Human as AI. The Convergence of Mind and Machine. Sergey Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergey Green
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006464087
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considered how these masks relate to your energy levels? Let's explore this concept through the lens of artificial intelligence and energy management.

      Imagine your life force as the battery of a sophisticated smartphone. Each action you take, every social mask you wear, draws from this vital energy source. Unlike our digital devices, however, we can't simply plug ourselves in for a quick recharge. This is where the art of energy management becomes crucial.

      In my previous book, "Energy 2.0," I delved deep into various energy management techniques. Now, let's elevate these concepts by viewing them through the prism of social masks and AI:

      1. Conscious Mask Transitions:

      Think of a skilled programmer optimizing code for efficient resource use. Similarly, we can learn to mindfully select and switch between our social masks. For instance, transitioning from a "professional" mask at work to a "relaxed friend" mask for a casual evening out. By doing so consciously, we minimize unnecessary energy expenditure.

      I once found myself exhausted after social gatherings until I realized I was unconsciously maintaining my «professional» mask. By consciously switching to a more relaxed persona, I discovered I could enjoy social interactions without depleting my energy reserves.

      2. Mask Energy Optimization:

      Just as we debug computer programs, we can refine our social masks for better energy efficiency. This involves analyzing our behavior patterns and adjusting them to reduce energy demands.

      If you find your «networking» mask draining, try identifying the most energy-intensive aspects. Is it the small talk? The need to remember names? Once identified, you can work on specific strategies to make these aspects less taxing.

      3. Energy Conservation Modes:

      Computers have power-saving features, and so can we. Develop specialized "masks" or behaviors designed to replenish your energy in various scenarios.

      Create a «recharge» mask for use during short breaks. This might involve a two-minute mindfulness practice or a quick walk around the office.

      4. Energy State Monitoring:

      Like AI's constant performance analysis, cultivate the skill of continuously tracking your energy levels. This awareness enables timely mask adjustments or activation of energy-saving modes.

      Set regular check-ins throughout your day. Ask yourself, «How’s my energy right now? Which mask am I wearing? Is it serving me well in this moment?»

      Now, let's address a crucial aspect of energy management: dealing with external threats to our energy, specifically "energy vampires" – individuals who inadvertently drain our vitality through negative interactions.

      In the context of our social masks and AI analogy, an encounter with an energy vampire is like an external system attempting to initiate an energy-depleting process in our "inner AI." To counter this, I've developed a technique called the "energy shield."

      Here's how to implement this method:

      1. Recognition: Identify that you're engaging with an energy vampire. This could be someone who consistently complains, criticizes, or provokes negative emotions in you.

      2. Shield Activation: Visualize activating a protective energy shield around yourself.

      3. Breathwork: Engage in deep, conscious breathing. While advanced techniques like Tummo breathing (a Tibetan Buddhist practice for generating inner heat) can be powerful, even simple slow, controlled breathing is beneficial.

      4. Attention Shift: Direct part of your awareness to a specific body part, like your toe, or the space around you.

      5. Dual Focus: Divide your attention between your breath and your chosen focal point. This split focus creates an energetic barrier, preventing the "vampire" from tapping into your emotional reserves.

      This technique is effective because it maintains mindfulness, regulates stress responses, and prevents complete immersion in negative interactions. From an AI perspective, it's like launching a protective program that blocks unauthorized access to your energy resources.

      I once had a colleague who constantly complained about work. Initially, our interactions left me drained. By applying the energy shield technique, I was able to maintain my composure and energy levels during our conversations, without becoming emotionally entangled in their negativity.

      As we continue to explore the intersection of human consciousness and AI, techniques like the energy shield demonstrate our unique ability to adapt, grow, and protect our most valuable resource – our life energy. By mastering these skills, we not only enhance our daily interactions but also pave the way for profound personal transformation.

      Remember, the goal isn't to become a more efficient "human machine," but to free up resources for personal growth, creativity, and self-actualization. By managing our energy effectively, we can transcend automatic reactions and consciously shape our reality.

      In the next chapter, we'll delve deeper into practical exercises that will help you become the lead developer of your personal operating system, optimizing performance, creating new "applications" (skills and abilities), and even rewriting core code (beliefs and behavioral patterns).

      Think about your typical day. Which «masks» do you wear most often? How do they affect your energy levels? Can you identify one mask that you could optimize for better energy efficiency? Take a moment to brainstorm how you might do this, drawing inspiration from the concepts we’ve discussed.

      By understanding and applying these principles, we’re not just functioning in the AI era – we’re thriving and evolving, creating a more conscious, creative, and fulfilling existence.

      Chapter 6: The Art of Self-Improvement in the Age of AI

      Sunbeams pierced through the blinds, painting intricate patterns on my computer screen. I sat there, deep in thought about the parallels between the human mind and artificial intelligence. Suddenly, it hit me: what if we applied AI optimization principles to our daily lives?

      Imagine for a moment that you're not just a person, but an incredible, self-learning system. A system so complex that even the most advanced AI of our time can only dream of such flexibility and adaptability. How would you approach optimizing such a system?

      Let's start with what I call "personal discovery." It's as if you were an explorer, setting foot for the first time on an uncharted planet – a planet called "Me."

      Alex, a long-time friend and colleague, once shared his experience of such a "discovery." He recounted how he began to notice that his mood and energy fluctuated greatly throughout the day. "It was like a roller coaster," he said, "in the morning I was full of enthusiasm, by lunch I felt like a squeezed lemon, and in the evening I came alive again."

      Intrigued by this observation, Alex decided to keep a journal of his states. He noted not only his mood and energy level but also what he was doing, who he was communicating with, what he ate. After a month, an amazing picture of his inner "operating system" unfolded before him.

      It turned out that some activities he considered relaxing were actually draining him. For example, watching the news before bed, instead of relaxing him, charged him with anxiety for the whole night. And short walks in the park near the office, which seemed like a waste of time, actually significantly increased his productivity in the afternoon hours.

      Alex's story led me to think about "prompts" in the context of our daily lives. Every situation, every person we interact with, every task we perform – it's a kind of prompt for our inner AI.

      Maria, a successful entrepreneur and mother of two, told me how she used this concept to optimize her life. She noticed that switching between the role of CEO and the role of mom was taking a huge amount of energy from