Betrayal of Truth. John Mark Dougan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Mark Dougan
Издательство: Алисторус
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
isbn: 978-5-00222-299-5
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maintained by the exorbitant privilege of the reserve currency – all of it was now threatened.

      Inflation, once a distant concern, began to rise, eroding the average American’s purchasing power. Interest rates climbed, making the $31 trillion debt pile a crushing burden. The economy, so long buoyed by the dollar’s dominance, was faltering.

      Washington was in turmoil. Politicians, once confident in their global supremacy, were now scrambling. There was denial, anger, bargaining – but the tide had turned.

      The political elite’s efforts to maintain control were desperate and transparent. They clung to old alliances, tried to forge new ones, but the world was moving on. The weaponization of the dollar, once a tool of influence, had become a symbol of oppression.

      Yellen had a ‘come to Jesus’ moment, in which she admitted she was wrong. During a speech, She decried, "As I mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy that have boosted energy and food prices, and supply bottlenecks that have affected our economy badly, that I didn’t at the time didn’t fully understand. But we recognize that now the federal reserve is taking the steps that it needs to take." But the damage had been done.

      From China’s strategic moves to Saudi Arabia’s new partnerships, the world was realigning. The oil markets, once dominated by the dollar, were starting to shift. New agreements were forged, currencies other than the dollar were used, and a new order began to take shape.

      The 40 percent of the world’s oil reserves under U.S. sanctions became a rallying point, a symbol of a policy that had overreached. And with a full third of the world’s GDP under similar constraints, the rebellion was no longer a fringe movement; it was a global uprising.

      This was the turning point, the moment when the U.S. lost control. It was the moment when the world realized that the dollar’s weaponization was not an act of strength but one of weakness.

      The rebellion was not just about economics; it was about sovereignty, dignity, and the right to forge one’s destiny. The U.S., in its quest for control, had lost the very thing it sought to maintain. The empire’s decline had begun, and a new era was dawning. The world had awakened, and there was no going back.

      China, Russia and the other BRICS+ nations were on the rise, dictating terms, and forging alliances…

      And this is where we are in the story. Here’s the rest of the story to come:

      Hyperinflation gripped the nation, and the once-mighty dollar was in freefall. A collapse that was once unthinkable was now inevitable. A new order was emerging, a multipolar world that left the U.S. behind.

      In the intricate dance of global politics, the U.S. had stumbled, tripped by its own feet. The weaponization of the dollar was not just an economic strategy; it was a betrayal of trust. Nations and individuals had been held hostage, forced to dance to a tune that was not their own. The world had awakened, and a new era had begun, one where the dollar’s dominion was a relic of a bygone age, a cautionary tale for future generations. The lesson was clear, and the world had learned it well: power is fleeting, and empires, no matter how grand, can be brought down by their own hubris.

      The End. Or is it?


      It was before the first sparks of war ignited, as the United States stood on the precipice, brandishing sanctions like a saber. When I took to the podium in the Moscow Civic Chamber in April 2022, echoing this very story as a prediction, the weight of my words resonated in the hall, a forewarning, a harbinger of what was to come. Of course, the grim conclusion was but a fragment of my own speculation, a darkly imagined future. Yet time has borne out the accuracy of my predictions to this date.

      I think any discerning observer, free from the shackles of bias, can perceive the tragic unfolding of events that led to this unthinkable demise. It’s my opinion that the collapse of the United States will echo through the annals of history, a story to be recounted in scholarly dissertations. It will be a cautionary tale, a narrative etched in the very fabric of human understanding; a once-mighty nation, brought to its knees, not by an external foe but by its own arrogance. By the very instrument it had employed with such relentless vigor, its once-coveted dollar, now the agent of its downfall.

      The irony is as poignant as it is painful, a stark reminder of the perils of overreach. The tale of America’s fall will be a legacy both mourned and studied, a testament to the folly of power unchecked sanctions against Russia, postured with righteous indignation, reveal a sinister truth. It becomes clear, even to the most naïve observer, that the wounds inflicted upon Russia are but scratches compared to the damage wrought in the West.

      But the questions become more pressing, more urgent. Who is the true benefactor from this disaster? Who gains from the economic havoc? Certainly not the people United States.

      The answer, like a dragon lurking in the clouds, flies into view: China.

      As American and European manufacturing giants falter, Chinese industry moves in, swift and relentless. In industry after industry, once thriving Western manufacturers are guilted into withdrawal from the Russian market, replaced by a burgeoning Chinese dominance that explodes in the wake of Biden's ill-conceived sanctions.

      The effects ripple across the globe, a shockwave of betrayal that resonates from Washington to Moscow and Beijing. Visa and Mastercard fled, retreating like defeated soldiers, only to be replaced by the Chinese Unionpay payment system. American and European automotive manufactures, pressured to leave the Russian market, create a vacuum that causes the Chinese automotive industry to swoop in. The result? 140 million potential customers who never before considered driving a Chinese-made automobile, now discovering the new breed of Chinese cars are beautiful, luxurious and priced far below their western counterparts. From 5 % share of the Russian market to 60 %, a staggering 833 % increase from the start of sanctions, Chinese automotive markets have exploded, dominating sales. And with every ruble being dumped into the Chinese auto market, they are getting so much better. I speak from experience, I sold my Land Rover and bought a Chinese SUV.

      In a world reeling from the shock of change, the Chinese are seizing control, reshaping the economic landscape. Their eyes are set on the prize, the opportunity to purchase Russian oil and gas at prices far below the market value. With access to cheaper energy, their manufacturing costs plummet, and as the American dollar spirals into chaos, Chinese profit margins soar.

      This pattern repeats like a haunting refrain, a melody of deceit and replacement, where Western giants fall, and Chinese dominion rises. As the stage is set, the pieces moved, a new dynamic of financial power takes shape.

      But the game goes deeper, the stakes higher. The once-mighty dollar, a symbol of American dominance, teeters on the brink, the confidence in US treasuries shaken by alternative alliances like the BRICS, and the trust of nations crumbles.

      The cost of this betrayal, this wound to the very heart of America, is immeasurable. Lives are sacrificed on the altar of greed, principles are cast aside like broken toys, and the world looks on, some with eyes wide in ignorance, others with eyes narrowing in knowledge and suspicion.

      Institutions that once stood as beacons of truth and justice are twisted and distorted, pawns in a game that transcends ethics and borders. The machinery of the U.S. government, once a symbol of integrity, is perverted into a weapon of corruption.

      And this is where the revelation, the hidden twist in this convoluted story, comes into play. The knowledge that the very leader of the nation, sworn to protect and uphold its values, is tainted by the corruption that has become synonymous with his actions.

      Evidence emerges, discovered only by those who still cling