Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: С. Ю. Дмитриева
Издательство: "Центральный коллектор библиотек "БИБКОМ"
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 2012
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She is … thirty.

      2. Please leave my mail … my table.

      3. Let’s listen … Mike.

      4. There are many people … the park today.

      5. He was taken to the hospital … an ambulance.

      6. I hate traveling … water.

      7. She can’t do it … your help.

      8. We could hear rain falling … the roof.

      9. My birthday is … the 27th of November.

      10. The house was built … a beautiful piece … land.

      11. I usually listen … the news … the radio while I’m driving … work.

      12. Mel Gibson was born … 1956.

      13. I cut my arm … a piece of glass.

      14. We arrived just as ceremony was … to begin.

      LESSON 3

      Task 1. Answer the questions.

      1) Are you a student?

      2) Where do you study?

      3) What faculty do you study at?

      4) What subjects do you study?

      5) What is your favourite subject?

      6) Is it difficult for you to study?

      7) What is your dean’s name?

      8) What is your English teacher’s name?

      9) How many double periods do you have every day?

      10) Is your group large? Who is your friend in your group?

       Task 2. Interview your groupmates. Find someone in your group who is fond of pop music, whose favourite subject is English ( mathematics ), who is good at sport, who is from another town, who lives in the hostel or rents a flat.

      Begin with: Excuse me, please. May I ask you a question? Аre you… (Do you … Where are you from?)

       Task 3. Memorize the following words and phrases.

      1. faculty [΄fækəlti] – факультет

      2. faculty of agronomy [ə΄gronəmi] – агрономический ф-т

      3. faculty of economics [‚i: kə΄nomiks] – экономический ф-т

      4. engineering faculty [‚enʤi΄niəriŋ] – инженерный ф-т

      5. technological [teknə΄loʤikəl] faculty – технологический ф-т

      6. dean [di: n] of … faculty – декан … ф-та

      7. rector [΄rektə] – ректор

      8. lecturer [΄lektʃərə] – преподаватель

      9. senior [΄si: njə] lecturer – старший преподаватель

      10. assistant [ə΄sistənt] professor [prə΄fesə] – доцент

      11. on the 1st, 2nd, 3d… floor [flo:] – на 2, 3, 4 – м этаже

      12. full [ful] time [taim] department [di΄pa:tmənt] – очное отделение

      13. extra-mural [΄ekstrə΄mjuərəl] department – заочное отделение

      14. teaching staff [΄ti:tʃiŋ΄sta:f] – преподавательский состав

      15. curriculum [kə΄rikjuləm] – учебный план, расписание

      16. lecture hall [΄lektʃə΄ho:l] – лекционный зал

      17. canteen [kæn΄ti: n] – студенческая столовая

      18. hostel [΄hostəl] – общежитие

      19. course paper [΄ko:s΄peipə] – курсовая работа

      20. diploma [di΄pləumə] paper – дипломная работа

      21. activity [æk΄tiviti] – деятельность, вид деятельности

      22. fellow student – товарищ по группе (по курсу)

      23. Institution of higher education – ВУЗ

      24. academic [΄ækə΄demik] year [jiə] – учебный год

      25. double-period [΄d٨bl΄piəriəd] – пара, сдвоенное занятие

      26. tutorial [tju(:)΄to:riəl] – занятие, консультация, семинар

      27. research [ri΄sə:tʃ] – исследование

      28. public [΄p٨blik] life [laif] – общественная жизнь

      29. foreign [΄forin] languages [΄læŋgwiʤiz] – иностранные языки

      30. grant [gra: nt] – стипендия

      31. science [΄saiəns] – наука

      32. knowledge [΄noliʤ] – знание

      33. to be founded [΄faundid] – быть основаным

      34. post-graduate [΄pəust΄grædjuit] – аспирант

      35. to take an examination [ig΄zæmi΄nei∫ (ə)n] – сдавать экзамен

      36. to pass an examination – сдать (выдержать) экзамен

      37. to make a report [ri΄po:t] – готовить доклад

      38. to attend [ə΄tend] – посещать

      39. to participate [pa:΄tisipeit] – участвовать

      40. to take part in… – принимать участие в …

      41. to receive [ri΄si: v] – получать

      42. to include [in΄klu:d] – включать

      43. entrance [΄entrəns] exams [ig΄zæmz] – вступительные экзамены

      44. subject [΄s٨bʤikt] – предмет

      45. term [tə:m] – семестр

      46. applicant [΄æplikənt] – абитуриент

Days of the Week

      Monday – on Monday; Tuesday – on