16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Demonstration of a TTS balloon in good position as verified by f...Figure 17.2 Picture from endoscopy video of one of the patients, showing bal...
17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Protective devices. (a) Transpharyngeal (top) and transesophagea...Figure 18.2 Diamond in the rough. This ingested diamond earing embedded in t...Figure 18.3 (a) Grasping instruments (top to bottom): four‐prong grasper, ra...Figure 18.4 Removal of a self‐expandable metallic stent (SEMS). Several atte...Figure 18.5 (a) Food bolus impaction. A partially chewed piece of chicken ob...Figure 18.6 Eosinophilic esophagitis. Corrugated rings represent one of the ...
18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Endoscopic “learning pyramid” for stepwise clinical skills acqui...Figure 19.2 Essential accessories for interventional endoscopy: CO2 insuffla...Figure 19.3 (a, b) Endoscopic snare resection of a large 2.5 cm × 3 cm ampul...Figure 19.4 (a–e) Indigocarmine blue colorant for improved delineation of fl...Figure 19.5 (a–f) Cap resection (EMRc) for a flat “high‐grade intraepithelia...Figure 19.6 “Band and snare” mucosal resection kit (“Duette,” Cook Medical, ...Figure 19.7 Viscous substances are preferably used in ESD for creation of a ...Figure 19.8 (a, b) Professional monitoring and positioning of the patient du...Figure 19.9 (a) Transparent caps of different shapes and sizes significantly...Figure 19.10 Gastric ESD procedure supported by the use of an electric rolle...Figure 19.11 Eight different ESD cutting knifes are shown. The IT Knife (a),...Figure 19.12 Steps of endoscopic en bloc resection using submucosal dissecti...Figure 19.13 Endoscopic “en bloc” resection in submucosal dissection techniq...Figure 19.14 Widespread “en bloc” resection using ESD in the esophagus. (a, ...Figure 19.15 Endoscopic resection at the gastroesophageal junction. (a) Wide...Figure 19.16 Tools for adequate preparation of a mucosal specimen for histop...Figure 19.17 (a, b) An over‐the‐scope clip (OTSC; Ovesco, Tüebingen, Germany...Figure 19.18 (a–i) WHAT NOT TO DO: Difficult piecemeal snare resection of a ...Figure 19.19 (a) Hands‐on training in ESD using a pig specimen in the EASIE ...Figure 19.20 Possible strategy how to learn and establish endoscopic submuco...Figure 19.21 eFTR with FTRD® (https://ovesco.com/ftrd‐system/colonic‐ft...Figure 19.22 Marking probe.Figure 19.23 Grasper.Figure 19.24 Clip/snare system with thread retriever.Figure 19.25 Assembly instruction (Oveso®: OVE_FTRD System:Assembly she...Figure 19.26 Adenomatous polyp(Paris classification IIa LST granular‐nodular...Figure 19.27 Full thickness wall section with typical fried egg appearance....Figure 19.28 Full‐wall section stretched and pinned on cork plate.Figure 19.29 Application of the gastroduodenal FTRD® (https://ovesco.co...Figure 19.30 OTSC© anchor (https://ovesco.com/otsc‐system/otsc‐anchor/).Figure 19.31 Small gastric carcinoma marked with clip.Figure 19.32 Guide wire introduction on endocope withdrawal.Figure 19.33 Intubation of the esophagus with balloon catheter over guide wi...Figure 19.34 Superficial mucosal tears after FTRD®.Figure 19.35 Grasper application.Figure 19.36 Clip deployment before resection.Figure 19.37 Deep‐wall section with FTRD® clip.Figure 19.38 Deep‐wall section with completely resected gastric carcinoma.Figure 19.39 OTSC to be removed.Figure 19.40 remOVE DC Cutter.Figure 19.41 remOVE DC Cutter application burst.Figure 19.42 Transsected slim part of OTSC.Figure 19.43 Cutting the opposite part of the OTSC.Figure 19.44 Disintegrated OTSC.Figure 19.45 Safe retrieval of OTSC fragment with remOVE Grasper and SecureC...Figure 19.46 Extracted OTSC half.
19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 ERBE argon plasma coagulator being applied to a focal area of Ba...Figure 20.2 Circumferential radiofrequency ablation in long‐segment Barrett'...Figure 20.3 Focal radiofrequency ablation of a small residual island of Barr...Figure 20.4 Soft cap adjacent to the liquid nitrogen cryotherapy decompressi...Figure 20.5 Cryoballoon catheter, controller, and foot pedal controller with...
20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 A 50 mm 0‐IIa+Is granualar rectal LSL. On careful inspection und...Figure 21.2 EMR of 35 mm 0‐IIa+Is non‐granular LSL in the transverse colon (...Figure 21.3 EMR of 50 mm 0‐IIa+Is granular LSL including optical evaluation ...Figure 21.4 Endoscopic mucosal resection. A sessile polyp with indented, but...Figure 21.5 Scar evaluation (a), with protocolized inspection identifying re...Figure 21.6 EMR of 40 mm hemi‐cirumferential 0‐IIa+Is granular rectal LSL (a...Figure 21.7 EMR of a 90% cirumferential 70 mm 0‐IIa+Is granular LSL (a–f).Figure 21.8 ESD for a large sessile rectal lesion. (a) Colonoscopy revealed ...Figure 21.9 A 45 mm 0‐IIa granular LSL (a). Status post‐EMR with snare tip s...Figure 21.10 The Sydney DMI classification. Type 0—normal post‐EMR defect (a...Figure 21.11 Endoscopic closure of perforation using hemoclips. A biopsy spe...
21 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Mechanical simulator for purse‐string endoscopic suturing traini...Figure 23.2 Mechanical simulator for duodenal‐jejunal bypass liner (EndoBarr...Figure 23.3 1. Closure of esophageal defect using TTSCs. 2. A. Esophageal fi...Figure 23.4 Endoscopic balloon dilation training in ex vivo models. (a) Simu...Figure 23.5 Illustration showing the sclerotherapy technique.Figure 23.6 Illustration showing the argon plasma coagulation technique.Figure 23.7 Illustration showing the interrupted suture pattern.Figure 23.8 Purse‐string suturing of a GJA. (a) Dilated GJA. (b) 5‐ to 10‐mm...Figure 23.9 The Incisionless Operating PlatformTM (USGI Medical, San Clement...Figure 23.10 Several types of intragastric balloons. (a) “Fluid‐filled Ballo...
22 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Mechanism of closure with clips compared to surgical suture clos...Figure 24.2 Technique of l decompression of tension pneumoperitoneum. (a) Te...Figure 24.3 Technique of circular perforation closure. Sequential steps in t...Figure 24.4 Technique of linear perforation closure. Sequential steps in the...Figure 24.5 (a–m) Endoscopic suturing closure of colonic perforation.
23 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Endoscopes for stent placement in the gastrointestinal tract, fr...Figure 25.2 Currently available covered metal esophageal stents, from left t...Figure 25.3 Steps to be taken in stent placement for esophageal cancer. (a) ...Figure 25.4 Causes of recurrent dysphagia after esophageal stent placement. ...Figure 25.5 Example of one of the currently available lumen‐apposing metal s...Figure 25.6 A selection from the currently available enteral stents for use ...Figure 25.7 Steps to be taken in stent placement for gastric outlet obstruct...Figure 25.8 A selection from the currently available enteral stents for use ...
24 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Initial cholangiogram fails to appreciate this large intrahepati...Figure 26.2 Trainees must learn to take steps to facilitate removal of large...Figure 26.3 Through‐the‐scope mechanical lithotripsy using a Trapezoid baske...Figure 26.4 LithoCrush V Mechanical Lithotripsy (Olympus America Inc., Cente...Figure 26.5 Salvage techniques for impacted baskets. (a) The Soehendra litho...Figure 26.6 Stones at risk for failure of mechanical lithotripsy. (a) A gian...Figure 26.7 Photo of the open Flower basket (top) next to standard stone ext...Figure 26.8 The use of large‐diameter papillary balloon dilation to extract ...Figure 26.9 EHL and laser probes ranging in diameter from 1–4Fr.Figure 26.10 This photo illustrates the stopcock coaxial system that attache...Figure 26.11 (a) Nortech AUTOLITH system (Northgaste Technologies Inc., Elgi...Figure 26.12 (a) Portable FREDDY Laser unit. (b) Application of laser to sto...Figure 26.13 LAMS view of gallstones.
25 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Freehand 6‐Fr pediatric forceps biopsy of a low stricture at ERC...Figure 27.2 Forceps biopsy of a Bismuth IIIA tumor of the bifurcation using ...Figure 27.3 Small 6‐Fr forceps biopsy specimen on saline‐moistened pad—appro...Figure 27.4 Vigorous smashing of the forceps specimen between two dry glass ...Figure 27.5 Major types of SEMS.Figure 27.6 Appropriate stent lengths judged by the endoscope position.Figure 27.7 5‐cm radiopaque markers on a catheter placed just at the top of ...Figure 27.8 Anatomic distribution of the strictures was classified by Bismut...Figure 27.9 Stent‐thru‐a‐stent system by a South Korean company can achieve ...Figure 27.10 (a) Two 6 Fr introducers are in position prior to deployment of...Figure 27.11 Benign and malignant features can be recognized in this large a...Figure 27.12 Here the sphincterotomies and the