furiously ['fjʊəriəsli] – adv яростно, разъяренно
helpless ['helpləs] – adj беспомощный
instead [ɪn'sted] – adv вместо
pass [pɑ:s] – v проходить
passionate ['pæʃənət] – adj увлечённый
prisoner ['prɪzənər] – n заключенный
property ['prɒpəti] – n собственность
proud [praʊd] – adj гордый
quiet [kwaɪət] – adj тихий
shadow ['ʃædəʊ] – adj тень
trap [træp] – v заманивать в ловушку, замуровывать
trust [trʌst] – v доверять
wander ['wɒndər] – v бродить
warn [wɔ:n] – v предупреждать
Chapter IV
I woke up in my bed. Someone folded my clothes carefully. Was it the Count? I felt uneasy, but I needed to find proof. Fortunately, the Count didn't find my diary. He asked me to write letters again. This time, I needed to write that it was June and I was already in Bistritz. I wanted to argue, but it was dangerous, because the Count was angry. I needed to escape.
Ten days later, there were guests at the castle. I wrote letters for my boss and Mina, and asked the guests to post them secretly. The Count came into my room. In his hands, there were my letters. “I will send the letter to your boss, Mr. Hawkins,” he said before he left and locked the door.
Soon, something strange happened: all the paper disappeared. I couldn't find my suit or my coat. I was terrified. Then I saw the Count with my suit. I also saw many black dots around him. They were tiny, like dust, and moved very quickly. Finally, they turned into the three women! Outside, wolves started to howl.
I couldn't find the Count. I thought he was away, so I left the room to look for his keys. I found an old chapel. Inside, it was dusty, and there were a lot of coffins. In one of them, I found the Count, asleep! He looked lifeless, but the smile on his face was evil.
The Count told me that the next day I would leave. I wanted to leave sooner, but I felt this was a trick. The Count noticed it and called the wolves. He knew it was scary for me. “Have patience!” Dracula said. While he wasn't around, I tried to find the keys again. I knew the Count was sleeping in the coffin – but this time, he looked young!
argue ['ɑ:ɡju:] – v спорить
away [ə'weɪ] – adv отсутствующий (в значении находящийся не дома или на работе)
chapel ['tʃæpəl] – n часовня
coffin ['kɒfɪn] – n гроб
disappear [,dɪsə'pɪər] – v исчезать
dot [dɒt] – n точка
dust [dʌst] – n пыль
fold [fəʊld] – v складывать
lifeless ['laɪfləs] – adj мертвый, безжизненный
notice ['nəʊtɪs] – v замечать
patience ['peɪʃəns] – n терпение
proof [pru:f] – n доказательство
tiny ['taɪni] – adj крошечный
turn into [tɜ:n 'ɪntə] – v превращать(ся) в кого-либо/во что-либо
uneasy [ʌn'i:zi] – adj тревожный, беспокойный
Chapter V
Dear Lucy,
Sorry for not writing sooner. Teaching is hard, but I'm excited to see you. I am working very hard to help Jonathan with his work. Also, I'm writing in my diary. Jonathan's in Transylvania, but he's coming back soon. I can't wait to hear his stories.
P.S. Tell me all the news!
Dear Mina,
I don't have much news. The town's nice, and we go to a lot of parks and galleries. Mr. Holmwood visits mum and me often. I love him – and I think he loves me! Please do not tell anyone my secret.
Yesterday, three men proposed to me! The first one was Dr. Seward. He was nervous and straightforward, but very nice, and he made me cry. Then an American, Mr. Morris, proposed, too. He was good-humoured, so it was easy for me to say no. I cried a lot after it. I can't tell you about the third proposal yet, but I am delighted!
Write back soon.
My appetite is bad. I cannot eat, so I am writing in my diary instead. I worked with a patient, Mr. Renfield, today, but I don't think I understand him well.
Dear Art,
Let's meet. Jack will come, too.
I will be there – and I have exciting news!
appetite ['æpɪtaɪt] – n аппетит
cry [kraɪ] – v плакать
delighted [dɪ'laɪtɪd] – adj довольный, радостный
excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] – adj взволнованный, возбужденный
good-humoured [,ɡʊd'hju:məd] – adj добродушный
hard [hɑ:d] – adv настойчиво, упорно
news [nju:z] – n новости, известия
patient ['peɪʃ(ə)nt] – n пациент
propose [prə'pəʊz] – v делать предложение (о браке)
straightforward [,streɪt'fɔ:wəd] – adj прямой, откровенный
Chapter VI
Lucy met me at the station. She looked sweet and lovely. We drove to her house at the Crescent. It is a wonderful place, with a little river and beautiful green valleys around it. Lucy and I often sit near the harbour, and the locals, old men, join us. I ask them many questions about some legends and superstitions, but the men are sceptical, and they tell me these legends are all lies.