Probably those entities that assist a person in their development. We are told that each of us has our own star family, a civilization from which we came, teachers and mentors, our higher aspects. Together, they form the collective Higher Beings that help us on our path.
All of this is just words and conventions. There is no separation. It is all just games, albeit of a high level. But now I am beyond the game. What you are talking about is separation: there is you, and there is someone else. But there is no one but you! You are alone. And that’s it. You are merely talking about your own roles in the game with yourself. Top masks. By removing all the masks, you become yourself and no longer play games. They will become uninteresting to you.
A child plays games because that’s how they learn about the world. An adult, having played enough games, no longer does so. You were told about a girl playing with dolls. The girl sincerely believes that the dolls can talk and move. But an adult sees that they are just dolls, and the comedies and tragedies played out become uninteresting to them. Because there is real, genuine adult life.
So you want to say that with enlightenment, you matured and exited the game? And now you guide the game?
Why would I guide a game with dolls? I simply exist. I just observe how others play with dolls with complete abandon.
But what is the meaning of such existence? I mean, there is always some meaning in human life. Initially, there is a drive for certain acquisitions, certain relationships. Hence the drive for spiritual growth and new levels of perception. But you have none of this, and you do not strive for anything. What is the meaning of such existence?
It has no meaning.
No meaning?!
Yes, because meaning is a thought, a formed desire, as thought always strives for something. Even the thought, «I want nothing,» is a desire for a state of non-wanting, but not the state itself. I exist without meaning and without desires.
But now, when you speak with me, you do have thoughts, right? For example, answers to my questions.
Yes. But this is already a completely different level of thinking, which is not even thinking. The process can be compared to ripples on the surface of the ocean when a light breeze touches the smooth water. It is the breeze itself. And the ripples on the ocean are our conversation. But the gentle ripples on the ocean’s surface cannot disturb its calmness.
So this is a kind of meaningless existence, without goals and desires. So why does everyone strive for it?
Because it is the culmination of all desires. No matter where you strive, essentially, you are always striving for enlightenment, always striving towards that ocean of consciousness, whether consciously or unconsciously. This desire is inherently embedded in your essence, in the depth of your being. Because you are that ocean of consciousness, only temporarily having forgotten about it. However, some internal hunger, a sense of internal discomfort in your world, even with all imaginable comfortable external conditions, does not give anyone peace. You may sometimes forget about it, engrossed in one illusion or another. But this magnet is always alive in you and is inexhaustible. Therefore, no matter where you strive, you are actually striving to return to your origin. It’s like a stretched rubber band: the more you stretch it, the stronger the desire to return, and the harder it is to stretch further.
So in this state, there is nothing attractive; it is simply an automatic drive to return, so to speak, a return force. And no one can avoid this return, even if they don’t want to?
You cannot not want it. Because you are the point of return. You may want something that does not belong to you. But as soon as it becomes yours, you want it less and less because you find it within yourself. And in this case, how can you not want what you actually are? If the attractiveness lies in being yourself?
I don’t know. Maybe. But that’s if I consider myself perfect, then I want to be myself. But what if a person has some inferiority complexes? When they are constantly trying to portray someone more complete?
The point is, you are truly complete and perfect. You have everything. Including all the roles you have ever played. All roles. Do you understand? Even the roles played not only by you but by everyone who played them! And all of them are in you. And there is no one before whom you could appear incomplete or imperfect. There is only you.
Attractiveness exists when there is choice. When there are differences. But what can you choose when you are nothing?
Nothing? Didn’t you previously say that we become everything?
It’s the same thing.
I don’t understand.
Well, maybe it will be clearer if we use mathematics. Minus one and plus one together equal zero. Why?
Because in their combination, there are no differences. Minus one is different from zero, and plus one is different from zero and minus one. But zero is the complete absence of differences. At the same time, zero itself is a point of comparison, a reference point, relative to which a unit and minus one can always arise. Zero itself includes both minus one and plus one, as it resulted from their addition. But zero itself is nothing. Neither this nor that. But everything together.
I didn’t think you were a mathematician.
I am just searching for a clear analogy in your mind.
Becoming nothing. That frightens many.
Didn’t it frighten you before enlightenment?
No, it didn’t frighten me. Because that very magnet within me became so strong, the «rubber band» stretched so much, that it no longer frightened me; there was only a thirst to return to my whole self, to My True Self. When each of you reaches such a state where return is inevitable and the rubber band is stretched to its limit, then it will stop frightening you.
You see, the thing is, the world around us, with all its imperfections, is so familiar and stable. And what awaits you upon returning to the ocean of consciousness is so unknown… The unknown always frightens.
The unknown is the best thing that can be.
Because the unknown is a vast space of possibilities, an absence of limitations. It is complete freedom. Stepping into the unknown means freeing yourself from the chains that bind you: fears, attachments, debts, obligations… Complete, absolute freedom from everything.
Well, then. What frightens people is the loss of their identity, with which they identify themselves. It’s hard for us to understand. There is me with my characteristics, aspirations, and, most importantly, my memories of myself. And suddenly, all of this might disappear! It’s like losing your memory. I love someone. But suddenly I might not even recognize this person?
You will recognize everyone and love everyone. It’s a matter of your concept of «I.» It does not exist.
It doesn’t exist?
Yes. Because the «I» is separation. When there is «I» and «not-I.» Thus, the «I» is different from others.
But each drop of the ocean is like another. In essence, there are no such drops. There is just the ocean. The ocean of consciousness.
What is the Ocean of Consciousness? Is there something above it in terms of levels?
It’s difficult to define the undefinable. The very definition already implies separation. When there is difference, and each has its characteristics distinct from the other, it is defined in a specific way. The Ocean of Consciousness is a self-aware, infinite, and eternal substance that encompasses all possible