Chapter 1: Thought Collider.
– …We often read other people's stories, and we find them very interesting, romantic. However, when we need to tell about some of our impressions – we often cannot express our feelings, emotions; then we say that we do not have enough words. Exactly words, because other components that convey a picture of an event, mankind has… or does not have… or they are perceived even more individually. For example, instead of words there can be a picture, a movie, a theatrical performance, and sometimes just a look, a cry, a laugh. And now imagine if a person had such an opportunity – to transmit information not with words, but with other ways of communication, namely, only with feelings, in the sense of those that we have experienced, which we cannot describe to ourselves… which can only be experienced. And we could transmit them from the brain to the brain, so that the person to whom we were telling felt exactly what we felt… One day, thinking about this, about the technologies that were already in the secret laboratory where I work, the thought occurred to me that we humans often develop technologies if they serve us a certain purpose that was not originally set. For example, for war. Although in reality we are always dissatisfied with ourselves and the reality around us, yet this deep original feeling of instinct made us, the rulers of civilization. Although all living beings have this feeling. No matter how banal – it is the instinct of self-preservation. With the help of new technologies, we first of all want to protect ourselves. We want to protect ourselves, including ourselves as a civilization. Having received a certain guarantee of security, we began to live differently, differently from the animal world. We began a different life, a cultural life. Culture was the security that allowed us to take a step away from the wild world, which eventually allowed us to become the rulers of this world. Notice the connection: it was only by agreeing not to kill that we became rulers over the killers. That was the other life. Over time, however, we began to endow the concept of "life" with a meaning different from the physiological definition of the word. The same culture gave people not only an understanding of a certain way of behaving differently from animals – it began to characterize the quality of being in the human population itself. To put it simply, first of all, this life for us should be a continuous celebration, otherwise we say what kind of life it is. And we also want to make a monument out of life, to extend life after death in a peculiar way. This is also a kind of peculiar pleasure. That is why very often we use everything we think up for our own pleasure, and then we make a lot of other decisions based on it. Although we do not ask ourselves questions, do not introspect as human beings, it is not clear to us where our decisions come from, but nevertheless our consciousness gives us the answer that it is out of this desire for pleasure that we have created a lot of other desires. We have created a kind of show of life – holidays, rituals, customs, New Year presents, fashion. Our whole life is based on pleasure, in the center of everything is pleasure, ingeniously instilled in us by nature, by God. Because it is the only possibility for a living being to develop intellectually. And if someone says about the instinct of self-preservation, the thirst to survive as the engine of progress, the answer will be an argument – for the sake of what? The answer is for the sake of enjoying the existence of life as such. And the crown of all this is the pleasure of reproduction. And now let us turn to intelligence. Very often outstanding scientists substantiate peculiar hypotheses and assumptions about the emergence of reason, intelligence. And from the point of view of our reasonableness – everything seems to be logical. But if we look at everything not from the human's point of view, but from the point of view of some other creature, which does not know the human way of life, for example, a robot, or more precisely, an artificial intelligence, how will it characterize us, humans? It will study us in terms of science, not in terms of morality, spirituality or feelings. In fact, intelligence is just a peculiar ability of the brain to reproduce recorded, put together in the most necessary combination, experienced, received, remembered actions. That is to say, all our feelings, our intelligence, everything we understand, are reactions in the brain to this or that stimulus. With the help of the central nervous system and the whole body. Suppose you once ate some fruit, it was very tasty, many, many years have passed – and you can't remember the taste anymore. Why not? Because your brain cannot reproduce the chemical reaction of that flavor. And in the same way, we forget a lot of things. It's often the case that memory is erased. Erases what? It's erased by this reaction in the brain. The brain doesn't have the capacity to hold all the possible options. Initially, when man left the animal society, it was this mutation, the developed properties and proportions of the human body that turned out to be the most optimal for the chemical reaction in the brain to become permanent and repeatable, with the possibility of continuing to record the next reaction. It is like an adaptation of the body to its surroundings. If fish did not fixate on mutation and consequently develop adaptations to life outside of water, life in water would have remained. If we, having invented a calculator, could not transform it into a computer, we would not be able to go into space. If our minds could not exist outside the body, we would not see other worlds, or even find them at all. And all of this is woven into a code of the universe where everything matters. Everything, starting from the state of the charge level of particles in an atom, the magnetic field, the light of the sun, the influence of gravity, the totality of the systems that make up the universe. It all converged into some central point that became optimal for human existence. It turned out to be the most optimal to make one more reaction in the brain than all other living things. That was the great step of intelligence across the universe. Nature had experienced this millions, billions of times. So many different creatures have been born on Earth, but none have reached the point where the brain can reproduce the same reaction continuously, with the next action memorized and a new repetition. So that it can memorize and reproduce twice. It's like in science: a discovery is considered scientific if it can be reproduced twice and is refutable. In the survival variant, animals have developed other abilities to survive. A dog, for example, has a sniff, an eagle has eyesight, a moth can sense its female at a distance of several kilometers. And so on. We can give many examples, for example, how birds migrate by navigation and so on. One animal relied on memory, reproduced one action, then a second action was attached to it, then a third, fifth, tenth, and then repeated one after another – and until now we are developing, cognizing and repeating. In this way we build the pyramid of the building of intelligence; someday, perhaps in 100 years, perhaps in 1,000, the present knowledge and achievements will be primitive to us. We build the building of science – from school to institute and so on, we adopt knowledge from each other, reproduce it and constantly look for new knowledge, and then reproduce it again. We do not develop in ourselves any other abilities, for example, such as those of animals. To survive, we constantly develop science first of all, and then we use it to defend ourselves from predators, from viruses, from radiation.....
Ruthra was silent for a moment, looking around the audience, they were quite awake, so he decided to continue without resting.
– Now we come to the main topic. This is the way of thinking I decided to create a new device that would transmit the feelings experienced. To be more precise, it could be used to feel what someone else's body feels. The technology is again based on chemical reactions of the brain, which need to be recorded and then reproduced in another brain. It's a revolutionary technology that I developed while I was still in the underground lab at CERN. At the Center for Nuclear Research. It's based on two simple things. In fact, we think it's very complicated. When, for example, there was no electricity, it was difficult for us to understand all these technologies that now exist thanks to it. Today, what was once a miracle is absolutely commonplace for us. When, let's say, there is a live broadcast on television, even from a space station. In the laboratory, I developed a technology for scanning and transmitting what is recorded in the brain, that is, memory, and everything else that is called subconsciousness. Simply put, the stuff that makes your personality individual. Recording your