All the afternoon he worked in silence with the door locked. But once there was a sound of bottles ringing together and the smash of a bottle flung violently down, and then a rapid pacing along the room. Fearing “something was the matter,” she went to the door and listened.
“I can't go on,” he was raving. “All my life it may take me!.. Patience! Patience indeed!.. Fool!”
When Mrs. Hall took in his tea she saw broken glass in the corner of the room under the mirror, and a golden stain that had been carelessly wiped. She drew attention to it.
“Put it down on the bill,” snapped her visitor. “For God's sake don't worry me,” he said and went on ticking a list in the exercise book before him.
slush [slʌʃ] – сущ. грязь, слякоть
incomprehensible [ɪn'kɔmprɪ'hen(t)səbl] – прил. малопонятный, непонятный
rush [rʌʃ] – гл. бросаться, мчаться, нестись
ajar [ə'ʤɑ:] – прил. приоткрытый
catchaglimpseof smb. или smth. – увидеть мельком кого-л. иличто-л.
strike [straɪk] (struck, struck) – гл. ударять, наносить удар, бить
slam [slæm] – гл. захлопывать; со стуком, шумом закрывать
scatter ['skætə] – гл. разбрасывать, рассыпать, раскидывать
row [rəu] – сущ. ряд, линия
set [set](set, set) to – гл. засесть за (работу), взяться, приняться за (что-л.)
absorbed [əb'zɔ:bd] – прил. поглощенный (чем-л.), увлеченный (чем-л.)
smash [smæʃ] – cущ. шум, грохот (при падении)
pace [peɪs] – гл. шагать, расхаживать
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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