8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 A set‐up of the TwinMic end‐station: a diffractive focusing optic...Figure 9.2 Sample preparation steps: (a) excision, (b) plunge freezing in pr...Figure 9.3 Cadmium distribution maps (in red; higher intensity represents hi...Figure 9.4 Aluminum distribution map (in red, where higher intensity represe...Figure 9.5 Localization of Hg in Boletus edulis fruiting body performed at X...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 μ‐XRF spectra of waterlogged O. javanica root.Figure 10.2 Root cross‐sectional laboratory μ‐XRF images of waterlogged O. j...
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Element distribution characteristics of P, S, Fe, and As in tran...Figure 11.2 (a) 2D mapping of Silver (Ag), Sulfur (S) and Phosphorus (P) of ...
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Sample preparation scheme.Figure 12.2 The spectrum of the sample standard hair NIST No. 5 at Eexc = 19...Figure 12.3 The spectrum of a sample of the wall of the duodenum of a rabbit...Figure 12.4 The concentration of chemical elements in the stomach, small and...Figure 12.5 Distribution of K, Zn, and Se in three donors within six months,...
12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 The possible ways of chemical contamination and toxication of hu...Figure 13.2 Depiction of different parts of human body as source of biologic...
13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Reflection and refraction of X‐rays through the boundary of an i...Figure 14.2 Refraction and reflection phenomenon of X‐rays in a multilayer t...Figure 14.3 Various concentration profiles for an element in a layer of thic...Figure 14.4 GIXRF profile recorded for a 20 nm Fe thin film. Scattered point...Figure 14.5 GIXRF profile measured for a 30 nm Fe thin film. Scattered point...Figure 14.7 Normalized X‐ray reflectivity and fluorescence intensities of Ti...Figure 14.8 Normalized X‐ray reflectivity and fluorescence intensities of Ti...Figure 14.9 Computed X‐ray reflectivity (XRR) and grazing incidence X‐ray fl...Figure 14.10 (a) Electric field intensity distribution computed inside the C...Figure 14.11 A schematic representation showing the X‐ray reflection from a ...Figure 14.12 Computed electric field intensity distribution inside a B4C/W p...Figure 14.13 Measured and fitted X‐ray reflectivity (XRR) and grazing incide...Figure 14.14 A schematic illustration showing the distribution of nanopartic...Figure 14.15 Computed Au‐La fluorescence profiles for the Au nanospheres dis...Figure 14.16 (a) Measured and fitted Au‐Lα fluorescence profiles obtain...Figure 14.17 (a) The measured and fitted GIXRF profiles for different distri...Figure 14.18 Methodology of production of float glass using float technique....Figure 14.19 TXRF spectra of the two surfaces of float glass at incident exc...Figure 14.20 GIXRF profiles for Fe on the two surface of float glass. Solid ...Figure 14.21 GIXRF profile for Sn on the tin‐side surface with respective ex...Figure 14.22 Measured X‐ray reflectivity profiles on the two sides of a floa...
14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Transmission of X‐rays for C12H22O11 matrix for different thickn...Figure 15.2 Images of specimens prepared for the direct TXRF analysis, dried...Figure 15.3 TXRF spectra of soft drink obtained after direct analysis and ac...Figure 15.4 Experimental behavior of the Mo intensity depending on the angle...Figure 15.5 Exponential behavior observed between the differences in the ele...Figure 15.6 Recovery values obtained using method of standard addition after...
15 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Three main interaction of X‐rays with matter.Figure 18.2 Schematic setups for (a) SEM–EDX, (b) μ‐XRF and (c) Cμ‐XRF. All ...
16 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 EDXRF components.Figure 19.2 WDXRF components.
17 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 X‐ray fluorescence (XRF): (a) measurement setup, (b) atomic view...Figure 20.2 Periodic table of elements reporting the atomic number (Z) and t...Figure 20.3 Scheme of a standard X‐ray tube and example of the generated spe...Figure 20.4 Families of XRF analyzers: (a) portable guns(b) table‐top in...Figure 20.5 Comparison of semiconductor detectors (silicon and germanium) wi...Figure 20.6 Silicon drift detector (SDD) coupled to an external CMOS CSA rea...Figure 20.7 Strategies for readout of the charge Q generated in the detector...Figure 20.8 Complete electronic acquisition chain for EDXRF featuring: a CSA...Figure 20.9 Comparison of the block schemes of (a) analog and (b) digital pu...
18 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Interactions of X‐rays with matter adopted after [12].Figure 21.2 Interaction of an atom with X‐rays (a) photoelectric effect; (b)...Figure 21.3 Electronic transitions in excited atom, where one of the electro...Figure 21.4 Variation of τMo as a function of X‐ray photon energy. The K‐, LFigure 21.5 (a) Transportable X‐ray spectrometer Peduzo 02T, designed and bu...Figure 21.6 Two‐way cluster analysis with complete linkage of z‐normalized e...Figure 21.7 Two‐way cluster analysis with complete linkage of z‐normalized e...
19 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Compton peak intensity as a function of milk fat content.Figure 22.2 Dependence of values of μ ∑ (
20 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 (a) X‐ray spectrum of Viola uniflora L and (b) X‐ray spectrum of ...Figure 23.2 (a and b) Element distributions between the parts of Viola biflo...
21 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Prostate cancer tissue with marked scanned area (a). Map of zinc...
22 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Applications of XRF in biochemical investigation.
23 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Contamination inspection of a notebook using an α‐particle surve...Figure 26.2 Example of an α‐wound monitor.Figure 26.3 Schematic representation of the proposed blood collection proced...Figure 26.4 (a) XRF spectrometer and (b) the sample stage.Figure 26.5 Image of a sample (diameter ~5.5 mm) taken with the sample monit...Figure 26.6 Image of incident X‐ray obtained using a Gafchromic film.Figure 26.7 (a) Incident X‐ray image obtained by image analysis of a Gafchro...Figure 26.8 XRF spectra of a human blood sample and an aqueous solution cont...Figure 26.9 Enlarged XRF spectra around the U Lα peak.Figure 26.10 XRF spectra of human blood samples containing different concent...Figure 26.11 Fitting results. (a) Representative measurement result of a blo...Figure 26.12 Relationship between the sample uranium content and