Архетипическая психология. Джеймс Хиллман. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Джеймс Хиллман
Серия: Юнгианская психология
Жанр произведения: Психотерапия и консультирование
Год издания: 1979
isbn: 5-89353-186-8
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психологии во Флоренции (Донфранческо).


      Все ссылки на журнал Spring – An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought (Ежегодник Архетипической психологии и юнгианской мысли) – приводятся с указанием года издания и страницы.

      Ссылки на издание сочинений К. Г. Юнга «Collected Works», выпущенное издательствами Princeton University Press u Routledge and Kegan Paul (London), даны с аббревиатурой CW и с указанием соответствующих томов и параграфов.

      Allport Gordon. Becoming (The Terry Lectures). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

      Armstrong A. H. Some Advantages of Polytheism. Dionysius. 1981: 5, 181–188.

      Armstrong Robert P. The Affecting Presence. Urbanna: University of Illinois Press, 1971.

      Avens Robert. Imagination Is Reality: Western Nirvana in Jung, Hillman, Barfield and Cassirer. Spring Publications, 1980.

      Avens Robert. Heidegger and Archetypal Psychology. International Philosophical Quarterly, 1982а: 22, 183–202.

      Avens Robert. Imaginal Body: Para-Jungian Reflections on Soul, Imagination and Death. Washington, D. G: University Press of America, 1982b.

      Bachelard Gaston. L’ Air et les songes. Paris: Corti, 1943.

      Bedford Gary S. Notes on Mythological Psychology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1981: 49, 231–247.

      Berry Patricia.[20] On Reduction. Spring. 1973: 67–84.

      Berry Patricia. An Approach to the Dream. Spring. 1974: 58–79.

      Berry Patricia. The Rape of Demeter/Persephone and Neurosis. Spring. 1975: 186–198.

      Berry Patricia. Defense and Telos in Dreams. Spring. 1978a: 115–127.

      Berry Patricia. What’s the Matter with Mother? Pamphlet, London: Guild of Pastoral Psychology, 1978b.

      Berry Patricia. Virginities of Image. Paper: Dragonflies Conference on Virginity in Psyche, Myth, and Community, University of Dallas, 1979a.

      Berry Patricia. Echo’s Passion. Paper: Dragonflies Conference on Beauty in Psyche, Myth, and Community, University of Dallas, 1979b.

      Berry Patricia. The training of shadow and the shadow of training. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1981: 26, 221–228.

      Berry Patricia. Hamlet’s Poisoned Ear. Spring. 1982: 195–210.

      Boer Charles, trans. Marsilio Ficino: The Book of Life. Spring Publications, 1980.

      Boer Charles and Kugler Peter. Archetypal Psychology Is Mythical Realism. Spring. 1977: 131–152.

      Bregman Lucy. Religious Imagination: Polytheistic Psychology Confronts Calvin. Soundings. 1980: 63, 36–60.

      Casey Edward S. Toward an Archetypal Imagination. Spring. 1974: 1 – 32.

      Casey Edward S. Imagining: A Phenomenological Study. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1976.

      Casey Edward S. Time in the soul. Spring. 1979: 144–164.

      Casey Edward S. Getting Placed: Soul in Space. Spring. 1982: 1 – 25.

      Cazenave Michel. Science et Conscience. Paris: Stock, 1980.

      Christou Evangelos. The Logos of the Soul. Spring Publications, 1963.

      Cook Daniel J. Language in the Philosophy of Hegel, p. 62. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.

      Corbin Henry. L’Imagination creatrice dans le Soufisme d’ lbn Arabi. Paris: Flammarion, 1958 [in translation: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn’Arabi. Bollingen Series, vol. 91. Princeton University Press, 1969].

      Corbin Henry. En Islam iranien. 4 vols. Paris: Gallimard, 1971–1973.

      Corbin Henry. Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth. Bollingen Series. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.

      Corbin Henry . Avicenne et le recit visionnaire. Paris: Berg International, 2d ed., 1979 [in translation: Avicenna and the Visionary Recital. Spring Publications, 1980].

      Cowan Lyn. On Masochism. Spring. 1979: 42–54.

      Durand Gilbert. Les Structures anthropologiques de l’ imaginaire: introduction de Varchetypologie generate. Paris: Bordas, 6th ed., 1960,1979.

      Durand Gilbert. Science de Vhomme et tradition. Paris: Berg International, 1975.

      Durand Gilbert. Figures mythiques et visages de Voeuvre. Paris: Berg International, 1979.

      Frey-Wehrlin С. Т., Bosnak R. et al. «The Treatment of Chronic Psychosis». Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1978: 23, 253–257.

      Garufi Bianca. Reflections on the ‘rкve йvйillй dirigй’method. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1977: 22, 207–229.

      Giegerich Wolfgang. On the Neurosis of Psychology. Spring. 1977: 153–174.

      Giegerich Wolfgang. Busse fur Philemon: Vertiefung in das verdorbene Gast-Spiel der Gotter. In Eranos Jahrbuch. 1951–1982 (forthcoming).

      Goldenberg Naomi. Archetypal Theory after Jung. Spring. 1975: 199–220.

      Goldenberg Naomi. Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religion. Boston: Beacon, 1979.

      Grinnell Robert. Alchemy in a Modern Woman. Spring Publications, 1973.

      Guggenbuhl-Craig Adolf. Must Analysis Fail through Its Destructive Aspect? Spring. 1970: 133–145.

      Guggenbuhl-Craig Adolf. Macht als Gefahr beim Heifer. Basel: Karger, 1971 [in translation: Power in the Helping Professions. Spring Publications, 1971].

      Guggenbuhl-Craig Adolf. Analytical Rigidity and Ritual. Spring. 1972: 34–42.

      Guggenbuhl-Craig Adolf. Marriage – Dead or Alive. Spring Publications, 1977.

      Guggenbuhl-Craig Adolf. The Archetype of the Invalid and the Limits of Healing. Spring. 1979: 29–41.

      Hartman Gary V. Psychotherapy: An Attempt at Definition. Spring. 1980: 90 – 100.

      Hawkins Ernest. On Migraint – From Dionysos to Freud. Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology, 1979: 1, 46–69.

      Hillman James. Emotion: A comprehensive phenomenology of theories and their meanings for therapy. London: Routledge amp; Kegan Paul, I960.

      Hillman James. Suicide and the Soul. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1964 [reprinted: Spring Publications, 1976].

      Hillman James. Insearch: Psychology and Religion. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1967a [reprinted: Spring Publications, 1979].

      Hillman James. Senex and Puer. In Puer Papers, pp. 3 – 53. Spring Publications, 1979b.

      Hillman James. On Senex Consciousness. Spring. 1970a: 146–165.

      Hillman James. Why Archetypal’ Psychology? Spring. 1970b: 212–219.

      Hillman James. The Feeling Function.


Статьи Патриции Берри были позднее опубликованы в одном томе Echo’s Subtle Body, Dallas: Spring Publications, 1982.