Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок). Э. И. Муртазина. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Э. И. Муртазина
Издательство: "Центральный коллектор библиотек "БИБКОМ"
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 2013
isbn: 978-5-7882-1434-4
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Observe the words and phrases from the text “History and Background of DHL”:

      5. Read and translate the text:

History and Background of DHL

      In order to understand the concepts of logistics in terms of practical usage and to glimpse into the how a real company or organization uses logistics as a formidable3 tool to gain customer satisfaction, reduce overall cost and increase efficiency we selected “DHL”, the world’s leading courier service company. But DHL is multi faceted and offers myriad types of services. DHL are the first letters of the last names of the three company founders, Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Robert Lynn.

      In 1969, just months after the world had marveled4 at Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the Moon; the three partners took another small step that would have a profound impact on the way the world does business. The founders began to personally ship papers by airplane from San Francisco to Honolulu, beginning customs clearance of the ship’s cargo before the actual arrival of the ship and dramatically reducing waiting time in the harbor. Customers stood to save a fortune.

      With this concept, a new industry was born: international air express, the rapid delivery of documents and shipments by airplane.

      The DHL Network continued to grow at an incredible pace. The company expanded westward from Hawaii into the Far East and Pacific Rim5, then the Middle East, Africa and Europe. By 1988, DHL was already present in 170 countries and had 16,000 employees.

      At the beginning of 2002, Deutsche Post World Net became the major shareholder in DHL. By the end of 2002, DHL was 100 % owned by Deutsche Post World Net. In 2003, Deutsche Post World Net consolidated all of its express and logistics activities into one single brand, DHL.

      DHL is the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. It is also the world’s number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics. DHL offers a full range of customized solutions – from express document shipping to supply chain management.

      Below are the global facts and figures that show you the scale of the world's largest express and logistics network.

      Number of Employees: around 285,000

      Number of Offices: around 6,500

      Number of Hubs, Warehouses & Terminals: more than 450

      Number of Gateways: 240

      Number of Aircraft: 420

      Number of Vehicles: 76,200

      Number of Countries & Territories: more than 220

      Shipments per Year: more than 1.5 billion Destinations Covered: 120,000

      The reason for the success of DHL is due to its very effective and efficient way of carrying out the process of project management.

      Project Management

      DHL manages projects according to a six-step process:

      Initiation: The formal start of the project

      Design: The formal agreement on how to approach the project and its deliverables

      Planning: Following agreement, a detailed plan is created

      Execution: After detailed planning and preparation, the project goes 'live'

      Closing: Gradually phase out and prepare for handover of the deliverables

      Handover: The formal end of the project

      6. Match the synonyms:

      7. Give English equivalents for the words and phrases given below:

      виды деятельности по срочному и материально-техническому обеспечению; выполнение процесса; гавань; детальный план; кардинально; контрактная логистика; логистическая сеть; многогранный; обособленный бренд; объединять; практическое использование; с невероятной скоростью; сильное воздействие; склад; соглашение; сотрудник, управление проектами; фактическое прибытие судна; цифра, 6-шаговый процесс; эффективный способ.

      8. Complete the sentences using words and expressions given below:

      clearance; overland; waiting time, contract; document; shareholder, to ship, carrying out, project, express; shipments; logistics.

      1. The founders of DHL began to .........1 papers by airplane from San Francisco to Honolulu, beginning customs .........2 of the ship's cargo before the actual arrival of the ship and reducing .................3 in the harbor.

      2. International air .........4 is the rapid delivery of documents and ............5 by airplane.

      3. Deutsche Post World Net became the major ..........6 in DHL.

      4. Deutsche Post World Net consolidated express and .........7 activities into a single brand.

      5. DHL is the global market leader in international express, ...........8 transport and air freight.

      6. DHL is the company number one in ocean freight and .........9 logistics.

      7. The customized solutions of the company are express ..........10 shipping to supply chain management.

      8. The reason for the success of DHL is due to its very effective and efficient way of .............11 the process of .........12 management.

      9. Answer the questions:

      1. Who were the founders of DHL?

      2. What was the primary purpose of DHL?

      3. What industry did this company give birth to?

      4. How big was the expansion of DHL over the world?

      5. What company had the biggest quantity of shares in DHL?

      6. DHL logistics services and customized solutions are various, aren’t they? Name them.

      7. Why is DHL a vey successful logistics company?

      8. What are the steps of each DHL project?

      10. Translate the sentences using the text “History and Background of DHL”:

      1. DHL – международная компания, один из лидеров мирового рынка экспресс-доставки.

      2. DHL была основана 20 сентября 1969 году как курьерская служба для перевозки почты между Сан-Франциско и Гонолулу.

      3. Название компании образовано по первым буквам фамилий ее основателей.

      4. DHL предлагает широкий набор решений для покупателя.

      5. Эффективность процесса проектного управления является


зд. важный


зд. восхищаться


зд. Тихоокеанский регион