The fourth line leads to another section of the ninth Centuria. Here, probably, without any special comments, again this quatrain (8-45) is followed by another, very well-coordinated " tara + sc ". So, really, there are no such obvious coincidences. The connecting thread itself has not yet been found, but the mysterious result is evident. How much in the Centuries is still unknown, disordered!
9-29… feu nef par saignes , bitument _ a`Charlieu ,
_ _ S er ont Quintin Balez reprins .
9-30 Au port de PVOLA & de saint Nicolas,
Perir Normande au goulfre Phanaticque,
Cap. de Bisance raues crier helas,
Secors de Gaddes & du grand Philipique.
9-31 Le tremblement de terre a Mor tara ,
Cassich saint George a` demy perfondrez:
Paix assoupie la guerre esueillera,
Dans temple a` Pasques abysmes enfondrez.
9-32 De fin porphire profond collon trouuee,
Dessoubz la laze e sc riptz capitolin…
The next quatrain 8-52 is unusual in its last line. It consists of only two words and does not rhyme at all. Which causes were at Author on is it ?
8-52 Le roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner,
D'amboise & seme viendra le long de Lyndre: Ongle a` Poytiers sainctes aesles ruiner, Deuant Boni.
The King of Blois in Avignon rules,
From amboise and sema it will pass by the extent of Indra:
The claw in Poitiers destroys the holy wings,
Before Bonnie.
The feeling – that there was nothing more to say … The first line is also an exact copy of the first line of quatrain 8-38. Here, either everything is too simple, or vice versa – it is complicated and misunderstood. It is noted that in this place it is almost assembled from capital letters BoNI and there is the word " deuant ", but nothing more.
8-37 Vn deuant mort, puis dans le fort barre'.
8-38 Le Roy de B loys dans Auignon regner
Vne autre foys le peuple monopolle ,
Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner I usques a cinq le dernier pres de N olle.
The nearest " O " is in quatrain 8-42, it's far away. The words " ambois ", " seme ", and " Lyndre " – with their echoes, redirect almost to the very end of the "Prophecies". And here, at first, the words “seducers” are striking, they do not correspond a little, they distort the words of quatrain 8-52, but they attract the eye: “ Baisser ”, “ rabaissant ”, “ Ce mal ". Later, the correct forms are revealed here: “ am + bo + is ”, “ se + me ”, “ Au + ign + on ”, “ ong + le ”, “ po + it + ie + rs ”, together with the last in centuria with "wings" – " aesles " and "Indra", in a more correct form – " Indre ". However, even at the end of all Centuries, there is still an opportunity to see the missing " ly -" (10-99).
10-94 … Six eschappez en hab it seraphicque.
10-95 Dans les Espa ign es v ie ndra Roy trespuissant,
Par mer & terre subiugant or midy:
Ce ma l fera, ra bais sant le croissant,
Bais ser les aesles a` ceux du vendredy.
10-96 Religi on du nom des me rs vaincra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Se cte obstinee deploree craindra
Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.
10-97 Triremes pleines tout aage captif,
Temps bo na` mal, le doux po ur am ertume:
Proye a` Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,
Cupid de veoir pla indre au vent la plume.
10-98 La splendeur claire a pucelle ioyeuse
Ne luyra plus, l ong temps sera sans sel…
The word “ Bo + ni ” also has one last chance to be assembled according to the rules introduced by the Author. The missing "– ni -" is in quatrain 10-98.
For a long time there were no different kinds of calculations. Probably, the impression was created that the Author moved away from them for a while, paying more attention to other tasks. No, of course, I did not clutter up the text with them. But sometimes I will.
In one of the editions of 1568, the first line of quatrain 8-53 has a small error. The word " Dedans " is written in it with a gap: " De dans Bolongne vouldra lauer ses fautes … "– this typo gives a topic for my fantasies, because in such a phrase a different meaning appears, for a French speaker, probably completely unacceptable, but … "De" – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … We will now talk about basic pretexts, for this now is the time.
According to my data, the preposition " de " is present 900 times in all the prophecies. It's perfect, I think it should be. The texts with which I worked, as I have repeatedly written here, are the edition from Utrecht of 1557, and starting from the eighth Centuria, one of the editions of 1568.
And everything could be taken as a mere coincidence, but: the prepositions " la " for all Centuries – 595, " le " – 703, " du " – 299, " par " – 597, and " des " – 109. Isn't it very everything suspiciously tends to round numbers? Considering that all errors could have arisen mainly by replacing one pretext with another, I deduced their total number. It is equal to 3203, which confirms my assumption.
I return to the phrase: “ De ” – in Bologna he wants to wash away his sins … This pretext is the most quantitative. Statistics show that in almost every quatrain it is present, somewhere and more than once. Only in two quatrains – five " de " each (4-44 and 9-13). Six is nowhere to be found. And here is one of these quatrains. In it – Bologna, five " de " and the washing away of sins: " fa + ut + es lau + er ".
9-13 Les exilez a ut our de la Soulongne
Conduis de nuit pour marcher a` Lau xois ,
Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne ,
Mys d es couuers par feu de Burancoys.
9-14 Mys en planure chaulderons d'infecteurs,
Vin, miel & huyle & bastis sur forneaulx
Seront plongez sans mal dit mal fa cteurs…
Yes, I understand how hard it is to believe. This is almost on the verge of the possibilities of that time. Maybe it's just my imagination after all?