Germany's Freefall. Hermann Dr. Rochholz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hermann Dr. Rochholz
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783754161289
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this necessarily mean that the mortality rate in Germany is higher due to Corona? Conversely: Is manipulation possible using correct statistics? Of course. You just have to choose the right period: The 2020 mortality rate was lower prior to March 23rd. If you examine this figure between January 1st and April 12th (January 1st is, of course, arbitrary as well!), then 8,300 fewer people (!) had died by 12 April than the average of the previous years.4 Almost exactly 1 million people die in Germany in any average year, meaning 2,750 per day. Early June saw less than 9,000 deaths caused from or with Corona, thus less than 1%, or less than those who normally die in two days. These figures cannot be used to make a valid statistical statement.

      The press is reporting on a high share of electrical consumption covered by renewable energies in June of 2020. Electricity consumption has decreased during Corona. So, it is of no surprise that the share of renewable energies is on the rise.

      Reports circulated about “particularly sensitive” medical detection methods with a “high hit rate”. The problem is the “false positives” since these are “particularly sensitive”. These had also recorded hits in many where they should not’ve done so at all. To put it oversubtly: Had the detection method identified all examined people as “positive”, then it would have resulted in a 100% hit rate. But this is of little use, since it would have identified nobody as negative in this case.

      Another example are the aforementioned unemployment statistics. How exactly this is being accomplished is shown in the chapter “Manipulated Unemployment Figures”.

      No positive proof is possible in principle in individual cases. For example, the television talk show rounds introduced young people who never went to school but still managed to get by in life. We can hence conclude that this kind of lifestyle can work. Nothing more. If one were to invite those 100 people who had never attended school and who are now hooked on the needle or struggling through life as petty criminals, for example, it would immediately become clear that the statistics are being manipulated here. School students like these kinds of TV broadcasts. Their obvious interpretation is: “School is redundant”. But they would need the education of a school to realize that they are being badly manipulated now.

      It’s obvious that a “school system” cannot be ideal for every student. It's supposed to help most students receive a good education. A compromise. This, too, is statistics.

      Unfortunately, statistical manipulation is increasingly common in scientific publications, where results can be evaluated only partially and which continues to depict what is en vogue or, in particular, contradict political correctness: Nutritional science is to be mentioned here, but publications on environmental toxins and gender studies are affected by this as well. Sometimes the analyses are even “sound”, but the results are formulated in a way that is “officially desired”. Otherwise, funds are cut off from the institutes. Research at universities is no longer free of charge because they are more and more forced to finance themselves. Due to their dependence on companies, they have to provide “appropriate” results. Politically incorrect results are sometimes not published at all because the journal reviewers either don’t approve or otherwise prevent their publication. Various indirect or direct methods are available in such cases.

      The human imagination is interesting when it comes to evaluating facts: Much can be imagined, much not. One can imagine traveling to the nearest star in a spaceship. Star Trek provided a taste of this. But this is not possible. The same applies when it comes to exceeding the speed of light.

      In contrast, one cannot imagine the distance of one light year, although the entire solar system is only one light day in diameter. Even one light day (25,900,000,000 km) is unimaginable. This order of magnitude is completely normal to an astronomer. This does not mean, however, that an astronomer can imagine these distances.

      Nobody can imagine a war either, especially since most Germans have never held a weapon in their hands that would provide an indication of the destructive power of a single projectile. To them, war and the terrible suffering it causes is something abstract and not imaginable: A few years ago, a journalist on a TV panel discussion “demanded” a “military intervention” (the positive “framing” term for “war” (see chapter Framing)) in Russia. Mrs. Krohne-Schmalz (a Moscow correspondent) had made this comment with a frozen demeanor. Refusing military service, it seems, makes it easier to call for war. Paradoxical, isn’t it?

      When the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) was sent on a mission to Afghanistan, one could not “imagine” that mines would be used there. It's certainly traumatic to see the consequences of this lack of imagination, and frustrating to know that it could have been avoided.

      The same applies to power blackouts. If these were to happen, even electric garage doors wouldn’t function, making it difficult to leave your house by car. First, your telephone would fail (the Internet is dead), and, after two to four hours, cell phone masts would then start to fail. Failing traffic lights would lead to a series of accidents, but no ambulance could be called. Production lines would stand still and machines stop producing expensive parts. Milking machines would not work, cattle would die, and oil heaters would need electricity to pump heating oil. If the power were to fail any longer, these same heaters would burst. This is because a blackout would first occur when it’s cold, as more electricity is needed then. This was the case in South America in June 2019 because it was winter there then and many people heat only with electricity. Hospitals are only able to operate using emergency generators (their real problem is the lack of pure water caused by the lack of electricity). Lifts and cable cars would get stuck. However, no rescue helicopters could be refueled anymore because the kerosene pumps are electric. Since the radio has failed, they wouldn’t be allowed to take off anyway. Therefore, one must assume that people would lose their lives indirectly.

      “DER SPIEGEL Online History” reported on the 1977 [41] blackout in New York, where looters and arsonists had roamed the city. This can be expected in social hotspots.5

      The above depicts a few of the consequences involved, not to stir up fear, but to get a practical idea of the consequences. A risk exists and one should consider whether or not to take it. In case of a nuclear accident, this (sensibly) goes without saying, but (senselessly) not in the case of a blackout.

      This chapter argues that things should be evaluated completely regardless whether they can be imagined or not since people tend to evaluate things as “wrong” or “not possible” because they cannot imagine them.

      One should abandon this approach because

       it leaves no room for a neutral discussion.


      One can conclude from the sum of these “trifling matters” in all areas that the shit will hit the German fan.

      Iceland had gone through a national bankruptcy that went relatively smoothly because Icelanders have no energy problems due to their hot springs. They grow bananas in greenhouses.

      In the event of this kind of a collapse of the energy supply, no catch-all system is available, as society isn’t prepared for it. Similar to the just-in-time delivery approach used by the automotive companies: When a small parts supplier fails to deliver a single important screw, all of the assembly lines will come to a standstill. This case isn’t foreseen in the system.

      When it comes to energy, the system in Germany is therefore vulnerable, but not so in Iceland. That’s why the effects are difficult to foresee in their entirety.

      Everything that happens around us is according to “natural laws” that can be used to describe everything around us.

      These refer to the physical limits such as the speed of light, which represents the maximum speed at which information can move. Or the absolute