5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Diagnosis and management of the “gummy smile.”Figure 5.2 An acetate periodontal surgical guide.Figure 5.3 Facial images used for virtual planning of periodontal plastic su...Figure 5.4 A digital surgical simulation.Figure 5.5 A tomographic study concerning periodontal surgical planning.Figure 5.6 A more complete periodontal study on the tomographic scan and int...Figure 5.7 (a,b) Periodontal surgical planning and guide design.Figure 5.8 A periodontal surgical guide ready to use.Figure 5.9 Using the periodontal guide for orienting internal bevel incision...Figure 5.10 Using the periodontal guide for orienting bone recontour.Figure 5.11 (a,b) Initial and final aspects of a clinical case in which mini...Figure 5.12 Initial steps of virtual planning for soft tissue graft.Figure 5.13 (a,b) The incisions are simulated for the creation of structures...Figure 5.14 (a,b) Surgical guides for soft tissue graft ready for use.Figure 5.15 (a) The surgical guide for soft tissue graft is stabilized. (b,c...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Diagnostic digital waxing using DentalCad® software.Figure 6.2 Virtual surgical planning for image‐guided surgery using ExoPlan ...Figure 6.3 Surgical guide design created by the software following the surgi...Figure 6.4 3D‐printed surgical guide of the case. A PolyJet 3D printer was u...Figure 6.5 Implant site of the surgery.Figure 6.6 Surgical guide in position to orientate implant site drilling.Figure 6.7 The implant placement performed using the surgical guide.Figure 6.8 (a) Immediate postsurgery installation of milled PMMA temporary c...Figure 6.9 Initial image exams from the patient.Figure 6.10 Extraoral and intraoral initial conditions. In this case, the pa...Figure 6.11 Virtual dental implant position, and fixation pins planned in de...Figure 6.12 Virtual dental implant position related to the prostheses. The p...Figure 6.13 Surgical printed guide in two parts, with the objective to insta...Figure 6.14 The surgical guide should be tried in mouth prior to surgery. Th...Figure 6.15 In the first surgical step, fixation pins are positioned to secu...Figure 6.16 The surgical procedure at different points. 1 Surgical punch. 2,...Figure 6.17 Intraoral aspect directly after the surgery. The procedure was s...Figure 6.18 Comparison of preoperative images (a,b) with postoperative panor...Figure 6.19 Using Blue Sky Plan to process the DICOM files from the patient....Figure 6.20 In the model Editing interface, select the segmentation tool – A...Figure 6.21 (a) With the segmentation tool, we select maxillary volume in di...Figure 6.22 The STL file will superimpose to the original DICOM file automat...Figure 6.23 In the implant selection tool, “Add implant” should be selected ...Figure 6.24 (a) In the Advanced Surgical Guide interface, the zygomatic impl...Figure 6.25 (a) Now, in the Denture module, we can create the path of insert...Figure 6.26 (a) With this procedure, we are able to generate a new STL model...Figure 6.27 Virtual surgical planning.Figure 6.28 (a) The thickness of the guide should be between 2 and 3 mm, cor...Figure 6.29 (a) In Meshmixer, we separate both STL files, using the boolean ...Figure 6.30 During surgery, after rising the mucoperiosteal flap, the surgic...Figure 6.31 The clinician may perform the drill sequence taking into account...Figure 6.32 Dynamic image‐guided surgical procedure – 1.Figure 6.33 Dynamic image‐guided surgical procedure – 2.Figure 6.34 Dynamic image‐guided surgical procedure – 3.Figure 6.35 Dynamic image‐guided surgical procedure – 4.Figure 6.36 Cone beam computed tomography multiplanar reconstruction showing...Figure 6.37 Alveolar socket volumetric measurement output, showing an estima...Figure 6.38 Clinical view of the alveolar socket filled with equine‐derived ...Figure 6.39 CBCT image obtained after 5 months of graft healing, showing buc...Figure 6.40 Clinical view of the surgical site prior to implant placement.Figure 6.41 Representative histological sections of the material presented i...Figure 6.42 Final implant position after obtaining a peak insertion torque o...Figure 6.43 Final clinical result after installation of the implant‐supporte...Figure 6.44 Final periapical radiograph after a 27‐month follow‐up.Figure 6.45 Measurement of the desired area to receive sinus grafts in a cro...Figure 6.46 Final volumetric measurement for sinus grafting.Figure 6.47 Volume measurement output.Figure 6.48 Comparison of planned and actually executed sinus grafts using H...Figure 6.49 Virtual planning for anterior maxillary graft.Figure 6.50 3D model of the bone graft.Figure 6.51 Milled allogeneic bone block as part of a research study. The bl...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Superimposed IOS and CBCT scans used to locate the tooth in a 2D ...Figure 7.2 Axial view of 2D measurements performed during surgical planning ...Figure 7.3 Digitally designed tooth‐supported surgical guide used to orienta...Figure 7.4 Use of the CAD‐CAM surgical guide. (a) Surgical guide in position...Figure 7.5 CT scan, initial aspect (coronal, sagittal, and axial views, and ...Figure 7.6 CT scan slices reconstructed into a volume of the craniofacial re...Figure 7.7 Upper and lower dental arches digitally reproduced (frontal, late...Figure 7.8 Composite skull model creation by the superimposition of dental a...Figure 7.9 Maxillary and mandibular osteotomies designed on bone surfaces, a...Figure 7.10 Lateral view of the preoperative status (left) compared to the p...Figure 7.11 Frontal view of the preoperative status (left) compared to the p...Figure 7.12 3D photography or 3D facial scanning.Figure 7.13 Delimitation of the areas for creating the panoramic image of th...Figure 7.14 Identification of the maxillae and mandibular ramus and body on ...Figure