Nachkommen von Hans Hildebrand Ziegenfuß. Marco Born. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Marco Born
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783754932636
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wurde am 04..Juli.1843 in Silberhausen geboren3989 . Sie erhielt am 04..Juli.1843 in Silberhausen die Kleinkindtaufe3990 . Sie starb am 13..Dezember.1903 in Liberty Township, WI3991,3992 . Sie wurde am 16..Dezember.1903 in Elk Grove, WI bestattet3993,3994 .

      From 17 Dec. 1903 Darlington Democrat...."Mrs. Henry Gabel died Dec. 13,1903, at the home of Mrs.

      Joseph Mediken, her niece, near Lancaster,where she went on a visit about two weeks ago. Tuesday

      her remains weretaken to her home in Elk Grove where the funeral was held next day. Theservices

      were held next day. The services were held at St. Peter'schurch in Elk Grove and the remains were

      laid to rest in the Elk GroveCemetery. Her maiden was was Victoria Zigenfuse. She was born

      inGermany July 4th, 1842, came to this county when 2 years old, and on the2nd of March 1862, she

      was united in marriage to Henry Gabel in St.Peter's church Elk Grove. There were born to them eight

      boys and sixgirls, Namely: Mrs. Thomas Huggins, Mrs. Geo. Conley, Mrs. CasperGerlack, Mrs.

      Edward Parker, Clara Sappha, John, Christ, Henry, Edward,William, Louis, George, Charles. The six

      older sons acted as pallbearersand carried their mother to her last resting place. She leaves

      ahusband, fourteen children, all of whom attended the funeral, sixteengrandchildren, four sisters,

      two brothers and a large circle of friends. She was a good Christian wife, a kind and loving mother

      and a goodneighbor; always ready to give a helping hand in time of need. She willbe greatly missed

      in the community in which she lived. "

      Victoria heiratete HEINRICH Eduard GABEL Sohn von Nikolaus GABEL und Anna MARGARETHA HAGEDORN am 02..März.1862 in Elk Grove, WI3995,3996 . HEINRICH wurde am 03..Oktober.1838 in Mackenrode geboren3997,3998,3999 . Er starb am 11..Oktober.1914 in Cuba City, WI4000,4001 . Er wurde am 14..Oktober.1914 in Elk Grove, WI bestattet4002 .

      Er war Cousin von Frank und Christian, den Maennern der Brueder seiner Frau.

      (He was a cousin of Frank and Christian, the husband of his wifes sisters.)

      HEINRICH und Victoria hatten die folgenden Kinder:

      + 2529 W i. ELIZABETH Lorene GABEL wurde im Juni.1863 geboren. Sie starb am 17..August.1909.

      + 2530 W ii. CATHERINE Ludovica GABEL wurde am 17..Januar.1865 geboren. Sie starb am 15..August.1913.

      + 2531 M iii. John B. GABEL wurde am 26..August.1866 geboren. Er starb 1953.

      + 2532 W iv. MARY Ellen GABEL wurde im Mai.1870 geboren. Sie starb am 20..Februar.1957.

      + 2533 W v. MARGARET Dorothy GABEL wurde am 17..März.1872 geboren. Sie starb am 20..Februar.1957.

      + 2534 M vi. Christopher GABEL wurde am 19..April.1874 geboren. Er starb am 19..September.1934.

      + 2535 M vii. Henry W. GABEL wurde am 06..Dezember.1877 geboren. Er starb am 15..Juni.1946.

      + 2536 M viii. Edward GABEL wurde am 15..März.1879 geboren. Er starb am 24..März.1902.

      + 2537 M ix. WILLIAM John GABEL wurde am 06..August.1879 geboren. Er starb 1951.

      + 2538 M x. LOUIS Francis GABEL wurde am 04..Januar.1882 geboren. Er starb am 21..Februar.1962.

      2539 W xi. Sara GABEL wurde im Oktober.1882 in Wisconsin, USA geboren4003,4004 .

      + 2540 W xii. CLARA Dorothy GABEL wurde am 17..Oktober.1883 geboren. Sie starb am 28..März.1964.

      + 2541 W xiii. Sophia D. GABEL wurde am 29..Juli.1885 geboren. Sie starb am 17..September.1963.

      + 2542 M xiv. George Henry GABEL wurde am 14..Juni.1889 geboren. Er starb am


      2543 M xv. Charles Martin GABEL 4005 wurde am 18..Januar.1892 in Elk Grove, WI geboren4006,4007,4008 . Er starb am 04..Februar.1978 in Dubuque, IA4009 . Er wurde 1978 in Julien, IA bestattet4010 .

      Sie hatte keine Kinder.

      (They had no children.)

      Charles heiratete Mary MARCELLA SNYDER 4011 . Mary wurde am 28..Mai.1898 in Wisconsin, USA geboren4012,4013 . Sie starb am 22..Juli.1983 in Grant County, WI4014,4015 . Sie wurde 1983 in Julien, IA bestattet4016 .

      Sie hatte keine Kinder.

      (They had no children.)

       862. CATHERINE Mary ZIEGENFUSS (Johannes, Johannes, Johann Heinrich, Johannes, Johannes Valentin, Hans Hildebrand) wurde am 21..Mai.1845 in Atlantik (Atlantic ocean) geboren4017,4018 . Sie starb am 27..Juni.1917 in Hutchinson, MN4019,4020 . Sie wurde in Hutchinson, MN bestattet4021 .

      CATHERINE heiratete August RICHARDS 4022 Sohn von Wilhelm REICHHARDT und Barbara Anna Elisabeth MENGIS am 02..Mai.1862 in Elk Grove, WI4023,4024 . August wurde am 23..September.1834 in Treffurt geboren4025 . Er starb am 23..Dezember.1894 in Hutchinson, MN4026,4027 . Er wurde in Hutchinson, MN bestattet4028 .

      Name auch Reichardt_(name also Reichardt)


      AUGUSTINE RICHARDS, a large landowner and wealthy farmer of Lynn township, is a native of the

      German Empire, born in Saxony, September 23, 1834, and is the son of Wilhelm and Elizabeth

      (Menjen) Richards. The family lived in the village of Treffort, and there the subject of this sketch

      received hi education and there made his home until he had attained his twentieth year. His father

      was a driver of a four-horse stage, and the boy would often drive for the former. As he approached

      the years of manhood he entered the employ of a large beet-sugar manufactory, and remained there

      for two years. As an instance of the almost incredibly small wages paid in that land, it is cited that he

      received no higher salary than one dollar per week, and that was the prevailing rate paid their

      thousand workmen. In 1857 the subject of this memoir, seeing the impossibility of bettering his

      condition there, embarked for the united States, at the port of Bremen, and after a stormy and

      tempestuous passage of twenty-eight weeks, landed at New Orleans. From there he came North and

      found employment in Wisconsin at farm labor, and remained nearly five years with a Mr. Stockdale.

      He then rented a farm in that vicinity, and there lived until 1866, when he came to Minnesota. While

      he was away from home, threshing, that year, his house was destroyed by fire, a horse was killed by

      a vicious cow, the hail and bugs ruined the crops and he was compelled to sell off his cattle to obtain

      money with which to get to this State. On his arrival here he took up a homestead on section 20,

      Lynn township, and there lived until 1882, when he traded it for the Merchants' Hotel, at Hutchinson.
