Your personal money code. A guide to financial freedom. Nadezhda Belova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nadezhda Belova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006502413
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their own value. We may help others, but we don’t always know how to help ourselves. This is because many of us associate our worth with the willingness to give and help, often forgetting about our own needs and desires.

      For me, an important milestone on the path to recognizing my value was acknowledging that I have the right not only to help others but also to benefit from it. First and foremost, to benefit in the form of fair compensation for my work.

      When we recognize our worth and are confident in ourselves, money flows more easily and with much less effort. It becomes not only a reflection of our work but also a signal that we are moving in the right direction.


      When I reached a certain level of understanding that money is an ally, it became clear to me that to attract more financial abundance, I needed to invest in myself, in my growth, and in my ideas. Success depends not only on how much I work and how many people I can serve, but also on how willing I am to invest in the development of my own potential.

      During this period, I decided to change my working model. Instead of continuing to «chase» the number of clients, I focused on improving the quality of my services. I began to give more attention and energy to each client, deepening my knowledge in the fields of psychology, energy work, and other areas that intrigued me and would enrich my experience.

      In my work, I had always tried to find the connection between a person’s health and their character and perception of the world. I noticed that health recovery programs produced the best results when I engaged in conversations about the person’s life, asking about their family, feelings, and experiences. I had always applied this approach in my work but hadn’t fully realized that it made me a unique specialist. It wasn’t until I heard one of my clients say: «You, Nadezhda, can say you’re saving people’s lives, not just teaching them about health,» that I realized how much this approach set me apart.

      This realization led me to change my service offerings. I added energy work and mindset coaching to my nutritional guidance and supplements, raised my prices, and immediately felt the powerful flow of energetic support opening up to me.

      It was during this time that I wrote my first book, «Kamasutra for Weight Loss.» Initially, I thought it was just another project that would mark the end of this phase of my life – a kind of culmination of everything I had achieved in the field of weight correction. But in reality, the book turned out to be just the beginning of a new chapter. It was like a mirror reflecting my inner transformation, showing that I had started to value my knowledge as something worth sharing. It was a time to take stock and prepare to move to the next level of growth.

      The book became not just a creative process for me, but an investment in myself – an investment in my ability to convey information and ideas to others. I poured not only my expertise into the book, but also my soul, my emotions, and the knowledge I had accumulated over years of working with clients and in my personal practice. Realizing that I could create value through my ideas and by sharing them with others became the foundation for further growth.


      When we begin to open ourselves up to new possibilities and new approaches, our new awareness of money often encounters inner resistance. This process is neither easy nor quick. Very often, we confront deep-rooted fears and beliefs that stem from our childhood, culture, family, or personal experiences. These beliefs can hold us back from fully unlocking our financial potential and allowing ourselves to have more.

      One of the most powerful and widespread fears is the fear of losing money. Many people in our culture are raised in an atmosphere of scarcity, where money is always seen as a limited resource. The fear of losing it or not having enough often becomes paralyzing. This fear keeps us from taking important steps to change our financial reality. We are afraid to take risks, to invest in ourselves, because there is a subconscious belief that everything might «backfire» or result in failure.

      I’ll be honest, I have faced this fear many times myself. When I first raised my prices, I was terrified. I worried that I would lose clients, that people would avoid me, and that my value in the eyes of others would diminish. But it was precisely this step that became a true catalyst for change. I realized that I needed to let go of old fears and beliefs in order to allow myself to move forward.

      An important moment in this process was the realization that fear is not the enemy. On the contrary, it is a signal that I am stepping out of my comfort zone and am ready for growth. Overcoming fear became an essential part of my transformation. I learned not to avoid difficult decisions but to accept them as part of my journey. Each step, every success and failure, became a lesson for me.


      Like any form of energy, money has its own frequency. It’s important to understand that the energy of money can be influenced by how we perceive it. If we view money as something dirty, a means of manipulation or power, then the flow of money will come with difficulty, conflict, and a sense of lack.

      However, when we begin to see money as a resource for growth, a tool to improve the quality of life and realize our ideas, the flow of money becomes clean and harmonious. Money starts to move freely and effortlessly, and we begin to experience it not as a source of stress, but as support and a foundation.

      I started working with the energy of money and applying my knowledge of energy practices. This was not something magical or mystical; rather, it was the realization that money is energy that can be directed into any area of our lives.

      The energy of money is closely connected to the energy of gratitude. When I began to sincerely express gratitude for every incoming flow of money, it started attracting even more prosperity into my life. Gratitude for every payment received, for every project, for every success, became my new habit. I realized that the more I expressed gratitude for what I have, the more I can attract into my life.

      The process of working with the energy of money became an important element of my transformation. It’s not just a method for attracting material wealth, but also a way of building inner harmony, which, in turn, attracts well-being and prosperity into our lives.


      Finally, an important stage of personal transformation is taking responsibility for our financial situation. We often look for someone or something to blame for our financial struggles. It might be circumstances, other people, or the system. But in reality, no one but ourselves is responsible for how much money we make and how we use it.

      When I realized my responsibility for my financial reality, I stopped looking for external excuses for my situation. I understood that only I could change my financial picture. This doesn’t mean becoming a financial genius overnight, but it means that we can control our actions, our choices, and our belief in ourselves.

      I began to study financial literacy more, learning about investing, creating passive income streams, and managing my money. I became more mindful of my budget, planning and allocating my finances wisely, without fear or stress. As I embraced my responsibility, I started making more thoughtful decisions, which ultimately led me to financial independence.

      It’s important to understand that money doesn’t come by chance. They are the result of hard work, self-awareness, and confidence in our abilities. The more we value ourselves, our knowledge, and our skills, the easier and faster we attract money into our lives. But to start valuing ourselves, we must work on ourselves and continually invest time and money in our growth.

      Thus, the path to understanding money is first and foremost a path to self-awareness, to the transformation of our inner world, and to harmony with the world around us. Money becomes not just something external, but a part of our lives, a part of what helps us create