The power of thought, the creator of reality. Алексей Сабадырь. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алексей Сабадырь
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006446724
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r of reality

      Алексей Сабадырь

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-4672-4

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1: Gateway to unlimited possibilities

      The world is full of mysteries. One of the most intriguing is the mystery of the human mind and its connection to reality. We constantly encounter confirmation of this connection: in our dreams that sometimes come true, in chance encounters that change our lives, in events that seem to perfectly match our thoughts. But how does it all work?

      We are accustomed to perceiving the world as something external, as a set of circumstances over which we have no control. We believe that our life is a set of coincidences, and that we ourselves are just «puppets of fate», subject to external forces. But what if this is not so? What if we ourselves are the creators of our reality?

      Deep inside each of us there is an inexhaustible source of creative power – our mind. It is it that shapes our reality, attracts events, determines our feelings and makes us who we are. Thought, like a magic key, opens doors to unlimited possibilities, and in this chapter we will begin a journey into this amazing world.

      A skeptic may ask: «Isn’t this just self-hypnosis? Is it really possible to change your life with the power of thought?»

      The answer is yes, you can. And we will give you proof. We will introduce you to amazing examples of people who have achieved incredible heights by changing their way of thinking. We will reveal the secrets of the law of attraction, learn about the power of visualization and subconscious programming. We will be convinced that our mind is not just a tool for thinking, but also a powerful creator of our reality.

      Chapter 2: Taming the inner creator

      We have already looked into the world of unlimited possibilities, understood that the mind is not just a tool for thinking, but a powerful creator of reality. But how do we control this creator? How do we direct its power in the desired direction?

      In this chapter, we dive into the depths of our mind to learn about the mechanisms of the thought process and how we can control it more consciously.

      Imagine your mind as an artist’s studio. New thoughts, ideas, feelings are constantly being born in it. It is in this studio that our reality is formed. But what if the artist does not control his creative process? What if the studio is chaotic and disordered?

      This is what happens to most of us. We allow thoughts to flow unhindered, without monitoring their direction. We allow negative thoughts, fears and doubts to take over our minds, without paying attention to positive and inspiring ideas.

      But we can become more conscious creators. We can begin to track our thoughts, like an artist tracks the movement of his brush. We can learn to separate positive and creative thoughts from negative and destructive ones. We can direct our minds in the direction we want by focusing on our dreams and goals.

      How do we do this?

      Mindfulness: Start tracking your thoughts. Notice every thought that passes through you without judging it as good or bad.

      Awareness: When you catch a negative thought, don’t give in to it. Just notice it and let it go.

      Redirection: Direct your mind to positive thoughts. Focus on your goals, dreams, and desires.

      Affirmations: Create affirmations – positive statements that will program your subconscious for success.

      Visualization: Visualize your dreams and goals as if they had already come true.

      By taming the inner creator, we learn to control its power. We begin to create a reality that reflects our desires and dreams. And this journey is just beginning.

      Chapter 3: The language of the subconscious: decoding signals

      We have already learned how to manage our thoughts, how to direct them in the desired direction. But what to do with such a powerful and mysterious part of our mind as the subconscious?

      The subconscious is a kind of «computer» that stores a huge amount of information about our past, our fears, dreams, beliefs. It is what influences our decisions, our behavior and how we perceive the world.

      Sometimes the subconscious sends us signals to help us find the path to happiness and success. But we often do not notice them or do not know how to decipher them.

      What signals does the subconscious send us?

      Dreams: dreams are the language of the subconscious. They hide our deep desires, fears, problems that we do not want or cannot admit to our consciousness. Having learned to analyze our dreams, we can get valuable information about ourselves and our needs.

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