■ integrated security system that provides information collection and processing in the station situation center, video surveillance, engineering and technical protection of the station complex, fire extinguishing, environmental monitoring and solving a number of other tasks;
■ communication and telecommunications system, which includes all types of communication, including broadband access \Wi-Fi and \WiMAX, with the provision of information services for station staff and passengers;
■ a system for monitoring the condition of buildings and structures.
An important practical step towards the creation of ITS in JSC «Russian Railways» was the introduction of an intelligent train traffic control system on the high-speed route St. Petersburg – Moscow. In this system, for the first time in practice, such intelligent subsystems as «Auto Dispatcher» and «AutoDriver» were implemented, in which analytical information processing (situational and diagnostic) procedures are implemented, linked to modeling and forecasting the development of events.
A distinctive feature of this system is its structuring into the following systemically linked key blocks:
■ a train traffic control unit that performs the functions of an «Auto dispatcher» and «Automachinist» using satellite navigation technologies and digital communication systems;
■ a traffic safety unit with the expansion of the functions of the CLUB-U integrated locomotive safety system, which includes GLONASS/GPS satellite receivers, as well as electronic maps of the stages and track development of stations, formed on the basis of a single coordinate database. The hardware and software of the unit provide guaranteed delivery of warnings on board the locomotive and the possibility of forced stopping of the train by the train dispatcher in emergency situations;
■ infrastructure condition monitoring and rolling stock diagnostics unit;
■ backbone and technological communication networks and data transmission systems;
■ situational management center with analytical and control systems.
The decision-making scheme in this system is based on an object-oriented model (the operational state of the direction), the construction of an up-to-date train schedule based on the analysis of the regulatory schedule and planned restrictions, taking into account the work carried out by infrastructure facilities of JSC «Russian Railways», monitoring the actual execution of the schedule at the moment, taking into account satellite positioning data. Train driving with the help of the system under consideration is based on a set of hardware and software and functional applications of intelligent car driving, using data on the actual train position, data from the automatic route preparation system, forecast graphs, information from the GID «URAL» system, data on speed limits on sections. The considered components of the intelligent dispatching control system were successfully tested in the organization of high-speed train traffic «Sapsan».
The developed hardware and software tools and technical solutions in the field of creating intelligent railway transport make it possible to organize centralized automated control of train traffic on the railways of JSC «Russian Railways» at a qualitatively new level with the provision of functional, informational, environmental and fire safety. The scientific and technical potential accumulated in this field will contribute to the creation of a new generation of locomotive safety devices, the practical use of GLONASS/SRB satellite navigation technologies and a digital radio channel for complex multi-level traffic safety systems. The development of ITS will make it possible in the near future to ensure the quality of transport services and the safety of transportation on the railways of Russia and in general in the «1520 railway track» at the level of the best world standards.
2.2 Current issues of ITS development
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are the result of the system integration of modern navigation, information and communication technologies, automation, transport infrastructure, user facilities, focused on ensuring the safety and efficiency of the transport process, logistics, and improving comfort for drivers and passengers.
Many countries already have experience in creating intelligent transport systems. Thus, since the early 1980s, the United States, European countries and the Asia-Pacific region have been implementing programs focused on information technology for high-speed highways. Currently, the global ITS market continues to develop dynamically.
The creation of a unified information infrastructure of the transport complex is especially important for the Russian Federation, located in nine time zones and actively using all types of transport.
Already today, GLONASS satellite navigation technologies are used in almost all areas of human activity. These are law enforcement, security and search systems, coordinate and time support, monitoring of complex engineering structures, dangerous goods and various types of transport, people and animals, geodesy and cartography, agriculture, construction, synchronization of telecommunications and energy networks, hydrometeorology, etc.
Developing the concept of ITS of Russia, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities and prospects of modernization of the domestic global navigation satellite system GLONASS. Satellite navigation is the technological basis of intelligent transport systems. This is a unique Russian satellite navigation system in terms of coverage and significance.
Due to the peculiarities of the ballistic construction of orbital groupings, the GLONASS system surpasses GPS in high latitudes in terms of availability and is somewhat inferior in the equatorial zone. Currently, a new generation Glonass-K satellite with additional navigation signals at the L3 frequency and code separation is undergoing flight tests as part of the GLONASS orbital constellation, which will improve the accuracy of navigation definitions by using more broadband signals in the frequency ranges allocated for the GLONASS system. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, code separation can ensure the compatibility and complementarity of existing and emerging global and regional satellite navigation systems.
To improve the quality of navigation services provided to consumers, a set of functional additions to the GLONASS system is designed, which is an element of the general system. It provides consumers with information about the integrity of the navigation field, updated ephemeris-time information, corrective information for navigation measurements, as well as information about the quality of the functioning of GLONASS and GPS.
Complexes of functional additions by the size of the territory of action can be classified into local (150 km), regional (1000 km), wide-band (up to 5000 km).
An example of a wide-band system of functional additions is the system of differential correction and monitoring of radio navigation fields (SDCM). The Russian SDCM is a functional addition to the GLONASS and GPS satellite navigation systems, which improves their characteristics for solving tasks requiring high accuracy and reliability.
The SDCM includes a measurement collection complex, including measurement collection stations on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, a SDCM center and a complex for delivering information to consumers.
The primary measurement information is sent to the SDCM center, where it is processed in order to clarify ephemeris-time information, determine the integrity parameters of the navigation-time field and form a message for the consumer.
SDCM messages will be delivered to consumers via satellite and terrestrial data transmission channels. The basis of the orbital grouping (OG) SDKM will be the spacecraft of the multifunctional space relay system «Luch» in geostationary orbit.
The SDCM orbital grouping will ensure guaranteed delivery of corrective information to consumers almost throughout the Earth, with the exception of the polar regions and the North American continent.
Simultaneously with the creation of space