The path to the true self. A book about self-knowledge. Алексей Сабадырь. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алексей Сабадырь
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006446816
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p>A book about self-knowledge

      Алексей Сабадырь

      Illustrator Recraft ai

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

      © Recraft ai, illustrations, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-4681-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1: In Search of self: echoes of the past

      Each of us, at some point in our lives, asks the question: «Who am I?» This is a truly fundamental question that touches the very core of our being. In pursuit of success, satisfaction of social norms and beliefs, we often lose touch with our true «I».

      This book is a journey into the depths of our own personality. We will go in search of answers to questions that trouble each of us:

      How does the past shape our personality?

      How can we recognize our true values and aspirations?

      How can we free ourselves from limiting beliefs and gain the freedom to be ourselves?

      Echoes of the past

      Our life path is a continuous process of formation. Every experience, every event leaves its mark on our soul. The early years of life have a particularly strong influence.

      In childhood, we form basic beliefs about ourselves and the world. These beliefs become our «inner voice» that dictates our actions, our relationships with other people.

      It is important to understand that not all beliefs are useful. Some of them can be limiting, negatively affect our self-esteem and prevent us from achieving our goals.

      The path to self-knowledge

      Self-discovery is not a one-time process. It is a journey that continues throughout life.

      In this book, we will look at various methods of self-knowledge that will help you:

      Determine your true values and aspirations.

      Free yourself from limiting beliefs.

      Develop self-awareness and self-acceptance.

      Start your journey

      We invite you on an exciting journey into the world of self-knowledge! Follow us through the pages of this book, and we will help you understand yourself, discover your hidden potentials and gain true freedom to be yourself.

      Chapter 2: Breaking free from illusions

      In our search for ourselves, we often encounter a distorted reflection of our own personality. This reflection is formed from many external factors: social norms, cultural stereotypes, even just the opinions of others. We begin to live not our own life, but the life that is imposed on us.

      Illusion of the Ideal

      From an early age, we are taught to strive for the ideal. We are shown images of «ideal» people: successful, beautiful, happy. We begin to compare ourselves with these images, and often experience a feeling of inferiority.

      Illusion of perfection

      We try to be «perfect» to meet the expectations of others. We hide our shortcomings, afraid to show our vulnerability. But behind this mask of perfection, we lose ourselves.

      Illusion of control

      We try to control our lives, but in reality we own only a small part of this complex picture. We cannot control everything that happens around us. And attempts to do so only lead to disappointment and stress.

      Freeing yourself from illusions

      To begin the journey to yourself, you need to free yourself from all of these illusions. This is not an easy process, but it is worth all the effort.

      Acknowledge your illusions: be honest with yourself. Ask yourself: what images and beliefs influence your perception of the world and yourself?

      Let go of expectations: stop trying to meet the expectations of others. Live your life without looking back at the opinions of others.

      Accept your imperfections: we are all imperfect. Accepting your shortcomings is the first step to self-acceptance.

      Allow yourself to be vulnerable: do not be afraid to show your vulnerability. This will make you more human and help you build deeper and more trusting relationships with others.

      Freeing yourself from illusions does not mean giving up on your dreams or goals. It means freeing yourself from unrealistic expectations and internal barriers that prevent us from moving forward.

      Chapter 3: The Inner compass: a journey to the true essence

      Once we are freed from illusions, we embark on a journey of self-knowledge. This is a journey into the depths of our own souls, where we begin to discern our true desires and aspirations. This is the path to our inner compass, which shows us the direction of our true life.

      The inner voice

      Within each of us there is a quiet voice that whispers the truth about ourselves. This is the voice of intuition, the voice of the soul. It is not always loud and obvious, often it sounds like a quiet whisper that is easily drowned out by the noise of the outside world.

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