Turn me. Part 1. Altar Coal. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Altar Coal
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006428096
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to the back of the car and relaxed with pleasure, as he leaned back in the car seat, it was really comfortable.

      Looking at him in the rearview mirror, the driver asked, «Judging by the urgency of the call and the methods used to get you, are you some kind of important bird?»

      Kanny smiled modestly and nodded slightly. He was accustomed to both luxury cars and simple and nondescript trucks. During his work, a variety of means of transportation were used, depending on the situation.

      «Honestly, I wouldn’t say it,» the driver continued. «What is this? A conspiracy?»

      Kanny chuckled a little. «Well, yes, probably to some extent.»

      «And what do you do, if not a secret?» This man in a black suit clearly wanted to talk.

      «Information,» the werewolf answered curtly.

      «Hmm, that’s interesting. And, probably, judging by the situation, under the rubric… top secret?

      «If I answer «Yes’, this implies, as you understand, that I can only say a little.»

      «I understand,» the driver said with a sigh. «By the way, you never said «yes’ directly.»

      They both laughed, and Kanny thought, «Observant type!»

      «By the way, my name is Maxim Ildarovich,» the driver continued. «But for you it can be just Maxim.»

      «Then I can be just Konstantin.»

      «They told me to get you to Antonovka as quickly as possible. Kanny noticed the speedometer, which showed 210 km/h, and thought that in this car the speed was almost imperceptible, even though they were now driving along a country road.

      «At the same time, they did not say, what should I do with cameras on the roads? Maybe you can tell me? It’s not that it’s hard for me to pay these fines, it’s just unpleasant when you get them in the mail.»

      «Don’t worry, Maxim. While you are driving me, no camera will capture you.»

      «How is that? Are you jamming the radar signal?»

      No, but… well,» Kanny thought for a moment before answering, «yes, you’re right, it’s kind of like jamming a signal.»

      «I shouldn’t tell him that my superiors can turn off any security camera,» the werewolf thought to himself.

      «And he is a conspirator, evidently,» Maxim thought, glancing at his passenger through the rear-view mirror, and said aloud, «Apparently, you can’t give me this information, can you? As I understand it, if you work for who I think then I heard that these guys are almost ubiquitous. They can listen to any mobile phone, or get you even through TV, not to mention computers, or, for example, they can turn off the brakes on my car whenever they want.»

      «And he knows something, looks as if he reads minds», Kanny thought. «I wonder if he is already at some level of initiation»?

      «Do you think it’s real at all?» The BMW driver continued his inquiries.

      «You have to be careful with him,» Kanny thought as he answered. «It seems to me that it is no longer a secret for anyone that every mobile phone is at the same time a listening device, and special services have the opportunity not only to hear all our conversations, but in general everything that is within the radius of a mobile phone at any point in time.»

      «Even when it’s offline or turned off, right? And that he has an ultra-sensitive microphone, and the same is the case with the latest models of TVs and all without exception tablets, computers, and similar gadgets?» Maxim continued his questions.

      «Do you want me to confirm this information, or are you just wondering if I know about all these points?» Kanny smiled back, looking at the driver in the rearview mirror.

      «Yes… no… actually,» the driver laughed. «I understand that you won’t blurt out too much to me, and I won’t wait for a direct answer from you. And if for such a nondescript person like you, it was necessary to call a private government plane and turn off my car engine in order for me to answer a cell phone call… Of course, no one advertised to me that my engine was deliberately turned off. I was just driving on business, and did not want to be distracted by the call, and especially if the number was unknown. But when my car stopped, as if rooted to the spot, I had to answer. It turned out that you needed to be met, and moreover urgently. So… I understand that the choice fell on me not by chance, but because I was at that moment very close to that place, and I am one of those who are a little aware. This means that turning off security cameras on the road is also not a problem for you. So, you don’t have to answer. I am not a stupid person, and I am quite capable of building a simple logical chain from a sequence of events. Just wondering, who are these powerful people you work for? Masons? Illuminati?»

      «You interestingly raised the question, as if YOU, taking me to the ordered place, do not work for these same people?» Kanny answered a question with a question.

      «Hmm… you are right. But I only work indirectly, and you, apparently, directly. I was simply offered to meet you and take you to some godforsaken village for a good amount of money. I was told that my business would wait and I wouldn’t have any problem, showing a fair amount of knowledge about the deal I was going for. Moreover, I was assured that the deal would take place in any case, and I don’t even have to worry about it, because the immediate boss of the director of the company, to whom I was going to meet, is talking to me. Naturally, I agreed, who in my place would not agree? I was left with no choice. I understand perfectly well that a car like mine does not stall just like that. And what? I’m interested! I would like to get to know your superiors better. What do you say? Is it real? Or, when I take you, will I be paid what I’m promised and that’s all?»

      Now it was Kanny’s turn to laugh. «You ask me as if I called you and turned off the car engine encouraging you to answer the call. If you hadn’t told me all this, I wouldn’t have known what happened.»

      «Oh, so you are the wrong person to ask? Then… where should I turn to?»

      Kanny thought for a moment before answering and said while still chuckling. «I think that after everything you have told me, following a simple logical chain, the conclusion suggests itself. You voiced your desire, and it was heard, because you yourself said that your gadget is also a great listening device. So, if you are interested in those whom you talk about, and they are in fact who you think they are, then an offer for cooperation will come to you from them by itself. But in any case, I have absolutely nothing to do with it.»

      «Understood,» Maxim said disappointed. «Well, we’ve arrived. So, I did my part, and you didn’t tell me anything specific.

      «I didn’t promise you anything,» the werewolf shrugged.

      «Cunning!» Maxim thought and with annoyance said, «I agree, there’s nothing I can do. Well, it was nice to meet you.»

      With these words, the driver stopped the BMW at the road sign that said «Antonovka’. At the same moment, a black Land Cruiser drove out of the forest and abruptly stopped next to the X6, door to door. The windows of both cars went down almost at the same time.

      While Kanny was transferring, the man sitting in the passenger seat handed the limousine driver an envelope and said,» Mr. Andreev, as promised. You can count if you want. We will consider your wishes. Thanks for helping us.» The window closed and the Land Cruiser pulled away smoothly, picking up speed quickly and out of sight.

      «Well, yes, I would also like to know who these „we“ he mentioned.», Maxim thought thoughtfully and, having counted the money, took up his mobile phone. Finding a missed call from the director of the firm he was supposed to meet, he held his breath and dialed his number, expecting to hear anything. However, after the first beep, on the other end answered the phone, and he heard a joyful voice:
