The Historical School: From Friedrich List to the Social Market Economy. Zemfira Nazarova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zemfira Nazarova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006215672
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forces: one of these latter prepares the next generation for production, another develops the morality and religious feeling of the present generation, a third contributes to the ennobling and elevation of the human spirit, a fourth saves the productive forces of his patients, a fifth secures the state of law, a sixth the social order, a seventh, finally, by his art and the pleasures he gives, excites the productivity of exchange values. If laws and public institutions do not directly produce values, they create productive forces; and Say is mistaken when he asserts that nations enrich themselves under every mode of government and that laws cannot create wealth.»60

      The highest form of development of productive forces, according to F.List, is manufactory, i.e. the development of manufacturing industry. According to F.List, it is in it that all material and social forces of the nation – the use of natural forces of the country, division of labor, increase in demand, market, increase in wages and welfare of the population, increase in profit, rent, etc. – find the highest development in comparison with previous economic forms. – find their highest development in comparison with previous economic forms. And the protectionist system is «the only means of raising the backward countries to the level of the nations that have preceded them, which by nature have not received any eternal monopoly of manufactory industry, but have only gained in time over other nations.»61

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      Kulisher, I.M. History of the Russian national economy. 2nd ed. – Chelyabinsk: Sotsium. 2004. – Pg.131


      List, F. National system of political economy. – M.: Chelyabinsk: Sotsium, 2017. – Pg. 78


      Schumpeter, J.A. History of Economic Analysis: In 3 vol. Ed. V.S. Avtonomov. SPb.: Economic School, 2001. – Pg. 202.


      Weber, M. Selected: Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism. – 3rd ed. supplemented and revised. – M.; St. Petersburg: 2014. -Pg.85


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      Espinas, A. History of economic doctrines: Per. from Fr. – St. Petersburg: 1998. – Pg. 56


      Samuelson, P. Economics: Translated from English; In 2 vols. – Vol.2. – M.: 1997. – Pg. 342


      Frederick the Great Anti-Machiavelli. Instruction on military art to his generals. – M: Izd-vo AST: OGIZ, 2021. – Pg.39.


      Ibid. – Pg. 120


      List, F. National system of political economy. – M.: Chelyabinsk: 2017. – Pg. 128—129


      Ibid. – Pg. 144


      Fichte, I.G. The Closed Commercial State: A Philosophical Project, which serves as a supplement to the science of law and an attempt to build a future policy. Per. from German. – M.: KRASAND, 2019 – Pg. 14


      Ibid. – Pg. 17


      Ibid. – Pg. 45


      World economic thought. Through the prism of centuries. In 5 vol. / VOL. II. Rising capitalism / Reply. Ed. M.G.Pokidchesko. – Moscow: Mysl, 2005. – Pg. 64.


      Ibid., pp.69—70.


      Blaug, M. 100 Great Economists before Keynes. / Translated from English. Edited by A. A. Fofanov. – St. Petersburg: 2005. – p.299


      Mehring, F. History of Germany since the end of the Middle Ages. М.: 1923. – Pg.137


      Hegel, G.W.F. Philosophy of Law. М.: 2023. – Pg.23—25


      Ibid. – Pg.314—315


      Hegel, G.W.F. Philosophy of Law. М.: 2023. – Pg.315


      Ibid. – Pg.385


      Hegel, G.W.F. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. SPb.: Nauka, 2000


      Hegel, G.W.F. Phenomenology of Spirit. Philosophy of History. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2007. – Pg.778


      Ibid. – Pg.787


      Hegel, G.W.F. Philosophy of Law. М.: 2023. – Pg. 365



Machiavelli, N. The Prince. – Minsk: LLC «Zavigar», 2000. – Pg.83.


Kulisher, I.M. History of the Russian national economy. 2nd ed. – Chelyabinsk: Sotsium. 2004. – Pg.131


List, F. National system of political economy. – M.: Chelyabinsk: Sotsium, 2017. – Pg. 78


Schumpeter, J.A. History of Economic Analysis: In 3 vol. Ed. V.S. Avtonomov.


List, F. The National system of political economy. – M.: Chelyabinsk: 2017. – pp. 178—179


Ibid. – p. 167