Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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in reality, there is the One Primordial Creator, and we are all parts of Him. And we are all Him, the One and indivisible.

      It’s just like in a game: some of the parts agreed to be called black, and some white. Like in a chess game, which is played by the Primordial Creator Himself, playing with both sets of pieces against Himself. This is how He develops, how He thinks, how He entertains Himself. If one could say so, this is how He expresses Himself. But all these epithets are, of course, very approximate.

      I agreed to be the dark pieces and play on the black team. But as the game progressed, the players got mixed up, and some pieces became two-toned. And they sometimes play for the black team, and sometimes for the white team. And because of this, they suffer from their uncertainty. Moreover, some of the pieces – those playing for the black team – imagined that they are not played by the Primordial Creator, but they themselves decide where and how to "move" and whom to "capture," what to strive for, and what rules to establish. This is the Illusion of Separation.

      In essence, it is necessary for all the pieces to determine their choice of either the black or white side and take their places on the chessboard. Then the opposition and suffering will cease. But the two-toned pieces cannot make up their minds. And no one can do it for them because the Law of Freedom of Choice exists.

      By the way, speaking of the Law of Freedom of Choice. If the Primordial Creator is playing with us, what kind of freedom are we talking about?

      Freedom within the designated range. A knight moves in an "L" shape, a pawn only one square forward, and the queen in all directions. Your games in many ways reflect the games of the Universe. If you remember, it was precisely through the analogy of chess that you were given the knowledge that everything is just a game.

      Okay, let's continue the chess analogy. When all the black and white pieces make their choice and choose one of the sides-teams, what will happen?

      The chessboard will be divided into two fields: black and white. And there will be no chess squares. Each piece will stand on its own color and play for its own team. The chessboard will fold in half, as it does for you. And the dark side will simply become the reverse side of the other half of the axis—the white side. And the meaning of opposition will vanish. Everyone will be in their own field. But now, when the black pieces stand on white squares, they suffer. And when the white pieces stand or move to black squares, they suffer as well. Therefore, when each piece stands on its own color, it is joyful.

      But what if the majority of the two-colored pieces choose Darkness, or choose Light? Won’t the balance be disturbed? That is, on the 'chessboard,' one team will be larger. What will happen then?

      In fact, the struggle is over this very issue. That’s why you receive so much information from the Light Teachers, who are trying to reclaim 'their pieces.' After all, it wasn’t the Light that penetrated the Darkness, but the other way around. The Beings of Light never even contemplate infiltrating the Anti-World; for them, it’s nonsense, sacrilege, unacceptable. But since the Dark Beings have penetrated the Light World, they have lured some of humanity to their side and, in your language, 'repainted' some of the white pieces. Figuratively speaking, the Light team has suffered losses. Some players have chosen the Dark camp, and some are still undecided about which camp to join. That’s why the Light is sometimes so militant, advancing and trying to fight the Darkness, the Dark team. This explains some of the channelings that call for a fight against Darkness. But we just need to put everything in its proper place.

      Then, what about the stories of hellish circles where those who sinned in life suffer? There are many literary accounts of them, detailing various torments.

      These are the lowest Levels, closest to the Membrane between Worlds, where Darkness has almost completely penetrated.

      So, does the concept of a Bottom not exist, and instead, is there a place that is the Membrane between Worlds?

      How can there be a bottom to the Bottomless, to the Infinite?

      Well, what is meant is the lowest part, the fallen part, the one at the very bottom.

      Low and high are also relative concepts. You already have information that a passage to the highest 'heights' can be made through the lowest 'depths.' That is, there is a road from the Dark World to the Light World, not through the Membrane, which is the 'bottom,' but through the 'upper' layers of the Anti-World’s Hierarchy.

      So, are you saying that the highest hierarchs of the World somehow interact with the highest hierarchs of the Anti-World?

      That was the case before. But now, since the Anti-World viruses have penetrated the world through the bottom-membrane, this interaction is limited. Everyone is waiting for the time when the Creation will completely separate.

      Tell me, would you like all this to end? Or do you enjoy and find it interesting?

      I follow the Will of the First Creator, my Father. I simultaneously feel both my unity with the Father and my separation from Him and my brothers.

      But I want to return to the Father’s House just as much as each of you does.

      But that does not depend on me; it depends on each of your choices and the Father’s choice.

      When His Great Will allows me to return, I will do so at the first call.

      For there is no joy for me in Separation. But I have learned much through this Separation.

      Part 57. The Twilight Realms of the Universe. The Duality Swing

      I would like to ask some questions regarding our last conversation.

      I still don't understand. The Absolute created the First Creator, who began to create our Universe. And He created our Universe based on the Thoughtform of Separation. Does this mean that duality and dual pairs exist throughout our Universe?

      Yes. But to varying degrees. That is, the Degree of Separation varies.

      If you take a Point and extend multiple rays-vectors from it, like the spines of a sea urchin, the farther two vectors move away from the original point, the greater the distance between them, and thus, the greater the Degree of Separation from each other and the Degree of Misunderstanding, the Degree of Disconnection, meaning, the degree of Duality.

      Now, divide the "urchin" into two hemispheres. These will be the two manifested halves: the World and the Anti-world.

      Now, if you take one Ray that extends from the Point, the other Ray that extends from the Point in the exact opposite direction will be the most separated from the first Ray. This is a Dual Pair.

      Wait. Are you saying that each "Ray" of the Light World has a Dual Pair – a Ray of the Dark World?

      Yes. Each ray of the Light World has a dual, opposite pair in the Dark World.

      We are used to thinking that Duality is day-night, love-hate, man-woman.

      If you look at Dual Pairs, you'll find that among them are pairs of varying degrees of Duality.

      For example, man-woman is a Dual Pair, but one does not negate the other; they are compatible, and every person has both feminine and masculine traits.

      But there is a Dual Pair where both components are opposites. For example, love-hate.

      But they say that there is only one step from love to hate, and vice versa.

      Exactly. Let's go back to the "urchin."

      If you travel along the Rays of the "urchin," there is a "Ray of Love" and a "Ray of Hate."

      On whichever Ray you find yourself, the closer you are to the Original Point, the shorter the path to the Opposite. The closer you are to the Original Point of the Ray, the stronger the attraction of the Opposite Ray. And that’s why it’s so easy to "jump" from Love to Hate and back. The farther you are from the Original Point, that is, the farther you move into hate from that common Point from which both Love and Hate grow as Dual Pairs, the harder it is for you to return, the less you feel what Love is, the less you understand it, and the weaker the attraction of Love, the attraction of the opposite.
