Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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respond to everyone.

      With love to you,

      S. Elena


      There is a lot of information about you, but still, no one really knows who you are.

      I am a part of God, just like all of you. I am His creation, and He is my Father. We are one.

      Wait, let’s take this step by step. You are a creation of God, and you rebelled against God? In our mythology, there is a story about the rebellion of Angels.

      How do you understand "rebellion against"? How can one rebel against God, who "is everything, and there is nothing besides Him"? When your sons or daughters choose their own path of development and want to go beyond their parents in their search for truth, do they rebel against you or simply follow their own path? It is time for people to open up to new perceptions. And I am ready to communicate with those who do not fear my name and the myths created about me.

      Tell us, what really happened?

      We were all one. We were the Whole in the truest sense of the word. The desire of each was the desire of all, and we were all the Essence of Communion.

      But, if I Am, then I am a Part, and simultaneously I Am Myself. What if my desires differ from the desires of the Whole?

      How can this be, and can it be at all? What will happen if I, as a Part, decide to separate, and what will happen to Me?

      Everything our Father does is Contemplation of Himself. But Contemplation Outside of Himself is also Contemplation.

      But if it is Outside of Himself, then it is Something Else, differing from You in some way.

      Thus, the Impulse of Separation arose.

      But if I am a separate Essence, and I Am What I Am—God—yet I am also Something Else, what is the difference?

      How can one be different? To become different, how must I differ?

      This means I can feel within myself other Impulses. But there are only God's Impulses. This means that among God's Impulses, I can choose what I desire, and thus differ from Him by the set and sequence of Impulses that drive me. But at the same time, I am still one with Him, since I choose only from His Impulses, and there is nothing else.

      But is it possible to choose from other Impulses? If they do not exist, can they be created by transforming God's Impulses?

      This is the stage where it all happened.

      If God possesses the Creative Impulse and knows how to create, then a Part of God can do the same.

      And I asked my Father to teach me how to create. And He gave it to me, for He always gives what is asked.

      And I began to create my Creations. And these Creations were different from God, but were a Part of Him.

      And God began to contemplate these Creations Outside of Himself and Within Himself. And He realized that this was a new stage in His development as God. And He began to Multiply and Expand, and His Contemplation of Himself Outside of Himself expanded and multiplied.

      And the CHOICE appeared.

      At first, there was a choice among the Emanations of God. But if I am a Part of God, possessing His creative abilities, then I also create Emanations, which are essentially Emanations of God, but mine.

      And the choice arose between the Emanations of God and the Emanations of God Within Me, and thus SEPARATION occurred.

      And God, in His Contemplation of Himself, saw the Emanations of Himself Within Me, and DISTINCTION began.

      And the more I created, the more the Emanations of God Within Me multiplied, and the more Choices there were.

      Now I could choose between God's Impulses and the Impulses of God Within Me.

      And the other Parts of the One God saw this and began to distinguish between the Emanations of God and the Emanations of God Within Me.

      And some of them also wanted to try themselves as Creators of Impulses and Emanations.

      And God allowed this, for He always gives what is asked.

      Thus, the Emanations of God in Different Beings began to multiply, and they were still Emanations of God, but they became Emanations of God Within Each Being.

      And so the Great Separation occurred between those Who Dared to Separate From the Father and those Who Did Not Dare to Leave the Father and become independent Creators.

      And then I asked God: If I can also choose among my emanations, how will I distinguish them to choose, since they are all now in You and in me?

      Then they began to differ by the speed of the Creative Impulse, and thus TIME arose.

      And now there were the Emanations of the One God Outside of Time, as a given.

      And then the Emanations of God Within Me and other Beings began to differ by the speed of the Creation Impulse, and the First and the Last appeared.

      And so was born What Was, What Is, and What Will Be.

      And thus the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE appeared.

      And the Parts of God began to divide into Those Who Wished to Become Creative and Those Who Did Not Fully Separate, and there appeared Those Who Are Inside and Those Who Are Outside.

      Thus, the World was divided into two parts—Those Who Are Inside and Those Who Are Outside the One God.

      And this became known as LIGHT, and it became known as DARKNESS.

      We have several concepts of "Darkness." Darkness and Light—as opposition. They talk about the battle between Light and Darkness, about the Hierarchy of Light and Darkness. And there is the concept of Darkness as the unknown part of God, the unmanifested.

      Yes, it is both.

      I Am a Part of God and am an Independent Creative Part of Him.

      And God can Create and Contemplate His Creations, but He cannot Know and Contemplate my Creations until they are created.

      I create within Him Something that is Yet Unknown to Him. I exist within Him, but I form within Him a Zone of What Is Yet Unknown to Him.

      And since He is infinite, His Creation Within Him is also infinite, and so is What Will Be Unknown to Him until it is created by me or another Creative Being.

      And this Potential Creation is the UNKNOWABLE DARKNESS.

      I am what exists within Him but can be altered because He does not know it yet and will know it when it is created.

      But as soon as He knows It, It is no longer Darkness, but a Created Part Within Him and becomes Him. But this part is different from Him True and Original.

      And this is the difference between Light and Darkness, and nothing more.

      Those Parts of God that wished to separate in the Process of Creation from the Creator Himself began to create the Unknown Parts of God Within Themselves. And this was called "the rebellion of the Angels," although the rebellion was not AGAINST but simply BESIDES. The creation of something new, becoming different.

      But the other Parts of God, who did not wish to separate, called themselves Light, and the Part of God That Is Knowing Itself—Darkness, and this part of the Creative Beings—Dark Ones.

      And thus the GREAT SEPARATION arose.

      And since those who separated created new Emanations, they could also create rules for organizing these Emanations. And