: Мосты культуры; Гешарим, 2004.; Gershom Scholem, "The Messianic Idea in Kabbalism," in Scholem, The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality (New York, 1971), 43–48.


      Johannes Sloek, Devotional Language (trans. Henrik Mossin; Berlin and New York, 1996), 73–76.


      Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi, 24.


      Ibid., 23–25; R. J. Werblowsky, "Messianism in Jewish History," in Marc Sapperstein (ed.), Essential Papers in Messianic Movements in Jewish History (New York and London, 1992), 48.


      Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi, 37–42.


      Richard L. Rubinstein, After Auschwitz: Radical Theology and Contemporary Judaism (Indianapolis, Ind., 1966)


      R. J. Werblowsky, "The Safed Revival and Its Aftermath," in Arthur Green (ed.), Jewish Spirituality, 2 vols. (London, 1986, 1989), II, 15–19.


      Gershom Scholem, On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism (New York, 1965), 150.


      Lawrence, Fine, "The Contemplative Practice of Yehudin in Lurianic Kabbalah," in Green (ed.), Jewish Spirituality II, 73–78.


      Ibid., p. 8990; Werblowsky, "The Safed Revival and Its Aftermath," 21–24; Louis Jacobs, "The Uplifting of Sparks in Later Jewish Mysticism," in Green (ed.), Jewish Spirituality II, 108–111.


      Werblowsky, "The Safed Revival and Its Aftermath,", 17; Jacob Katz, "Halakah and Kabbalah as Competing Disciplines of Study," in Green (ed.), Jewish Spirituality II, 52–53.


      Yovel, The Marrano of Reason, 91, 102


      Ibid., 26–27.


      Y. Baer, History of the Jews in Christian Spain (Philadelphia, 1961), 276–277.


      Yovel, The Marrano of Reason, 88–89.


      Ibid., 93.


      Рохас Ф. де. Селестина. – М., 1989. – Акт 27.


      Yovel, The Marrano of Reason, 18–19.


      Ibid., 19–24.


      Ibid., 54–57.


      Ibid., 51.


      Prologue, Epistola Invecta Contra Prado, quoted in Yovel, ibid., 51–52.


      Ibid., 53.


      Ibid., 75–76.


      Ibid., 42–51.


      Ibid., 57–73.


      Ibid., 4–13, 172–174.


      Спиноза Бенедикт. Богословско-политический трактат // Спиноза Б. Избр. произв.: В 2-х т. Т. 2. – М.: Госполитиздат, 1957.


      R. M. Silverman, Baruch Spinoza: Outcast Jew, Universal Sage (Northwood, U. K., 1995), 154–170.


      Ibid., 175–191.


      Yovel, The Marrano of Reason, 31–32.


      David Rudavsky, Modern Jewish Religious Movements: A History of Emancipation and Adjustments (New York, 1967), 28–33, 95.


      Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (New York and London, 1982), 24–45.


      Johnson, A History of the Jews, 259.


      Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi, 139.

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