13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Simplified network diagram for a radiology department.Figure 13.2 DICOM information object containing image and header.Figure 13.3 DICOM objects are grouped in series which are then grouped toget...Figure 13.4 Schematic of the information exchange between components of the ...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Linearity sleeves.Figure 14.2 Variation in sample geometry.Figure 14.3 Nonuniformity due to off‐center energy windows. (Images courtesy...Figure 14.4 Uniform flood field.Figure 14.5 Defective photomultiplier tube.Figure 14.6 Cracked crystal.Figure 14.7 Nonuniformity due to a drift in circuitry.Figure 14.8 Uniformity analysis image. The acquired image of the flood sourc...Figure 14.9 Uniformity correction matrix.Figure 14.10 Bar phantom.Figure 14.11 Degradation of resolution with distance.Figure 14.12 Ring artifact created during backprojection of an area of nonun...Figure 14.13 Deviation of the mechanical COR.Figure 14.14 COR curves in the x direction.Figure 14.15 Normal and abnormal COR tests.Figure 14.16 Image of a Jaszczak phantom. The top two rows contain cross‐sec...Figure 14.17 PET Daily QC image. (a) Multiple tests (one per labeled row) ar...Figure 14.18 Image of PET phantom. The top three rows contain cross‐sectiona...Figure 14.19 Regions of interest used to calculate CT number uniformity and ...Figure 14.20 Slice of a phantom used to determine CT number accuracy over a ...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 The structure of chromosomes and DNA.Figure 15.2 Single strand and double strand breaks.Figure 15.3 Direct and indirect action.Figure 15.4 During indirect action the hydroxyl free radical interacts with ...Figure 15.5 The cell cycle and relative radiosensitivity.Figure 15.6 Cell survival curves for low and high‐LET radiation.Figure 15.7 Effect of dose rate on cell survival for low‐LET radiation.Figure 15.8 Oxygen binds to damaged DNA.Figure 15.9 Effects of oxygenation on cell survival during low‐LET radiation...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Time–activity curve, cumulative activity, and residence time.Figure 16.2 Source and target organs.Figure 16.3 Measurement of CTDI. (a) A dosimeter placed in the center of the...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Exposure decreases as a function of distance from the source.Figure 17.2 Exposure decreases as the square of the distance from the source...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Radiopharmaceutical structure. Top: 131I is part of an ionic com...Figure 18.2 The thyroid incorporates iodide into thyroid hormones which are ...Figure 18.3 Left: The gamma emissions of 123I are used to create images of t...Figure 18.4 Collagen is secreted by osteoblastic cells. Hydroxyapatite is in...Figure 18.5 Decay scheme of 223Ra.Figure 18.6 223Ra and 99mTc‐DP compounds are incorporated into hydroxyapatit...Figure 18.7 Hepatic artery and portal vein blood supply to the liver.Figure 18.8 Decay scheme of 90Y.Figure 18.9 Introduction of radiolabeled microspheres through an intra‐arter...Figure 18.10 (a) 99mTc‐MAA is used to simulate or “map” the future distribut...Figure 18.11 MAA particles and microspheres lodge in arterioles.Figure 18.12 Therapeutic radiolabeled monoclonal antibody.Figure 18.13 Therapeutic radiolabeled ligand.Figure 18.14 Components of the nephron.Figure 18.15 “Cold” amino acids competitively block the re‐absorption of the...Figure 18.16 Bremsstrahlung X‐rays resulting from the interaction of beta pa...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Alpha particles are stopped by layers of dead epidermis; high en...Figure 19.2 Alpha particles can damage the lining epithelium of the gastroin...Figure 19.3 Elastic scattering of proton following neutron interaction with ...Figure 19.4 Exposure and contamination.Figure 19.5 Frisking (pancake) probe for attachment to survey meter.Figure 19.6 Detector proximity is necessary for alpha detection.Figure 19.7 Paper and plastic or aluminum can be placed between the radioact...
5 Preface
10 Appendix B Major Dosimetry for Common Pharmaceuticals
11 Appendix C Guide to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Publications
12 Appendix D Recommended Reading by Topic
13 Index
14 Wiley End User License Agreement
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 vii
5 ix