Vodoroten. Tsvetana Alekhina. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tsvetana Alekhina
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005588852
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And you get married. It will save you from an annoying cop. While you are alone, he will still harass you under the pretext of looking for a Gene.

      – From your words, I have a candidate.

      – Can’t you see? Take a better look. The conversation dragged on.

      In Ruslan’s apartment, events developed more briskly. From the heat, the Gene began to spread. The liquid dripped from the refrigerator, turning from thick to liquid. Unable to stand the heat any longer, Gena crawled down the corridor to the bathroom. The door handle made a sound. Ruslan abruptly got up and walked towards the bathroom. «He’s here.

      – Who?

      – This crocodile Gene. There were wet streaks on the corridor floor. Quickly going into the bathroom Ruslan managed to grab the flushing piece with a particle. The bulk washed off into the bathroom drain. – I made it! I am rich! His wife ran up to Ruslan.

      – What did you manage? Ruslan was holding a slime and a shimmering particle in his hand.

      – I have it in my hands!

      A gray monotonous mass was rushing down the drainpipe. Once outside, a piece of dough took on a human appearance. Gena examined his transparent body looking for a defect. To his surprise, he did not feel any pain, or lack of grip of the mass. Continuing to examine the body, he concentrated on his legs. One of the particles split into pieces and moving towards the hip took its place flashing red. The red color was replaced by purple. Realizing that the body was completely ready for movement, Gena headed for Varya.

      Ruslan angrily ran around the apartment and shouted loudly. —He has been here all this time. I am a fool. How could I not have noticed him? My wife was standing in the corridor, pressed against the wall, holding a jar for collecting tests in her hand. A white silk half-unbuttoned robe highlighted her bare breasts. – What is it? Ruslan shouted loudly.

      – You asked for it yourself.

      – You are a fool. Olga was patiently silent. Snatching the jar out of his hands, open it! Olga fussily took off the packaging. Ruslan carefully laid out the slime and tightly twisted the container. Curiously sniffing the hand and immediately examining it at a distance, the interrogator was already mentally far from his home. His wife looked questioningly into his palm, stretching her long neck forward. – Wow. This nasty slime has no smell. Having washed his hand with soap, Ruslan silently and fussily dressed and collected his papers from the table.

      – Where are you going?

      – To Moscow.

      – How? Like this? Will you leave me alone? With this monster. Which can get into any apartment at any time.

      – «You’re right. Stay with Mom.

      – No. I will come with you. I cannot stay here.

      – Do you even know where and why I am going? It is dangerous. For your sake. Get ready quickly. While I am here, take a taxi to your mom. I do not have time. The girl’s face expressed a grimace of discontent. – Don’t make that face. Soon everything will be different.

      A cozy evening in an apartment decorated for the New Year, was not overshadowed by anything but thoughts about Gene. Now it was the sadness of two girls already. The lights in the room were turned off, the garland was flashing lights, Varya and Dasha were watching TV. – Let’s call the boys. Something is boring. Varya looked sternly at Dasha. Gena appeared on the threshold, flashing lights. Varya laughed.

      – Here you are!

      – Yes. You will not get bored. Are you going to wander around here for a long time? Varya continued to devour Dasha with her eyes. «Don’t look at me like that. I asked the right question. You were going to swim somewhere. So swim. Gena pointed his hand at Varya. – She will not be lost. Finding his notebook, Gena wrote an answer.

      – A piece of my body mass was taken for analysis. Do I need to find out who I am? And what do I consist of?

      – A good argument. I am also wondering who you are? And who took you for analysis?

      – Ruslan. Gena himself did not know why he trusted this Dasha so much. Varya considered Dasha her best friend and trusted her with all the secrets. Dasha was able to win people over, convince, influence. Dasha watched curiously, as Gena held the pen with her transparent fingers. Hair-thin purple threads changed color, connecting crystals together.

      – Great. I would like to know the result. Gene sensed something was wrong. Varya was patiently silent. – Varya, what do you say?

      – Gene. Save yourself. Danger awaits you.

      – I am safe.

      – You will be caught and killed.

      – «It’s impossible to kill me. At the same moment, there was a splash of water. Drops scattered around the room, there was no trace of Gena. Dasha turned on the light. Thick splashes hung on the chandelier, wallpaper, wardrobe and other furniture. Then the drops flowed one to one in different piles until they gathered into one. Gena appeared in all its glory. «Moreover, I have an obligation to protect you.

      – Colossal!

      Ruslan raced to Moscow, not taking his eyes off the container lying on the next front seat. Having found the right person, he was looking forward to the result of the study. – What do you say?

      – I am shocked. This is a unique organism. I do not see anything chemical in it. It is a living mind. Consisting of water, biomaterial.

      – You can be more specific. Ruslan was on edge.

      – I cannot say more specifically yet, since this incomprehensible crystal has not yet been investigated.

      – So explore.

      – Hey, it is easier.

      – More specifically, a living, intelligent mass does not have bones, but has brains, and living muscle tissue. I do not see anything chemical. This is a godsend!

      – Yes, my friend, this is a godsend.

      – Now we need to investigate this incomprehensible luminous element. Ruslan was looking forward to the morning. The sense of power moved this man like an uncontrollable machine. He did not care that the laboratory assistant, who considered himself the same genius as Ruslan, secretly examined the seized part of the mutant man’s matter at his own risk. This laboratory assistant believed that he, too, had the same rights to the vodorotny, and was directly related to its capture and provision to the authorities for further research.

      Two sleepless nights in the car did not affect Ruslan’s condition. The thought of the vodorotne became the goal of his life. The long-awaited phone call announced the meeting. A questioning look.

      – Good morning. And here I can pleasantly surprise you. This creature is safe. I would even say, not a tall man with a goatee, tugged at the edge of his beard – there is mysticism here.

      – What? What are you talking about?

      – Yes. The composition of these luminous and color-changing particles is soft bone tissue. It is as it is made of plasticine, or clay. You said that the history of its creation began with the moment of drowning. Here, it has a direct relation to the water element.

      – How to understand from plasticine? Are you out of your mind?

      – That is not what I meant. I am explaining it to you in my own words. This creature can take any form.

      – I noticed that.

      – He is unique. His bones, partial bones, can be bent as your imagination allows you. And most importantly. This creature is immortal.

      – So you cannot kill him.

      – «The only way to kill him is to boil him in boiling water.

      – My friend. You have made