The Azuin university: Professor’s exam. Darine Zoyar. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darine Zoyar
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006425835
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here, huh? That’s why the Guards… While I was running… anyway, that’s the thought, you know?»

      I stared at her, beginning to guess what she was afraid to say.

      A deep male voice interrupted our silent glances.

      «If it’s not someone else, then it’s a local, from university, that’s obvious.»

      As if on cue, we turned to Mavinus, who was relaxed in his chair, and he continued.

      «This, by the way, is more likely: to steal, you need to know about the object of the theft, where it is, how it is protected, at least approximately. A lot of people in Azuin know this. A symbol, after all.

      «But then,» I met Erchin’s gray eyes, blinked, clearing my disheveled thoughts, ran my hand through my hair, brushing back a strand of golden-brown hair that had fallen on my forehead, «then… if he’s one of our colleagues and he was able to break the stamp, then he’s definitely not a student. Really, not all teachers have a fifth level! Sunny and I got ours just recently and…»

      «And I have a third, as you know,» added the professor.

      «Took the time to brag,» I snorted, and strangely calmed down.

      «Ours…» Sunny’s voice trembled, «I can’t believe… it would be terrible,» she threw up her hands, nearly knocking the books off a nearby open shelf. «But, Zu, we don’t care who did it, as long as Azuin is free.»

      I shook my head.

      «No, no, no. Hang on. It was stolen, but what makes you think they let it go?»

      «But why, then…» she wondered. «It’s too much effort for a simple statuette if you don’t release it.»

      «For emerald statuette,» Erchin interjected again.

      He managed to pull the chair a little closer, and now our company looked almost intimate.

      «Not at all,» I said, glad to see the change in his face: I liked to besiege him, even if it was in small ways. «It’s just the name, The Emerald Azuin. Well, yes, it’s green, but it’s just ceramic icing on a stone. Nothing special in terms of self-worth. And from the point of view of art, it is an ordinary craft without frills, to tell the truth.»

      The professor raised an eyebrow and looked at Sunny as if he doubted my words. What a dumbass!

      She nodded in acknowledgment. Well, after so many years here, it would be unforgivable not to know.

      «I see,» Erchin drawled, «thank you for your explanations, dean. But this means that the figure is not going to be sold…»

      «It would be better if they were going to,» I interrupted him, «it would be better if it was an order from some dim-witted collector, yes. It’s much worse if the kidnapper doesn’t want the vault, but the prisoner. The devil himself will not say what this may lead to, or what it threatens us, or all of Enthuaria.»

      «So, you think all the legends about Azuin’s serpent are true?!» He leaned forward, his hand touching my shoulder.

      Devil! Despite the problem that befell all of us, I could not ignore it. The skin that felt the warmth of his hand through the thin fabric of my blouse prickled, hot sparks running all over my body. I suddenly found myself staring at his lips. I wonder how they would feel. I shook his hand off my shoulder, forced a wry smile and responded, trying not to look him in the face.

      «Of course. How can you think otherwise?»

      «We grew up here,» Sunny said, «and we all know it’s not a legend, it’s a reality, just a very old one. You’re new here, that’s why you’re hesitating yet,» she smiled softly and gently.

      Erchin smiled back at her, making me twitch in anger. Well, of course! Everyone is glad to see our blonde darling. Who wouldn’t fall in those turquoise, lagoon-like eyes?! Okay, wait. What’s that… jealousy?!

      I even turned away from the couple across from me.

      What nonsense! Did I just get mad at my best friend because of some male?! Ugh, idiot. Jinx, we need to listen to Adiree and go to the Dark World. Wait a minute… A Dark World?

      I coughed and they both stared at me.

      «What is it?» Sunny was worried about me now, and she got up and went to fetch water.

      «No, don’t, sit down. Just a thought came,» I tapped my finger on my temple. «If it’s not ours, which I hope it is, it’s most obvious to look for a thief in the Dark World. I can’t imagine that anyone here would decide to contact the power of the Azuin serpent, but over there… There’s a lot of… There are a lot of powerful demons and idiots who want to climb something like that. And it’s easier for a demon to break the Stamp of Rennes: there’s less chance of getting burned. We have to check it out!»

      I jumped up, about to continue my tirade, but I was interrupted again. The door opened once more.

      The second commandant burst into the room, a short man with a remarkable physical strength that was so incongruous with his cute image of a chubby.

      Pulling up the greenish uniform that stretched over his vast belly, he said:

      «In connection with an unprecedented event – the alleged theft of the precious artifact The Emerald Azuin – by the will of the Rector Tahoni, the university is declared a temporarily closed territory. Teachers and students are not allowed to leave its walls, meaning the main buildings and the territory of the college’s settlements, until further notice. Each of those present will be called in for an additional interview when competent specialists arrive,» he looked around the three of us, making sure he had been heard, and chuckled. «Sit in your seats, in short, and don’t set foot in the city until the rector and the investigators allow it, okay?»

      After waiting for our nods, he left, slamming the door, as always, not commensurate with the effort exerted. Even the glass in the window on the opposite wall rattled with the bang.

      Outside, in keeping with our mood, gray clouds crept over the university from behind the Ney Ridge, reflecting like dark shadows in the turbulent waters of the Farinech.

      Chapter 3

      It was a lousy morning.

      More precisely, it was unpleasant: firstly, it was still pouring outside, and since it was already December, it could not be called a warm rain; secondly, we will obviously be interrogated today.

      Yesterday, despite the fact that we sat in our offices until late at night, the investigators did not have time to talk to everyone, as well as to inspect the countless premises of the university. So now this confusion threatened to continue, and it did not bode well.

      In the evening, Adiree burst in, snorting and growling in annoyance. She was so angry that her scarlet hair, which was so bright beyond belief, was ablaze. Someone had definitely managed to infuriate the Demonology Professor, who was usually quite unflappable.

      «How dare he!» She said as she flew into the office. "Who let this bloodhound think he was in charge, huh? As if he thinks I’m some kind of tramp!» She sat down on the couch, snorted again, and said, «I need a drink. Do you have anything?»

      I shrugged my shoulders and grinned knowingly: not that I set up a bar here, but I did stash some supplies in case I was in a bad mood. Getting up from the table, I walked over to the book-filled bookcase by the window, pulled out a couple of tomes from the middle shelf, fumbled with my hand in the vacant space, and pulled out a small bottle. A liquid as green as young leaves splashed in the frosted glass.
