Planet of the Future, or Neongrad. New Earth. Book one. Fantastic story. Elena Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006458628
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Planet of the Future, or Neongrad. New Earth. Book one

      Fantastic story

      Elena Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva

      Illustrator Lena Aleksandrovna Nikalaeva

      Translator Lena Aleksandrovna Nikalaeva

      © Elena Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva, 2024

      © Lena Aleksandrovna Nikalaeva, illustrations, 2024

      © Lena Aleksandrovna Nikalaeva, translation, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-5862-8 (т. 1)

      ISBN 978-5-0064-5861-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      From the author

      If every fan of his/her idol, favorite actor or artist began to express his/her delight in the same way as I do in this case, and not just with applause and flowers and admiring cries from the audience, such an audience would need the very “Volume Time” of this story, where everyone without exception is gifted and talented.

      The energies of Love and Light are the only important contributors to the invitation to read this book. It is like an open call to unite people – for the sake of peace – here, now, on the living and all of us beloved planet Earth.

      Elena Nikolaeva


      Fantastic story

      To my favorite actor, the performer of the main role in the movie “Matrix. Resurrection” – Keanu Reeves – is dedicated…

      Why didn’t we meet on the planet?

      Didn’t fly to each other on the wings of spring.

      How many fallen leaves there were in the fall,

      But the angels are right!

      I have made my way across the starry field to you!

      The angels showed me the way from the high heavens!

      No matter how many miracles are sent from above.

      Love’s counterbalance!

      The first word that was spoken by you!

      A whole phrase in return shall be said by me!

      “Two voices will make a duet in love!” —

      That was my answer.

      We were born for each other

      From different parts of the world!

      And I’ll read it all back to you in syllables:

      I was born in spring, and you in fall!

      Seasonal dreams!

      A movie star! On the screen you shine again!

      Keeping your fans enthralled!

      I’ll write you a unique story

      From old movies!



      The components of time in the system of the genomatrix itself had changed. In an instant, time was gone. Everything froze. Oh! Yes! The glow! That glow is from a holographic quartz crystal of enormous size. It’s frozen Light! It is that mysterious state of nothingness in the space of eternity! What next? And then – the realization that there is a CHANCE to put everything back in place: the world, people, breathing in contact with oxygen for life activity, consciousness modeled anew – based on the old chronological schemes of humanity’s experience with all the functions of the present. A single chance, but it is there, to create life in a new way: with emphasis on an improved version, with a better version of ourselves as representatives of the planet reborn! And it will be different now.

      Chapter FIRST


      – Who is Tinitri? She’s out of our reach in the truest sense. There is almost nothing concrete about her in any reference sources, and she is practically inaccessible,” the agent who read in a reality he did not understand well, that is, in the octal program system as Mist Gaten, and in the hexadecimal system as Gaten Tims, worried this time. In this holoprojection he could be compared to a mirror fragment distorting reality, which flew into the genomatrix space with a certain program: to break the unified whole into two parts. And this already in a particular case and circumstances of the process of reproduction of similar individuals served as a bad indicator, a fractal carrier of evil. And its explosive character gave away this time another attempt to occupy, to fill with itself all parts of the surrounding space, wherever it appeared. But these efforts now converged more and more often at the point of illusion of the world, which made him even more cold-blooded and insidious. His body, frozen in transition, still allowed him to think as if he were still living and evolving, still powerful and strong. Tims could not even guess that the names of the matrix’s protagonists were now programmed on the multilevel templates of vibratory consciousness in such a way that, corresponding to their place of residence, they were significantly different from their previous ones. And in opposition to its evil in the form of bifurcation, the light-bearing Tinitri and her lover Yane had the power of unity in love – to create the whole in every way.

      On the eighth level they appeared as TRITINI and NIYA, and on the sixteenth level as TINITRI AND JANE. Only at the moments of transition from one level to another they had to expend a certain degree of their energy reserves for instant adaptation. These secret codes of the genomatrix applied only to them. For others, who were saved for game moves and combinations in sleep mode, at the moments of movement in the space of the Creators, the genomatrixes remained with the same level of consciousness and did not have access to superpowers.

      Information was now the main weapon for those who had the right to pursue agents – carriers of software in the fictional genomatrix of the city of Neongrad. The presence of agents there was becoming extremely dangerous, and special training was underway to eliminate them. The unusual name of the city is due to the fact that Neon is the fifth element in the universe after hydrogen, helium, oxygen and carbon. And it was here that the gates to the promising city of the future were to open – thanks to the selection of the keys to the four elements as the building material of the universe.

      – I, once in love with the chosen one, will never be the same,” Tinitri had been thinking to herself for an hour, trying to realize the depth of her feelings for Yane. After all, love transforms a person beyond recognition – through her entire innermost being. The soul level of a person in love falls out of the ordinary environment for those around her, becoming like a sparkling star against the dark canvas of the sky. And only this sky, “not real” at the moment, touched the sensitive limbs of the crystal of her soul that was bare and uncut. And all because everything that was happening was realized by her. The bitterest thing was that nothing could be changed until a certain point. The defenseless strings of the soul as if exuded a hidden shiver of glass shards, folding into the most different colors of the mosaic, reflecting the essence of the picture of the moments of life not yet created.

      – “Layers of stardust have covered such a long wait for a long time now,” thought Tinitri, sighing deeply.
