По следам детективов: увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка. Анжелика Ягудена. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Анжелика Ягудена
Издательство: Феникс
Серия: Роман с английским
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
isbn: 978-5-222-41219-0
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was the main reason for her disappearance?

      24) How long did it take her to get over a divorce?

      25) What was her second husband’s name?

      26) What was his profession?

      27) In your opinion, what kind of person was Agatha Christie?

      28) Have you ever read any books by Agatha Christie? What is your opinion on it?

      29) What book have you recently read that really impressed you?

      30) What kind of books do you like to read?

      Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases in the text:

      остросюжетный детектив с непредсказуемой развязкой; инсценировать собственное исчезновение; непревзойденная королева детективного жанра; сборник коротких рассказов; культовый персонаж; горячо любимый отец; воображаемые друзья; переживать утрату; как гром среди ясного неба; жить в разлуке; отношения зашли в тупик; таинственное исчезновение; целая и невредимая; справиться с болезненными эмоциями; страсть к путешествиям; исчезновение вызвало большой общественный резонанс; так устроен мир; они отдалились друг от друга; брать уроки фортепиано и пения; менее известные факты; ломать голову; ходили слухи; отомстить мужу; зарегистрироваться в гостинице

      Exercise 3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

      the world’s best-selling novelist; a cunning ploy; to go on a round-the-world trip; a true adventure seeker; to overcome all life’s challenges; over time; to vanish without a trace in suspicious circumstances; an hour’s ride from home; financial hardships; to pursue a career in music; a private person; to move on; siblings; to leave an imprint (on); a fierce argument; to be home schooled; to check into a hotel; military officer; natural shyness; to have a rich imagination; the world collapsed overnight; to prepare an escape plan; to come to a dead end; personal belongings

      Exercise 4. Match the words with their definitions:

      Detective Riddle No. 1

      Have you ever dreamed of becoming a detective? If so, let’s see if you have the ability to be one. Read the story carefully and collect all the clues that lead to the suspect. Find all the information needed to solve the mystery.

      ● Collect the evidence, check out alibis and interrogate each suspect to solve the crime.

      ● Possible suspects: Mr. Johnson, Ann, Pam, Nick, Cindy.

      Ms. Smith, an English teacher, got to school a few minutes before the beginning of the lesson. She came across her colleague Mr. Johnson, in the entrance hall, and they had a small talk. She put her handbag and the classroom key on the table and answered the phone. Three of her students (Ann, Pam, and Nick) were standing nearby. Then Ms. Smith checked her email on her smartphone. There was a message from her student Cindy with a request. The girl explained her reason for not attending school. Then Ms. Smith looked at her watch and hurried to the classroom. The class test was scheduled to start in five minutes.

      When Ms. Smith got there, she started feeling that something was wrong. The door was locked, and the students were waiting outside. Ann was helping her classmate with his homework. She was a straight A student and was always ready for school. Pam was playing games on her mobile. She was standing by herself, which was unusual for her. Pam wasn’t too nervous because she had prepared for the test the day before. Nick looked upset or puzzled. He did poorly at school and lagged behind his classmates. Yesterday, his mom got a letter from the headmaster about his poor school attendance.

      As it turned out, the key was nowhere to be found. Someone had stolen it. Miss Marple entered the crime scene and immediately solved the case. Who was the thief?

      Arthur Conan Doyle

(May 22, 1859 – July 7, 1930)

      It is no wonder they say that a talented person is talented in everything. This catchphrase fully reflects the personality of Arthur Conan Doyle, the legendary writer, poet, physician, sportsman, and spiritualist. This list goes on indefinitely. Well, I happen to think that Arthur Conan Doyle was an all-rounder, successful in anything he did. He was a man of great intelligence and boundless energy. However, at the same time, his life was full of contradictions and paradoxes. After all, judge for yourself: how could a skilled physician believe in the existence of fairies and ghosts? Could it be that, somewhere deep in his heart, he was still a child? He was so desperate for the supernatural that strange things started to happen in his life. Did you know that his first book was mysteriously lost in the post? Can it really be true that we attract what we believe? Let’s look for answers to these and other questions and trace the remarkable life of the greatest writer of all time – Arthur Conan Doyle.

      Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the “literary father” of Sherlock Holmes, the most popular fictional character in the history of literature. The legendary writer was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, into a prosperous family. His mother, Mary, was a lively and well-educated woman who had a passion for books. Arthur would often say that he inherited his storytelling talent from her. Doyle’s father, Charles, was an illustrator and a watercolorist; a member of a well-respected artistic family. However, a lot of his talent was wasted because of his health issues. Charles always felt he could do more. As I see it, he was constantly haunted by fears, doubts, and unfulfilled dreams of becoming a prominent artist. Among other things, Charles became more and more depressed and frustrated because he was unable to provide for his family. Unfortunately, he spent his later years in asylums and nursing homes. Certainly, the difficult situation in the family couldn’t but leave a trace on the character of the legendary writer.

      The Doyle family struggled financially. Everything rested on the shoulders of Arthur’s mother: running the household, bringing up children, and taking care of the family. She struggled to create a calm home and а peaceful atmosphere and told her children tales of brave knights. As I see it, this circumstance greatly affected the legendary writer’s personality and worldview: Arthur Conan Doyle was guided by high moral principles all his life. When little Arthur turned nine, his wealthy relatives offered to pay for his studies. The family council decided to send him to a boarding school. Honestly, it was an unpleasant experience for him as corporal punishment was very common in most boarding schools in England.

      Did you know that Arthur Conan Doyle was a keen sportsman? Since his school days, he had been interested in sports and also succeeded in this field. He was the first goalkeeper in the history of Portsmouth. What may come as a surprise is that Arthur Conan Doyle played under the pseudonym “A. C. Smith” rather than under his own name. Apart from football, the legendary writer also played cricket, golf, and rugby. And that was not all. Arthur competed