The Ghosts of Mandrake. Fantasy. Svetlana Mirrai. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Svetlana Mirrai
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005643803
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      Svetlana Mirrai

      © Svetlana Mirrai, 2022

      ISBN 978-5-0056-4380-3

      Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

      CHAPTER 1


      Bright, sunny light filled a small room in which, as usual, I was sitting at my desk and drinking a cappuccino recently brewed in a coffee machine.

      A routine for today was slowly emerging in my head. The main point was my negotiations with the book publishing house «Eksmo» and for this I prepared questions, of course, in advance.

      My son ran into the room out of breath, he was already ten years old this year, he was becoming an adult faster than I thought and was no longer a toddler with a child’s toy in his hands.

      – Mom, are you a good writer?

      – I write my son correctly, – I replied, not understanding at all what our conversation was tending to.

      – And write some very interesting and unusual story about a palace with servants and some fairy-tale characters.

      – You don’t like fairy tales, and you once told me that you grew out of them.

      – That’s how I grew up. But I just wanted something unusual. So that the characters are fabulous. Such as no one has yet come up with. And you, Mom, take it and come up with it! And yet! Let there be evil and good in the fairy tale. Some evil forces. Maybe even a sorcerer. Ok?

      – All right, son.

      – And also love and kindness, so that at the very end of the book it wins.

      – You’ve given me a difficult task. So that the characters are new and unknown to anyone…

      – Promise, Mommy? Volodya asked hopefully.

      «Okay, son, I’ll try,» I said, puzzled.

      – Well, then I’m waiting for your new book, Mommy, – said the son with a satisfied smile on his face.

      – Agreed. You will be the first to read it!


      Perhaps I will begin my story with one very cold and fatal winter, it completely changed Philip’s whole life. This happened in 1991, at a time of troubles for Russia, it was the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

      The sixteen-year-old boy hardly realized then how historically important this year was for the country, but apparently it was the same decisive and important year for himself and for the city of Elbrus, where a girl with a beautiful and unusual name Myrrh Isobel lived.

      But more on that later, because everything should go on as usual.

      Since early childhood, Philip suffered from osteoporosis. And he was distinguished from his peers by a crooked posture, he even had a small hump. But alas, there was no one to do physical exercises with the boy, because Philip had no parents since birth.

      Mom died after giving birth. And he never knew his father.

      Because the guy who was making love with his mother Elena was from a rich and intelligent family, his parents found out about everything and strictly forbade his son to marry a girl from a commoner family.

      From birth to this day, Philip was brought up by his grandmother Nina Anatolyevna. But now she is chained to the bed by a terrible illness, and Philip spends all his free time with her instead of entertainment and friends.

      One day he was coming home from school and he was surrounded by the guys from the class.

      – Well, Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame. Am I right, friends?

      A circle of five boys formed next to Philip.

      «You’re right,» they echoed the most important of the company.

      – Such a freak should not go to school and on the streets! Am I right?

      «That’s right, that’s right,» they shouted.

      The main bully was called Egor, he recently moved from another city and came to study at their 9th Grade, it so happened that from the first days he won authority from classmates.

      Why do you ask?

      Well, first of all, his dad worked in the city administration, and secondly, his older twenty-three-year-old brother had a black belt in karate and, if something happened, he could pile on anyone for a minor, this was announced in the first days of his studies at Yegor’s school.

      Perhaps even Egor was not loved in class, but rather simply feared. But fear often guides people, which did not bypass almost all the guys from the 9th century.

      Egor did not love Philip not only for his ugly appearance, but also for his inflexible, wayward character.

      «Let’s punish this Quasimodo from Notre Dame now,» he shouted, running up to Philip.

      – Hit him! – shouted all around the boys.

      Philip fell on the snow and covered his head with his hands, saying the words aloud in a half-whisper.

      – Don’t. Please don’t!

      The boys started beating him up. They were experiencing excitement, and Egor felt the greatest pleasure and triumph.

      All the actions took place in the courtyard not so far from Philip’s house. But he knew that no one would come to his aid now.

      He himself had to go to his grandmother, because she already had to be fed lunch by time.

      «There’s not even anyone to stand up for you, bastard,» they shouted.

      How they knew such details is unknown, perhaps Egor learned it from his father.

      At this time, the grandmother’s heart felt something was wrong and she screamed loudly:

      – Natasha, come.

      So sometimes she shouted to her neighbor, who lived through the wall. And this time the woman was at home and heard Nina Anatolyevna.

      The neighbor had the keys to the apartment for this occasion. Natasha went into a small apartment and asked loudly:

      – What’s wrong Nina? Philip from school, hasn’t come yet?

      – My soul is somehow not calm. Go take a look, maybe something happened?

      – Okay, now I’ll just put on my coat and go. And you lie down and please don’t worry.

      Natasha, as promised to Nina Anatolyevna, threw on her winter coat and left the entrance. She was walking exactly the same way that Philip used to go to school and return home. Natasha walked, looking at the passers-by passing by her and peering into the distance.

      She walked a few more houses and crossed the road. Suddenly I saw a bunch of boys who had gathered in a bunch and were kicking someone.

      «Suddenly Philip is being beaten,» a wild thought flashed through her head. But she immediately dispelled it, and the young woman did not dare to approach the crowd of militant guys. She walked around a few more houses, circled around the school. The neighbor’s boy was nowhere to be found.

      Natasha began to go back and at the house where the boys used to be, she saw a hunched figure sitting on the snow with her face covered with her hands, and when she got closer, she saw Philip.

      – What happened? «What is it?» she asked.

      – My classmates beat me now, – the guy answered, wiping his wet eyes with his hands.

      – My God, darling, let’s go, I’ll feed you dinner now and look at your wounds.

      Philip tried his best to stay in front of Natasha without showing pain and annoyance because he is a man, and this meant for him that he should remain him until the end.

      – How’s Grandma? – overcoming his sharp pain under