At depth. Erick Poladov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Erick Poladov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006270886
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«Mr. Smith» or simply «Smith». He was appointed curator of the expedition.

      He provided the recruit with information about scientists, whose candidates, in his opinion, were most suitable in order to attract them to work on board the submarine. But his main competence is considered to be the ability to obtain, buy, extort and steal data from closed archives. Thanks to successful work in this direction, Smith made the upcoming expedition possible. With the information, that he managed to collect, diving into the depths of the Atlantic will not be pointless and, most importantly, will not be conducted blindly, but along a clearly defined route.

      The day of departure was approaching. The stage of physical training of the crew was coming to end. Medical and preventive procedures were completed.

      Late in the evening Smith visited the medical laboratory at the base, where crew members were being examined. He approached Doctor Kate Moore, who had finished reviewing the results of the examination of the last crew member several hours earlier. She was to accompany the crew as a staff doctor. At the age of thirty-eight, Dr. Moore firmly linked her future with medicine, sacrificing a family that she saw no point in starting if she had to disappear at work for twelve hours a day, and sometimes not leave the research institute at all for two or three days in a row. While working for one of the «Best Technologies» subsidiaries, Kate was asked to escort the crew of the submarine. The authorities approached her with a request. But Kate understood that it was better to agree right away, because she did not work for an ordinary pharmaceutical company. Here management provided unlimited opportunities, in exchange for which they had to adapt to local corporate ethics, which never takes into account the opinions of the staff, as all employees knew. Previously she had to monitor the condition of volunteers, who took part in experiments testing new drugs. Now the work ahead was much simpler and more boring.

      Kate looked at the monitor, studying the results of the blood test. At this moment Smith approached her. Leaning over, he asked:

      – Well, what about their health?

      – In principle, everything is normal. Only Kayla Fox has a slight strain on her lungs. They are not working at full capacity. But this is not critical. I’ve already done two injections. In a week she will be as healthy as an ox.

      – Is there anything else to come?

      – No. I’m done.

      – Do you remember everything?

      – Saturday, twenty hours thirty-seven minutes, Heathrow, terminal six.

      – Then see you soon – Smith said carefreely and left the laboratory for the psychoanalyst’s office.

      – Ah, Mr. Smith – said sixty-five-year-old psychoanalyst Quentin Duff. – You’re just in time.

      – So, – Smith said, as if drawing a preliminary line, – what’s wrong with our brains?

      – Let’s go through it in order.

      They sat down on the sofa and the doctor began going through the notes, while simultaneously talking about the results of the examination:

      – Number one. Luther de Bont. Forty-nine years old. We may not particularly focus on it. I will only say that I would like to have the same nerves of steel. In the event of any emergency situation, he will maintain a cool mind and act rationally. I can say this with absolute certainty.

      Putting aside the folder with the captain’s name, the doctor moved on to the next one:

      – Number two. Morgan Sinclair. Thirty-seven years old. Senior mate. The captain himself found him. There is no doubt that it will withstand a long stay under water. The experience of serving on a submarine comes into play here. The candidacy is very good. He has well-developed phlegmatism. A situation that will not change for a long time is unlikely to throw him off balance. Let’s move on. Number three. Henry Mills. Forty-one years. Engineer. Your man.

      – Yes. Ours – Smith confirmed. – How did he show himself?

      – How should I say it? He is very interested in working with innovations. The time spent on practical tests was clearly not enough for him. He wants to watch longer how the submarine will behave. Has a quality that borders faintly on obsessive-compulsive disorder. In other words, he likes to check the same thing a thousand times. For example, if he closes the door before going to bed, then in five minutes he can check ten times whether he locked it.

      – On the other hand, it’s good.

      – Agree. With such a person, constant monitoring of the operation of the equipment will be ensured. Further. Number four. Hector Cage. Forty two years. Ichthyologist. There is internal depression against the background of labor dissatisfaction. Having changed his job, he stopped traveling around the world and studying rare species of fish. The new university does not provide him with such an opportunity. In this regard, he has high hopes for this expedition and is looking forward to its beginning. If negative energy accumulates, he will prefer to hold it in until someone is unlucky enough to meet him at the wrong time. But considering that he has not participated in marine fauna research for more than two years, his condition is quite suitable for diving. He will do his work with great zeal. So – sighing, Quentin Duff said, moving on to the next folder: – Number five. Kayla Fox. Thirty five years. Biologist. I must say, a very rare set of qualities. In her psychotype, such qualities as scrupulousness and pedantry emerge most clearly. But at the same time, curiously, she has some melancholic traits. Namely, a penchant for something creative. I wouldn’t be surprised, if somewhere in her home she’s conducting illegal experiments on growing some kind of centaur or alien. It is worth noting that she has a very valuable quality – she knows how to keep secrets. True, she can also store those that should be told to her superiors.

      – Can she find something at the bottom and hide it from us? – Smith asked in a dubious voice.

      – Considering, that she will have to work in a strictly limited space for a long time, I don’t think so. And then, she understands that in the future she can get permanent work with unique materials. So, it’s unlikely. Not in this case.

      – Fine. Who do we have next?

      – Sixth. Dr. Moore. I didn’t talk to her for a very long time. After all, we’ve been working together for several months now. I only asked about things that I couldn’t ask my colleague. Her general psychological portrait is quite transparent. There is only one weakness that can manifest itself during the swimming. She is not able to sit without work for a long time. In other words, if all the crew members are alive and well, then she will simply have nothing to do, and this in turn will affect her morale. Therefore, no matter how strange it may sound, healthy patients on board can become a problem for her.

      Any problem can be solved – Smith thought instantly.

      Duff continued:

      – Ah! Number seven. The most interesting specimen. Tucker Hughes. Forty-five years. Paleontologist. Ready to work like a horse for months. But I bet that after finishing his long and fruitful work, he will boldly go to nearest brothel or tavern to remember the delights of life and fall into oblivion. It will also sound strange, but he is able to restrain his natural instincts and animal urges. My diagnosis: eligible.

      – Wonderful – Smith concluded, shaking Duff’s hand.

      Maintaining iron composure, Smith walked with a confident gait to the technical compartment. There he approached the only staff member and said:

      – Connect me to the port.

      – Got it – the engineer responded obediently. Having established a connection over a closed channel, he handed the phone to Smith.

      As soon as the other end of the line answered the phone, the curator said only a few phrases:

      – Smith says. No changes are planned. Everything is progressing strictly according to plan. The captain and senior mate must be at base by Friday.