The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future. Alexander Chesalov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Chesalov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005986269
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what place will we occupy in this world, and most importantly – what role will be assigned to high technologies and results based on these technologies, depends exclusively on you and me!

      What kind of book is this?

      This is, first of all, an information guide that will help you or any other person, or a specialist from any industry, quickly enough to orientate yourself in the whole variety of new terms and definitions of the fourth industrial revolution.

      The book is aimed not only at specialists working in the field of information technologies. The book is written for everyone who is interested in our future with you in the period of digital transformations of the fourth industrial revolution.

      Why is the book called a «glossary»?

      «Glossarium» in Latin means a dictionary of highly specialized terms.

      My first experience in this area was in the compilation of a glossary on artificial intelligence and information technologies, which I published in December 2021. It originally contained only 400 terms. Then, already in 2022, I significantly expanded it to more than 1,000 relevant terms and definitions.2

      In 2022, in a team with two co-authors (with whom in 2021 I worked on the development of the Program of the Artificial Intelligence Center of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University), the «Glossary of artificial intelligence: 2,500 terms» was prepared and published3. As it becomes clear from the title of the book, it already contains more than 2,500 terms and is defined in the direction of «artificial intelligence» in Russian and English. The first edition of this book was presented to a wide range of readers at the 35th Moscow International Book Fair in 2022.

      In 2022, I completed another work and published the book «Glossary of digital economy: 1500 terms and definitions», which helped me a lot in my daily work with the analysis of a huge amount of different information, when writing and implementing various IT projects.4

      In 2023, the book «Glossary on digital healthcare: 2000 terms and definitions» was published in the third year.5

      This book, as I said, combines experience from 2019 and was prepared by me for publication from 2021 to 2023. It contains terms and definitions that are widely used around the world. The book combines not only the best of the above books, but also includes terms and definitions from the topic of the Internet of Things and the fourth industrial revolution in general.

      I, as the author-creator, do not claim authorship and uniqueness of the prepared text. The main goal of my work is to give you new and relevant information on the fourth industrial revolution, as well as a «tool» that will help you in your daily work.

      The book is a personal project of the author and a completely free document for distribution. You are free to use this book however you like, but a link to the text in this book is required.

      The book is published in electronic form, and I continue to work on improving and filling this book with new terms and definitions. I would be grateful for any feedback, suggestions and clarifications. Please send them to [email protected].

      You can get to know me and my projects in the digital economy, artificial intelligence and IT systems in detail on my personal website

      This book is my gift to you.

      Happy reading and productive work!

      Yours, Alexander Chesalov.

      03/15/2023. First edition. 1659 terms.

      The Fourth Industrial Revolution Glossarium: over 1500 of the hotest terms you will use to create future


      A/B testing – involves the testing of two variants in order to determine which one is better. For example, A/B testing can be used to find out which of two webpage options yields a better conversion rate. If it’s assumed that version A has a better conversion rate, it’s used as the basis for a new, slightly different version and then tested again to discover the better performing version6.

      Access Control – prevention of unauthorized use of a resource, including the prevention of use of a resource in an unauthorized manner7.

      Access history is a record of all activity related to an individual’s My Health Record. Every time My Health Record is accessed, changed or a user removes information from the record, an automatic audit trail is created and can be viewed8.

      Access in the context of security, is the privilege or assigned permission to use computer data or resources in some manner. For instance, a user may be allowed read access to a file, but will not be allowed to edit or delete it. Access is also the amount of admittance allowed to any given entity; or, it can simply mean the permission for admittance9.

      Access list is a list associated with an individual’s My Health Record that specifies the registered healthcare provider organizations permitted to, or blocked from, accessing an individual’s My Health Record. The access list will show the healthcare provider organizations who have previously accessed the record10.

      Access to information – the ability to obtain information and use it.

      Access to information constituting a commercial secret – familiarization of certain persons with information constituting a commercial secret, with the consent of its owner or on other legal grounds, provided that this information is kept confidential.

      Accessing organization – the healthcare organization that accesses the My Health Record system11.

      Accountable care organization (ACO) is an association of hospitals, healthcare providers and insurers in which all parties voluntarily assume financial and medical responsibility for medicare patients12.

      Achievement diary – developmental milestones throughout childhood, such as first words spoken or the first day of primary school, can be recorded in the achievement diary by an individual or their authorized representatives, such as a parent. Healthcare provider organizations cannot view these13.

      Active and Healthy Ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities related to health, participation and safety in order to improve quality of life14.

      Active assisted living (AAL) is concepts, products, services, and systems combining technologies and social environment with the aim of improving the quality of people’s lives15.

      Active Learning/Active Learning Strategy – a special case of Semi-Supervised Machine Learning in which a learning agent is able to interactively query an oracle (usually, a human annotator) to obtain labels at new data points. A training approach in which the algorithm chooses some of the data it learns from. Active learning is particularly valuable when labeled examples are scarce or expensive to obtain. Instead of blindly seeking a diverse range of labeled examples, an active learning algorithm selectively


Chesalov А. Glossary on artificial intelligence and information technology. -М.: Ridero. 2021.-304 p. // – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.01.2023).


Chesalov А., Vlaskin A., Bakanach M. Artificial Intelligence Glossarium: 1000 terms.-М.: Ridero. 2021.-279 p. // – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 24.01.2023).


Chesalov А. Digital Economy Glossary: 1500 terms and definitions. -М.: Ridero. 2022.-424 p. – Text: electronic. – // URL:


Chesalov А. Glossary of digital healthcare: 2000 terms and definitions. -М.: Ridero. 2022.-572 p. – Text: electronic. – // URL:


A/B testing – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Access Control – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


access history – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Access – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Access list – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Accessing organisation – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Accountable care organization (aco) – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Achievement diary – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Active and Healthy Ageing – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Active assisted living AAL – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: