Dick and Fitzgerald Catalog (1866). Чарльз Диккенс. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Чарльз Диккенс
Издательство: Public Domain
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Grabouche Newmarket, Solo Whist, and Five and Nine or Domino Whist, etc. Profusely illustrated with explanatory card engravings, and diagrams.

      Dick's Hand-book of Whist. Containing Pole's and Clay's Rules for playing the modern scientific game, the Club Rules of Whist, and two interesting Double Dummy Problems. This is a thorough treatise on the game of Whist. It covers all the points and intricacies which arise in the game; including the acknowledged code of etiquette observed by the players, with Drayson's remarks on Trumps, their use and abuse, and the modern methods of signaling between partners.

      Marache's Manual of Chess. Containing a description of the Board and Pieces, Chess Notation, Technical Terms, with diagrams illustrating them, Laws of the Game, Relative Value of Pieces, Preliminary Games for beginners, Fifty Opening of Games, with the best games and copious notes; Twenty Endings of Games, showing easiest way of effecting checkmate; Thirty-six ingenious Diagram Problems, and sixteen curious Chess Stratagems, being one of the best Books for Beginners ever published. By N. Marache.

      Dick's Art of Bowling; or, Bowler's Guide. Giving the correct method of playing, keeping the score, and the latest rules which govern the American and German Games, and their most popular variations; including the Regulations adopted in Matches and Tournaments.

      Trumps' New Card Games. Containing the correct method and rules for playing the games of Hearts, Boodle, Newmarket, Five and Nine or Domino Whist, Solo, and Cayenne Whist.

Dick & FitzgeraldPUBLISHERS,18 ANN STREET,

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      Written in a plain and popular manner, and illustrated with explanatory wood-cuts. Being a comprehensive Book of Reference for the Merchant, Manufacturer, Artisan, Amateur and Housekeeper, embracing valuable information in the Arts, Professions, Trades, Manufactures, including Medicine, Pharmacy and Domestic Economy. It is certainly the most useful book of reference for practical information pertaining to the wants of everyday life ever printed. The Scientific American says "It is worthy of a place in the library of any home, work-shop, factory or laboratory". Prominent among the immense mass of subjects treated of in the book, are the following:

      The Art of Dyeing;

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      Patent Medicines;

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DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers,


      Dick's Series of Recitations and Headings. Nos. 1 to 17.

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      McBride's Funny Dialogues.

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