Blade. Scrapper. Part 6.. Damantha Makarova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Damantha Makarova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006486935
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Dean and draw up a list of basic responses and words he could use while we’re going to be at the outpost. The closest wormhole jump to that system is a day away, so you have some time.» Serena nodded.

      «A day…» Laneth took a moment to think and nodded. «It will be enough.»

      Dean looked at Laneth and Hunter translated his words to the mechanic:

      «Do you think a belt-worn device would be easier to make? It could come in handy if I need to be… discreet.»

      Laneth smiled wide:

      «I can do both!»

      Dean returned a smile – though, his was smaller.

      «Well, then…» Serena sighed. «Let’s get on the road, shall we?»

      «Pairing, Scorpi.» Wolfin sat still frowning.

      «While they will be working on the translation device, I’ll have Lindon and you help me pair everyone up to make sure no one will be left unprotected. Plus… I’m not sure if you’ll agree to me being on my own.»

      Wolfin tilted his head and his brow twitched, giving her the answer.

      Chapter 3. Kargalan

      MSS Lyssandra and SS Growler – both cloaked from sight and scanning devices – descended to Kargalan, flying slow and constantly scanning the lands for any signs of life.

      Serena sat in her Captain’s seat, frowning, and stayed silent, while Lindon and Kayla were busy with the scanners, ignoring any signs of local wildlife that appeared on their screens. The Veluthian showed the girl how to discern animals from people and humanoid races and noted how she could change the spectrum of scanning to see if there are any other signs – such as energy and radiation.

      Kayla was so concentrated at the task that didn’t notice anything else – including Hunter discussing something with the two bodyguards by the window.

      Serena looked at the information tablet she managed to learn by heart in the past 24 hours, and sighed once again. Something was bothering her greatly, and she didn’t know if it was just her being nervous to be sent on a particular mission by the Empress, or because the assumptions Alathea and her counsellors had might be correct.

      The woman closed her eyes with her palm and took a moment to gather her bearings.

      «Serena? Is something wrong?» she suddenly heard Hunter.

      «Not sure.» Serena replied hesitantly. «I feel uneasy and I have no idea why.»

      She lowered her hand and met his gaze.

      «Worried that the grouping we did is imbalanced?» Hunter asked, frowning at her expression.

      «No… I’m sure we’ll do fine… I just…» she gritted her teeth. «I don’t know. Stop asking questions I can’t answer.»

      She stood up and headed out, frustrated at herself for growling at her men.

      Walking through the ship she tried her best to calm herself, but every step reminded her about the task at hand, as if it wasn’t enough to know how close they were to disembarking Lyssa.

      «Captain.» she heard in her earpiece and suddenly stopped, noticing Dean standing a few steps away from the dining area.

      «Hi, Dean.» Serena said, forcing a smile to her face. «I see, Laneth did a great job with the device.»

      Dean tapped on his wristband and a simulated male voice sounded again through her communicator:


      «Are you ready? No objections concerning your pair?»

      «Yes. No.» though, the list of his responses was limited, he still seemed happy to be able to talk to other people this way – even though he had to use his device for that.


      Serena felt grateful for Laneth having the skills to gift Dean such an opportunity. And even though for the time being he couldn’t really speak through the device – Hunter and the mechanic were certain they would be able to program the thing later, widening the list of words and phrases he could use.

      Perhaps, the Captain thought, one day they could have normal conversations through this device without Hunter translating his lengthy phrases.

      Dean reached to the device again, then smiled wider, shaking his head and gestured to her in Gorzan:

      «Thank you.»

      «I’m not the one to thank, Dean. It was all Laneth and her wonderful mind coming up with this device.» Serena shrugged.

      Still, the Ilarian bowed to her. Serena stepped up and pat his shoulder:

      «Get ready, we’re leaving soon.»

      She saw him nod and walk off, and the woman walked into the dining area, grabbing herself a glass of Fireball. Taking a few big sips, she set the glass aside and took a moment, feeling unnerved still.

      «Something isn’t right here…» she sighed to herself.

      «Captain!» Hunter’s voice sounded in her communication device.

      «What is it? We’re approaching the mark?» Serena replied, tensing up.

      «Scanning shows no life forms of human, or human-like origin anywhere near or within the outpost.» Lindon’s voice came through.

      Serena thought for a moment, then took a deep breath:

      «So… not a single one?»

      «None at all. Not even animals.» Kayla responded.

      «Ghost crews get ready to jump. Secondary groups await further orders…» Serena headed to the cargo bay, flicking her armour on.

      She already knew this could be possible, and spoke with Lindon about having jetpacks to be able to get a better vantage point while at the outpost. The Veluthian agreed to the plan, but reminded her that of all the crew members only he and Serena herself were somewhat proficient in using those, as they took the course back in the Academy.

      Serena didn’t remind him that to her a lot less time had passed.

      Wolfin, though hesitant, agreed that in case they find nothing – jetpacks could help the two get around to try and find any other signs, while the others reconvene at the ships.

      When others arrived at the cargo bay, Serena was already checking the jetpack systems, noting that ever since her Academy days the device became much easier to operate and not as lanky in terms of reaction delay, which was definitely a good thing.

      Hunter saw her concentrated in that and wondered if her nervousness would come between her and their objective.

      «Good luck, everyone!» they heard Laneth through the communicators – the woman was already on board SS Growler, together with Wolfin.

      «Let us know if you guys find anything.» Wolfin added.

      Serena glanced at Taliesin, who was transferred to be paired up with Dean – a strange decision on Wolfin’s end, but she couldn’t help but note that if Dean would do something crazy – Taliesin was reasonable and loyal enough to send them word immediately.

      She thought about the private conversation she had with Taliesin the evening before, and the way he reacted at being, essentially, a watcher over the newcomer Ilarian.

      «Unarmoured have their shields activated?» Lindon reminded, clasping the jetpack to his back.

      Dean watched Taliesin switching on the device that covered him in a barely noticeable force field.

      Serena looked at the Ilarian and tilted her head:

      «If, for any reason, you will feel your body not adjusting to these conditions, call for Lyssa to pick you up, got it?» she saw Dean nod and looked at Taliesin. «You… keep an eye on that.»
