13 9 IoT-Based Water Management System for a Healthy Life 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Water Management Using IoT 9.3 IoT Characteristics and Measurement Parameters 9.4 Platforms and Configurations 9.5 Water Quality Measuring Sensors and Data Analysis 9.6 Wastewater and Storm Water Monitoring Using IoT 9.7 Sensing and Sampling of Water Treatment Using IoT References
14 10 Fuel Cost Optimization Using IoT in Air Travel 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Emerging Frameworks in IoT 10.3 Applications of IoT 10.4 IoT for Smart Airports 10.5 Related Work 10.6 Existing System and Analysis 10.7 Proposed System 10.8 Components in Fuel Reduction 10.9 Conclusion 10.10 Future Enhancements References
15 11 Object Detection in IoT-Based Smart Refrigerators Using CNN 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Literature Survey 11.3 Materials and Methods 11.4 Results and Discussion 11.5 Conclusion References
16 12 Effective Methodologies in Pharmacovigilance for Identifying Adverse Drug Reactions Using IoT 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Literature Review 12.3 Data Mining Tasks 12.4 Feature Selection Techniques in Data Mining 12.5 Classification With Neural Predictive Classifier 12.6 Conclusions References
17 13 Impact of COVID-19 on IIoT 13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Benefits of Industrial IoT 13.3 The Challenges of Wide-Spread IIoT Implementation 13.4 Effects of COVID-19 on Industrial Manufacturing 13.5 Winners and Losers—The Impact on IoT/ Connected Applications and Digital Transformation due to COVID-19 Impact 13.6 The Impact of COVID-19 on IoT Applications 13.7 The Impact of COVID-19 on Technology in General 13.8 The Impact of COVID-19 on Specific IoT Technologies 13.9 Coronavirus With IoT, Can Coronavirus Be Restrained? 13.10 The Potential of IoT in Coronavirus Like Disease Control 13.11 Conclusion References
18 14 A Comprehensive Composite of Smart Ambulance Booking and Tracking Systems Using IoT for Digital Services 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Literature Review 14.3 Design of Smart Ambulance Booking System Through App 14.4 Smart Ambulance Booking 14.5 Result and Discussion 14.6 Conclusion 14.7 Future Scope References
19 15 An Efficient Elderly Disease Prediction and Privacy Preservation Using Internet of Things 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Literature Survey 15.3 Problem Statement 15.4 Proposed Methodology 15.5 Result and Discussion 15.6 Conclusion References
20 Index