The colors of life
Choose for the experiment any room, your car or place outdoors where you would feel comfortable, and start looking for things of a certain color. After finding them all, close your eyes and try to remember things of any other color.
Example: if you are in a room, you can start looking for green objects (like patterns on furniture, cups, vases, walls, curtains, books, or anything else). Name all of them and close your eyes. Without opening them, try to list all the red objects, for example!
That’s the way it is, we see the «colors» we were aiming to see!
О Желаниях
Для того чтобы ваше желание исполнилось, его нужно как минимум загадать!
Our Desires
For your wish to come true, the first thing you have to do is make it!
О Спешке
Чем больше мы спешим и нервничаем, тем меньше успеваем! Помните поговорку: «Тише едешь, дальше будешь»?!
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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