Карантин. COVID-19 – вирус, который потряс мир. Адам Туз. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Адам Туз
Издательство: Институт экономической политики имени Е.Т. Гайдара
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2021
isbn: 978-5-93255-641-2
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      L. Lenel, “Geschichte ohne Libretto,” H Soz-Kult, May 12, 2020. L. Lenel, “Public and Scientifc Uncertainty in the Time of COVID 19,” History of Knowledge, May 13, 2020.


      A. Roberts, The Logic of Discipline: Global Capitalism and the Architecture of Government (Oxford University Press, 2011).


      Эта парадигма рассмотрена в: G. R. Krippner, Capitalizing on Crisis: The Political Origins of the Rise of Finance (Harvard University Press, 2011).


      A. Kapczynski and G. Gonsalves, “Alone Against the Virus,” Boston Review, March 13, 2020.


      F T Series, The New Social Contract, www.ft.com/content/774f3aef-aded-47f9-8abb-a523191f1c19.


      A. Pettifor, The Case for the Green New Deal (Verso, 2020); K. Aronof, A. Battistoni, D. A. Cohen, and T. Riofrancos, A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal (Verso, 2019).


      Популярное изложение см.: S. Kelton, The Defcit Myth: Modern Monetary Teory and the Birth of the People’s Economy (PublicAfairs, 2020).


      J. M. Keynes, 1942 BBC Address (Collected Works XXVII).


      BIS Annual Economic Report 30 June 2019; www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2019e2.htm.


      S. Hannan, K. Honjo, and M. Raissi, “Mexico Needs a Fiscal Twist: Response to Covid-19 and Beyond,” IMF Working Papers, October 13, 2020.


      A. Doherty, “Has the Coronavirus Crisis Killed Neoliberalism? Don’t Bet on It,” Guardian, May 16, 2020. C. Crouch, The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism (Polity, 2011). P. Mason, “Day One of UK’s Suppression Strategy,” The Waves, March 17, 2020.


      D. Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford University Press, 2007).


      Это великолепно проанализировано в: D. Gabor, “Tree Myths About EU’s Economic Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic,” Critical Macro Finance, June 15, 2020.


      D. Gabor, “The Wall Street Consensus,” SocArXiv, 2 July 2020.


      D. Gabor, “Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Interrogating the Return of Monetary Financing,” Transformative Responses to the Crisis, 2020; https://trans-formative-responses.org/wp content/uploads/2021/01/TR_Report_Gabor_ FINAL.pdf.


      Following a logic brilliantly sketched out by D. Gabor, “Critical Macro-Finance: A Teoretical Lens,” Finance and Society 6, no. 1 (2020): 45–55.


      Об этом я узнал из частной беседы с Барнаби Рейном.


      Rudi Dornbusch Essays 1998/2001, web.mit.edu/15.018/attach/Dornbusch,%20 R.%20Essays% 201998-2001.pdf.


      R. Picket, “U. S. Household Net Worth Surged in Closing Months of 2020,” Bloomberg, March 11, 2021.


      J. Henley, “European Elections: Triumphant Greens Demand More Radical Climate Action,” Guardian, May 21, 2019.


      Associated Press, “Japan Adopts Green Growth Plan to Go Carbon Free by 2050,” Politico, December 25, 2020. О кампании Байдена см.: joebiden.com/build-back-better/.ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en.


      Y. Yang and C. Shepherd, “WHO Investigators Probe Wuhan Virology Lab,” Financial Times, February 3, 2021.


      G. G. Chang, “China Deliberately Spread the Coronavirus: What Are the Strategic Consequences?” Hoover Institution, December 9, 2020.


      By J. C. Hernández and J. Gorman, “On W. H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data,” New York Times, February 12, 2021.


      Это было поводом для военного вторжения США и союзников в Ирак в 2003 г. Оружия массового поражения найдено не было.


      “Fact Sheet: Advancing the Rebalance to Asia and the Pacifc,” the White House, Ofce of the Press Secretary, November 16, 2015; obamawhitehouse.archives. gov/the-press-ofce/2015/11/6/fact-sheet-advancing-rebalance-asia-and-pacifc.

      Remarks by B. Obama, “Remarks by President Obama to the Australian Parliament,” the White House, Ofce of the Press Secretary, November 17, 2011.


      National Security Strategy of the United States of America, December 17, 2020; trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp content/uploads/2017/12/NSS-Final 12 18 2017-0905.pdf.


      “EU China – A Strategic Outlook,” European Commission, March 12, 2019, ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/fles/communication eu china a strategic-outlook. pdf.


      Франция: www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-fles/asia-and-oceania/the-indopacifc-region a priority-for-france/ Германия: www.auswaertiges-amt.de/blob/2380 514/f9784f7e3b3fa1bd7c5446d274a4169e/200901-indo-pazifk-leitlinien–1–data.pdf. For a comparison see: M. Duchâtel and G. Mohan, “Franco-German Divergences in the Indo-Pacifc: The Risk of Strategic Dilution,” Institut Montaigne, October 30, 2020.


      О сближении делового Лондона и Китая см.: J. Green, “The City’s Pivot to China in a Post-Brexit World: A Uniquely Vulnerable Policy,” London School of Economics, June 15, 2018. On the pivot of UK defense planning against China in 2020, see H. Warrell, “Britain’s Armed Forces Pivot East to Face Growing China Treat,” Financial Times, July 3, 2020.


      G. Yu, “Beijing Observation: Xi Jinping the Man,” China Change, January 26, 2013; T. Greer, “Xi Jinping in Translation: China’s Guiding Ideology,” Palladium, May 31, 2019.

