(4) The destruction of the crime scene at WTC-7
(5) The development of fires at WTC-7
(6) No firefighting efforts in WTC-7
(7) Damage to WTC-7 from falling debris
(8) Evidence of explosions at WTC-7
(10) Was the fire alarm system in WTC-7 disabled?
(11) Foreknowledge of collapse
(12) Suspect Larry Silverstein
Chapter 13: How was public fear amplified on and after 9/11?
(1) Bomb scares all over the United States in September 2001
(2) Bomb scares around the world in September 2001
(3) Bomb scares against aircraft in September 2001
Chapter 14: How was 9/11 investigated?
(1) International norms of adequate investigations
(2) No rush in investigating 9/11
(3) No investigations of aircraft crashes
(4) Sham investigation of the Pentagon damage
(5) Presidential opposition to a Congressional investigation
(6) A Congressional Commission grudgingly established
(7) Thwarting the work of the Congressional Commission
(8) The Congressional Commission’s own sins
(9) No prosecutions of 9/11 planners and facilitators
Chapter 15. How were victims’ families induced to ask no questions?
(2) The quest for truth and justice thwarted
(4) Inducing 9/11 victims to blame Saudi Arabia and Iran
Chapter 16: Terrorism in the shadow of military exercises
(1) Evidence of a huge confusion in American skies
(2) The reason for the confusion
(3) The simulated hijackings on 9/11
(4) Did the phone callers participate in the exercises?
Chapter 17: The revolutionary potential of 9/11 truth
(1) An unprecedented propaganda coup
(2) The dereliction of academia
(3) The dereliction of the Left
(4) A superfluous and futile demand
(5) The revolutionary potential of 9/11 truth
Foreword by Dr. Andreas von Bülow
The excellently researched book by Elias Davidsson deals with the events of 11 September 2001, events that stirred and shocked the whole globe. Elias Davidsson’s book is comprehensive, penetrating, fact-rich, thoroughly researched and easy to read, using the best available sources. An admirable and compact reference work about 9/11.
Davidsson presents us with an unbelievable mass of inconsistencies, cover-ups, incongruities; the secrecy and the suppression and destruction of evidence; and the intimidation of witnesses. Those responsible in government and Congress, whether Republicans or Democrats, and to this day also the courts, have prevented for almost 20 years a flawless criminal investigation of this monstrous