11 Chapter 10FIGURE 10.1: Mathematician John Kerrich tossed 10,000 coins when he was inte...FIGURE 10.2: An illustration of the weak law of large numbers for Bernoulli ...FIGURE 10.3: Four realizations of convergence of
in 1000 fair coin flips....FIGURE 10.4: Sequences of averages for the Cauchy distribution whose expec...FIGURE 10.5: Using probability and random numbers to estimate the area of th...FIGURE 10.6: Histogram of from an underlying sequence of Bernoulli trial...FIGURE 10.7: The simulated distribution of for four population distributio...FIGURE 10.8: Four random walk paths of 10,000 steps. The horizontal axis rep...FIGURE 10.9: The normalized sum of just six dice throws comes close to the n...12 Chapter 11FIGURE 11.1: Graph on four vertices.FIGURE 11.2: (a) Cycle graph on
vertices. (b) Complete graph on vertices...FIGURE 11.3: The -hypercube graph for (a) and (b).FIGURE 11.4: Weighted graph.FIGURE 11.5: Weighted graph for the general two-state Markov chain.FIGURE 11.6: Gibbs sampler simulation of bivariate standard normal with .FIGURE 11.7: Distribution of the marginal distribution of from 10,000 runs...FIGURE 11.8: Lollipop graph on nine vertices.FIGURE 11.9: Weighted graph.Guide
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