Autogenic training (self-control). This is necessary because psychosomatic blocks and destructive programs worsen the eyesight most of all;
Massage of the acupuncture points around the eyes and head. You release extra tension, normalize the muscles tone with the massage;
Special techniques to activate energy-qigong exercises, which force the blood vessels to narrow, widen, and help to restore the blood supply, to improve the blood circulation.
Bioenergy is the fuel to carry your goals into life. You won’t argue with the fact that any change in life might be not simple as they seem to be, will you? Qigong exercises are included in this program to give you additional life energy and get of rid of tension and fatigue.
What can you accomplish if you use the method «Eye-Diamond»?
I’d like to talk about one example of achieving the brightest result amongst the students’ of this program. This person had poor eyesight, -15; he was wearing glasses with huge lenses. While working hard he managed to improve eyesight up to -8 using different methods. He is a hardworking person and to improve his eyesight two time better than it used to be was a great progress from him but not good enough to live comfortably.
Then he joined the «Eye-Diamond» method and after having worked hard on this program for 3 months, he managed to improve his eyesight up to -3.5. Of course, it’s not 20/20, but it’s a good result because he can drive a car, orient in the surrounding world without problems even without glasses. He continues working on the improving his eyesight further hoping to achieve better results in future.
The number of other students achieves 20/20 eyesight for a short period. Everything depends on how hard eye problems are when you start the recovery. For example, If the eyesight is -1 or -2 in that case it is a real thing to restore the sight for a month.
The program is working not only on the myopia but on the hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma. Everything person is unique and the results depend on the current stage of the eye problem, self-motivation and desire to work on it.
According to the methodology, the average speed of the eyesight recovery is approximately 0.5—1 diopter a month. However, you can achieve better result if you train harder.
And if you are determined to restore your eyesight, tell yourself that it is a real thing, look at the people who have achieved perfect results. And answer the question of how much you are ready to contribute your forces, money to get the result.
My dear friends, the only person on whom you can rely in the modern world to maintain your health and eyesight is you. Actually we are needed nobody except ourselves and relatives. And only we are responsible for our health. We have enough forces to find out a balanced natural way to restore our eyesight. And these are just the effective exercises with necessary instructions and safe rules. These exercises include different impacts, massage, autogenic training, work with qigong energy to activate physical forces. The body won’t start recovering the eyesight if there are no physical forces.
Accordingly, in the program «Eye-Diamond» I give all the necessary
tools for complex and natural recovery of the eyesight. We will talk about it in details later. Come on!
About the author
Fedor Simonov
• Natural eyesight recovery expert – the author of the «Eye-Diamond» method
• Specialist on qigong
• Expert on the systems for self-development and the natural
• Healing of the bodyhealth, relationship and business coach
Hello, my dear friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Fedor Simonov. I am the author of the program «Eye-Diamond» – the eyesight recovery without surgery and medicine.
What attitude does Fedor Simonov have to the topic of the eyesight recovery?
I am qigong specialist. Qigong is an ancient Chinese art based on the work with energy. Qi is energy, gong is work.
I am also expert on the systems of self-development and natural healing of the body. I have been giving training and seminars for many years since 2008.
It began when I was very young. Firstly the eyesight recovery topic became actual for me when I went to school. I had to read a lot and there was a lot of stress on my eyesight. My mother noticed that my right eye started to suffer from strabismus. She made me do special exercises for the eye muscles and I restored my eyesight quickly.
I didn’t have to wear glasses and even to see the ophthalmologists. My eyesight began 20/20. I continue doing exercises to keep normal eyesight.
Then I entered the university. Frankly speaking I entered the two universities. I have got two higher educations. My first education is technical: I’m a software developer. For many years I have been working in the oil and gas industry, in the field of geology and geophysics. My second education is linguistic one: I am English translator.
After having graduated from the university I began working on a project with the colleagues from England and the USA in the international company. I had got a very interesting task: to take a part in the development of the new functionality in the Seismic Exploration System.
Exactly at that period of time my eyes appeared under stress and tension. The time difference between England and Russia is 5 hours and it was difficult to get used to work with the colleagues from England. For the successful career start, personal growth and to establish myself in the project, I had to work till late at night. It was hard to handle it and I felt that my health was deteriorating. After long hard work on the computer I felt just awful. My eyes became red, I had a bad headache and there appeared heaviness and fatigue in my body. To continue to work on the computer was not absolutely impossible. That’s when I first thought that I need to use extra exercises to recovery the state of my body and in particular of my eyesight.
At that time I began to study Qigong, just out of curiosity, for myself and my health. Can you only imagine? After doing special Qigong exercises during a few minutes I was able to restore the normal state of my body to restore vivacity, energy, and the capacity to work since early morning till 10—11 at night. How is it possible? I was surprised at that time how I could do it. Now it is difficult to surprise me. Having high performance allows me to invest in my favorite work, and this program became a part of my life.
So, I succeeded that project and a series of exercises were taken into account for future.
After that I continued practicing Qigong and the following exam, which the fate prepared for me did’t have to do with me but with my grandmother. She was 80 years old and the doctor diagnosed cataracts in both eyes and recommended the surgery. Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, i.e. it is the deterioration of transparency due to the deterioration of the blood circulation.
I began to help her with using Qigong exercises. And my grandmother noted improvements and the eyesight became clearer but unfortunately improvements appeared to be temporary. While we were doing exercises she felt and saw better but then the poor eyesight came back again. She had to do the surgery and after that I helped her to feel well and to recover her health in a short period of time. The doctors said that the surgery was successful and she recovered in a short period of time despite her age. Thank God, now she sees with both eyes and everything is fine. But I still had internal dissatisfaction. On the one hand I had helped her doing special exercises with her hoping to avoid surgery, but on the other hand she had had to do the surgery. At the same time I knew people who had a similar diagnosis and after they did similar exercises they managed to avoid the surgery. When they came to see the doctor, they were examined and the doctor found no reasons for surgery. Dissatisfaction continued torturing