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Автор: Максимилиан Гюбрис
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785448308772
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whate’er the mountains stayed

      As the myths with those few,

      The sea-birth hymns the light over there:

      Joy ancient and Earth for you.

(07.09.2014 – 12.09.2014dacha by S. Posad)

      If Poetry was Music

      If Poetry was Music, – what, mostly, is, —

      I’d rather be a voice, that of the melos

      Plays beyond the Tacts, that of the lyriс

      Freer than forebound words of textured song,

      Like a strange wonderer, ne’er care if right or wrong

      Half-slept Composer planned it be, for world

      Could learn its inner history; and that of stress,

      Of hidden breath, of rarest thought in notes unread —

      «Twould be a witness of the sacred dialect

      For new-found sounds be your own mistery.

      A song, sings newborn song, a dreaming dream —

      Much I would love it can be; – honestly,

      I’d dare to mix then a sort of nostalgie

      For things unheardable with archi-tenor fancy,

      What could be like no energy th’Sky needs to hymn

      A Scene of very Soul of the pure Listening.

      This glancing Myth! And you in it, you genious

      Are the creator of the future bliss, at once:

      That inspiration yours brings that what I’ve brought not:

      The orphies70 from within you join my pauses,

      And it is like the Chance compose that I ne’er heard, —

      No falsed, no spoilt, – and this is might be somewhat…

      What could be told thus of the sacrifice in notes?71

(13.11.2014 – 03.12.2014;Moscow dacha by S. Posad)

      On the new date in the World Poetic Calendar, which happened to be called The Negative Capability Day

                                           /To the KSMA friends,

                                            With gratitude to J.K.

            For the initiating as such a great idea of the Day./

      Three years later, five years since th’Apocalypse72,

      Which never happened, that of what old doubts

      Be, still: if really happened so ’twill be not, —

      The Beauty, dove-tailed thought73, will diseclipse,

      As ever, people’s minds from dead uncertainty

      In bounds of its genial transgnostic Art.

      New coming Dawn will phrase on that. Redeemed world!

      The Biggest Doubter of goodly mankind died

      On freest Sunday74, and wasn’t it for Poet’s word,

      Who came up’n new time to shake Great Negus75 hand,

      Soothing no sword, if not in name of th’Unforeseen

      All-Love? Unreasonable, called by Air so, Love,

      That goes through the bounds of a Life-denial…

      Mind, no ugly Trial on this day will be. —

      How Mystery of Fate and Time takes Dream Exiled

      Back to Light? not samely, as the Beauty ends old history?76

(18.12.2014 – 21/22.12.2014;Moscow dacha by S. Posad)

      The Truth of Shelley’s Ghost

      /To Lynn Shepherd,

      An author of «Treacherous Likeness»,

      A book me-read in feeling of irrational, unexplanable regret/

      A Shade – there’s the dark echoing: —

      «Of a noblest kind!» – slides in,

      All silent, pre-materialized.

      There can be seen no eyes

      Of maid surprised, no scene

      Of fatal cries. A monster

      Felt from high-poetic stars,

      He swam across the sea of Death,

      And, after seven lives of storm,

      His ugly look how eloquent!

      Much peaceful though. The light-rays

      Seem are not to aggravate the lines

      On his still brow, so ’tis like now

      As he tries his light-way back.

      Envoked to face the old dream’s wrack.

      Within the Rumours House, frank,

      He steps, in corridors of Lie.

      Those specks of crystal life guides

      Him to th’ rooms of other-side Crime;

      With manner of the dead he comes,

      In manner of a gone-bye stays

      There by the frame of glass —

      Infernal entrance. – Sweet diable waits,

      Envoker of the burned tails:

      Intrigue – pristess of ache’n shame —

      She ought to do him welcome.

      In her service, that a sacrifice

      To make for him, to animate

      His vague self. – Abandoned Shade!

      Be fed thou by a sacred essence

      From the most luxuriant Hell!

      And can’t thou see these gazing Sins?

      Not of the most devoted they

      Are seen and bloodsome to be yours?!

      Have a liquid life from them, be-shared:

      One fear relatives they77. —

      A sad guest. He sees around her

      The sights of lunarcraft there —

      Depraved Gossips ’bout a «lost face»

      Has their fun, and, ’tlike some Mass on,

      The naive and sensitive in their will.

      The loves too sweet are to be killed, —

      They laughing?… – «Dear murderer,

      You gibbet’s libertine, kids’ knot!

      Are you proud not? We yours, yours!»

      They’re giving their life-drops; phrase;



The «orphies» meant to be «the orpheisms» in shorten friendly use of this word, and all of you let never stay doubting then, that, originally, it relates to Orpheus the Archi-poetic Singer and to the thoughts around him and his themes, all Haides-raising.


This last line, here, also was thought to be written as: «What could be told, thus, of the sacrifice of loving note?» However, this second sense is rather more poetically difficult and emotionally complicated.


The year 2012, as you all might remember, was the expected year of the End of the World, what was promissed by Indian Calendar of Maya, so the reader can stay doubting not in those words of a poem; – accordingly, the year 2017 will be the year of 225th Birthday of P.B.Shelley, a big friend of J.Keats, what I suppose is mentioned to be somehow symbolical for all those who reads that poetry with their hearts.


This is a beautiful expression of John Keats from his literaturiously-remarkable Letter dated by 21st (22d or 27th, the world still guessing) of December 1817, in which he expressed that original thought of so him-called «Negative Capability», what especially has become a titled idea of the new-brought day in the World Poetic Calendar.


As you may know, in Roman Catholic Calendar, the date of death of St Thomas the Apostle, Thomas «the doubting», as he also used to be called in history, before 1969, was thought to be exactly on 21st of December. In that line, where I’ve been saying «on Sunday», firstly, I kept my eye on that coincidential truth, that the both days – of the Keats’ Letter and The Negative Capability Day 2014 – the Sundays. The rest of supposive guessing here could be of that, if St Thomas himself died, too, on Sunday, however this sort of exact truth for me is still unknown.


The original Latin root of the words the «negative», «negativism»; to those, who wonder, how really objective I am in using as such a great meaning in the tight context of the poem, I should answer by addressing their quests to the last lines of the Keats’ Letter, and so, by reminding them of the very pointed there the «about-Shelley’s»; – with that, you can find your own way to analize the pre-motivation of me-written line of «hand-shake»..


In fact, there is the second variant of this line: «…not samely, as the Beauty starts new history?» (…its newer history?); – so, let the readers be more enthusiastically creative, in cooperating their own vision with mine, in thinking that, how, and which way, towards the history, the Beauty universally improves itself.


Here, in this part of a poem, I’m bringing the drops of archi-Hellenic knowledge about that mystical ritual called the «envoking the shade». Homer, in his «Odyssey», explains it perfectly in the Songs 10—11. There, exactly, are the words about the giving blood to a shade; and that image, symbolically, I’ve used in my allegoric lines. (As we remember, Shelley himself, too, in his poems, quite often used to send his reader to a sacred meaning of the «blood and blood-sharing», whether it be in social or sexually-mystical context of his poetic works.)