5. Utilizing the practice of «Shamanic Cave» to view the childhood and youth of your current life.
Before diving into the past life, you can practice on remembering childhood and make a journey to the beginning of your life. The method is the same. You halt the inner monologue, imagine a cave and ask your subconscious to show yourself at the institute, then at school; at the age of fifteen, twelve, ten, and so on, until the very moment of birth and being in the womb. Many people, using similar practices or hypnosis, remembered what their maternity hospital looked like, felt how it was to be in the womb.
Sometimes some problems of your life that appeared in childhood (especially as a result of mental trauma) can be detected and solved with the help of this practice. You can talk to your «inner child», that is, with yourself as a child, and understand how insignificant the fears and resentments of that age were. If you have such psychological problems, then go through the «cave» to your childhood; look with adult eyes and forgive those who have offended you; embrace your inner child, fill him with light and love and say: «I forgive and let you go.» After this session, you will find it significantly easier to go through life.
It is these techniques that psychologists and regression therapists use, only they bring a lot of personal nuances into these sessions and lead you according to a predetermined scheme. You are able to solve all your problems by yourself, the main thing is to see them. After having made a trip through the ribbon of time to your childhood, describe it in a diary and observe yourself: you will notice how your feelings and some reactions will change. This leads usually to the softening of pain and sorrow, reviewing relationships with your loved ones and refilling with new strength.
Summary of the «Shamanic Cave» practice (use for re-entry)
Sit comfortably, halt your internal monologue.
Imagine a cliff with a cave, look around paying attention to the details around you.
Choose a cave and enter it.
Traverse through the cave and find the exit that leads to a past life. Explore the surroundings, move towards the goal that emerges before you (a city, some place in the forest, a seaside, etc.).
Look for a person whom you will instantly recognize.
Have a conversation with this person, ask for their name, the name of the city, and their occupation.
Ask the person to show you the most significant moments in the life (birth, wedding, death, etc.).
Thank your subconscious for the work it has done and return back through the cave.
After concluding the session, immediately write down everything you remember (the appearance of the place, the person's clothing, record any dialogues with them, and especially note down any names or titles you heard). You can then search the internet to see if there is any information about this person or the time period they belong to.
6. List of questions to ask during the session
The process of remembering past lives can be very captivating and emotional. More accurately, this evokes profound feelings rather than surface-level emotions. It can bring about joy (for instance, realizing that your chosen one is a soul mate) or sadness. It can also create a sense of lightness and liberation from heavy emotions that earlier have hindered you to live and develop.
In addition, the process should also be informative, that is, answer the questions you have asked. Sometimes, at the moment of viewing a past life, you may forget what exactly you wanted to know, so we recommend that you think about a number of questions in advance. You may ask these questions to your past incarnations (you may consider the whole process as a conversation with your subconscious), or to people who were somehow connected with you in the past (here, the practice called «Pyramid of Light» will be used; see below).
To help you in the process of recalling past lives (on the base of the experience of different people recalling their lives), we have prepared in this course some questions that should be asked while reviewing your past lives. They are formulated according to their significance. You may also add your questions to the list, based on the history of your past life.
A general question that should be asked first. (This is not even a question, but an insistent appeal to the memory of your subconscious).
«I ask to show me the most significant moments of my past life.»
Prepare yourself, it may be the death of your previous body, birth, studying at school or university, meeting a loved one, and so on. Unfortunately, tragic events are often the most remembered, so the initial impression of a past life may be somewhat sorrowful. However, be open to see both pleasant and less pleasant moments. You can read examples of past life memories in the second part of the book «Conversations with Quetzalcoatl».
The second question.
A very important informational question to ask secondly is, «What is your name, what is your surname?» Experience shows that the name is often easily remembered, even from the first or second session. However, when it comes to surnames, there may be blocks in your subconscious that prevent recall, especially if the person was well-known in history. Sometimes, the surname of the individual can be deduced from their name and the timeframe if they left a mark in history.
The third question.
Based on the second question, we proceed directly to the third: «Time and place.» We ask to be shown the city or location where the person lived. Often, the name of the place naturally emerges or can be deduced from the clothing of the people you see. Additionally, the architectural style of the buildings can provide a rough indication of the time period, century, and birth years.
Next question: we ask to be shown the house where the avatar lived.
You can thoroughly explore the house, examine the rooms, furniture, belongings, and also observe the surrounding area or street.
During one session, it is worthwhile to ask a question about your relatives in a past life. For example: «Who were my parents, spouse, children, brothers and sisters.» It may turn out that you will recognize some of them in your current life. For example, your son in your past life may now be your nephew.
This means that you are looking for your real family, consisting of kindred spirits who have been incarnating together for a long time. Such kindred souls support you, help you to solve the tasks assigned for this incarnation. All this in general helps you to understand the role of those people who are now in your proximity, to stop being offended by them, not demanding what they are not capable of to do, to pay more attention to them. You should also forgive those who act unfairly towards you. It is likely that you yourself, even before you were born, asked these people to treat yourself in a certain way in order to solve the problems of your life. All these examples will be discussed in more detail in the second part of the book: «Conversations with Quetzalcoatl».
There is another question that should be asked.
The matter is about your professional skills in a past life, about experience received in a certain sphere. The question sounds like this: «What was my profession?»
By observing different people, you may notice that some people are born already having certain skills. Someone easily masters music or painting, someone immediately directs their interest to science, and some have a distinct inclination, for example, to driving a car or controlling aircraft (ship, motorcycle, etc.). There is a clear feeling that a person is already familiar with a certain activity and knows a lot in this area. You may find the answer in your past incarnations.
Perhaps you have already been a doctor, a warrior, an artist, a poet, a banker, a teacher, a dressmaker, a cook, a skilled rider, a hunter or an inventor. In this life, you continue to hone your